Understanding Learning Disabilities

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Learning disabilities term was developed by Professor Kirk in 1963. Now, about 2.9 million school-aged children in the United States are classified as having specific learning disabilities of some kind. (Giuliani) On September, the 27th we completed the “Learning Disabilities” simulation. The purpose of this simulation was to help us understand learning Disabilities. This simulation was conducted through some websites called Understood.org. Other information was given through two other websites called Depual.edu and Childrenofthecode.org. Learning disabilities are neurologically-based processing problems; “condition giving rise to difficulties in acquiring knowledge and skills to the level expected of those of the same age, especially when …show more content…
Warning signs in young children consist of tight, awkward pencil grip, body position, trouble forming letter shapes, having the inability to write or draw in a line or within margins and more. Warning signs for school age child consist of the illegible handwriting, a mixture of cursive and print writing, trouble thinking of words to write, omitting or not finishing words in sentences and more. Warning signs for teenagers and adults consist of having trouble organizing thoughts on paper, trouble keeping track of thoughts already written down, difficulty with syntax structure and grammar. (Introduction to Contemporary Special Education: New …show more content…
When students are given an IEPs from elementary to high school to help delivery of their educational programs and supportive services they sometimes find it hard to move on from that means of help, because this is not offered in college. As a teacher or assistant of some kind to them, you have already helped them develop and practice self-management, study and organization skills that work for them. Next is to develop a college plan and preference based on that student’s needs. After that, you can provide them with tips such as, learning and understanding the differences between supports and services guaranteed students with disabilities in high school in college. They also must know the accommodations and assistance you need for successful academic achievement and many other things. However, the most important thing to teach them is how to create “a dossier of high school records, documentation of disabilities and IDEA or 504 eligibility, services and accommodations received, and success with those services.” (Introduction to Contemporary Special Education: New Horizons) An IDEA is developed through IEP and may be used for the Section 504 plan. The IDEA requires IEP’s to be specified in details about services, accommodations, modifications and more to fit the degree of the person using it needs. A 504 plan is designed to ensure that a child whomever has a disability is identified under the law and given

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