Tobacco Use Among Teenagers In South Dakota

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Tobacco use among teenagers and young adults in South Dakota is one of the most important public health issues in the state. The rates of both smoking and smokeless tobacco, known as “chew” or “spit,” in this age group are higher in South Dakota than in the nation. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012), conducted a report noting that 30.3% of young adults in South Dakota smoke, as compared to the national rate of 21.3%. South Dakota also ranks 43 out of 44 states examined in the percentage of youth in grades 9-12 that currently smoke cigarettes at an alarming rate of 23.1%, ranking only 1% below the state with the highest percentage. Use of smokeless tobacco among this age group was very similar in ranking, where South Dakota with a percentage of 14.7% was ranked 38 out of 40 states. These rates are alarming, as tobacco use has been known to cause many diseases including respiratory disease, lung disease, and heart disease, as well as various cancers including lung, oral, esophageal, and pancreatic. Other effects include worsening of chronic health conditions such as asthma and increased risks of developing diabetes or suffering from a stroke. (South Dakota Department of Health, 2015, p.5) Not only are the health effects dangerous enough to cause alarm, but the cost of health care and the cost of
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Quitting tobacco use is the second most health-related aspect in concerns to tobacco use. The main goal, one related to the public health course, is to limit the burden of disease, which is the occurrence of disability and death due to a disease. Though in terms of healthcare most damage created by tobacco use cannot be undone, the sooner one quits, the better their health outcome is likely to be. In South Dakota, the major intervention to help teenagers and young adults who use tobacco quit is the South Dakota

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