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20 Cards in this Set

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what is the dorsal surface of the foot

where your shoelaces are

define the ankle mortise

ankle joint
tibia and fibula into ankle
talocrural joint (ankle joint)

ankle joint

tibia and fibula into ankle

talocrural joint (ankle joint)

what are the bones of the foot

7 tarsal
5 metatarsal
14 phalanges
transverse tarsal joint, tarsal-metatarsal joint

calcaneus-- heel bone (sustentaculum tali-- bump holds talus), sulcus between them
talus on top (subtalar joint) (trochlea articulates with tibia) (head, neck an...

7 tarsal

5 metatarsal

14 phalanges

transverse tarsal joint, tarsal-metatarsal joint

calcaneus-- heel bone (sustentaculum tali-- bump holds talus), sulcus between them

talus on top (subtalar joint) (trochlea articulates with tibia) (head, neck and body)

navicular (ship, in front of talus)

cuneiforms (3 lateral [center of foot], 2 intermediate, 1 medial) in front of navicular

cuboid is lateral to navicular and cuneiform

5 metatarsals (1 is medial, 5 is lateral. 2 is longest)

14 phalanges (3 on every toe, 2 on big toe) proximal middle and distal

describe the spring ligament

sustains arch of foot along with natural shape of bones
plantar aponeurosis also helps

sustains arch of foot along with natural shape of bones

plantar aponeurosis also helps

describe the action of the talocrural joint




describe the action of the subtalar joint

inversion (more- fibula lower)

inversion (more- fibula lower)


describe the fascia coverings of the ankle

flexor retinaculum covers medial ankle (tom dick harry-- tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum and flexor hallucis longus)

extensor retinaculum (sup/inf) covers anterior ankle

fibular retinaculum (sup/inf) covers lateral ankle

flexor retinaculum covers medial ankle (tom dick harry-- tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum and flexor hallucis longus)

extensor retinaculum (sup/inf) covers anterior ankle

fibular retinaculum (sup/inf) covers lateral ankle

what are the intrinsic muscles of the dorsal foot

extensor hallucis brevis (calcaneous to extensor hallucis longus tendon)
extensor digitorum brevis (calcaneous to extensor digitorum longus tendons)

hard to distinguish these muscles

extensor hallucis brevis (calcaneous to extensor hallucis longus tendon)

extensor digitorum brevis (calcaneous to extensor digitorum longus tendons)

hard to distinguish these muscles

what is the fascia on the plantar foot

plantar fascia
plantar aponeurosis (thickening)
tightening when toes are flexed-- maintains arch

plantar fascia

plantar aponeurosis (thickening)

tightening when toes are flexed-- maintains arch

describe the muscles in the first layer of the plantar foot

abductor digiti minimi
flexor digitorum brevis (flexes toes, off calcaneous to 4 toes)
abductor hallucis


abductor digiti minimi

flexor digitorum brevis (flexes toes, off calcaneous to 4 toes)

abductor hallucis

describe the muscles of the second layer of the plantar foot

lumbricals (worm) (from flexor digitorum longus to extensor digitorum longus
quadratus plantae (heel to flexor digitorum longus tendon)

porta pedis

lumbricals (worm) (from flexor digitorum longus to extensor digitorum longus

quadratus plantae (heel to flexor digitorum longus tendon)

porta pedis

describe the muscles of the third layer of the plantar foot

flexor digiti minimi- flexor of outside toe
adductor hallucis- transverse and oblique to 2nd toe
flexor hallucis brevis- flexor of big toe


flexor digiti minimi- flexor of outside toe

adductor hallucis- transverse and oblique to 2nd toe

flexor hallucis brevis- flexor of big toe

describe the muscles of the fourth layer of the plantar foot


none on 2nd toe (gets two from abduction)







none on 2nd toe (gets two from abduction)

describe the nerves of the plantar foot

second layer
tibial nerve
medial plantar-- first lumbrical, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis

lateral plantar-- everything else

common and then proper

second layer

tibial nerve

medial plantar-- first lumbrical, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor hallucis

lateral plantar-- everything else

common and then proper

describe the nerves of the posterior leg

posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
saphenous nerve (medial)
sural nerve (calf)

posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh

saphenous nerve (medial)

sural nerve (calf)

describe the nerves of the dorsal foot

deep fibular nerve-- between 1st and 2nd toe
superficial fibular nerve-- everything else

deep fibular nerve-- between 1st and 2nd toe

superficial fibular nerve-- everything else

describe the blood supply to the dorsal foot

anterior tibial todorsalis pedis to
deep plantar
lateral tarsal branch, arcuate (arch)
dorsal metatarsal and dorsal digital

perforating to plantar surface
anterior tibial to

dorsalis pedis to

deep plantar


lateral tarsal branch, arcuate (arch)

dorsal metatarsal and dorsal digital

perforating to plantar surface

describe the blood supply to the plantar foot

posterior tibial artery to
medial plantar 
lateral plantar-- plantar arch to deep plantar from dorsal

posterior tibial artery to

medial plantar


lateral plantar-- plantar arch to deep plantar from dorsal

describe venous drainage

great saphenous vein to femoral
small saphenous vein to popliteal vein

great saphenous vein to femoral

small saphenous vein to popliteal vein

describe valgus

increased inside angle
knees, ankles, toes (bunions)

increased inside angle

knees, ankles, toes (bunions)