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59 Cards in this Set

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What is a clear aquarium like box that is used to induce general anesthesia in small patients that are feral, vicious, or intractable, and can not be handled without undue stress.

An anesthetic chamber

This is a dissection tool that is used for cutting large muscles, cartilage, or non delicate tissues.

Mayo dissecting scissors

This is a tool that is used to grasp tough tissues or tissues that are removed from an animal, like a tumor. It is neither a hemostat nor thumb tissue foreceps.

allis tissue forcep

This tool is useful in orthopedic and neurologic surgery for traction with single sharp points.

Gelpi retractors

This tool is an atraumatic thumb forecep for delicate tissue with no teeth.

Debakey thumb forcep

This piece of equipment estimates the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen. It is portable, noninvasive, and uses red and infrared wavelength light to analyze the oxygen saturation.

Pulse Ox

This device is contraindicated in use during dental procedures according to the AVDA because it can cause blindness in cats due to arterial occlusion.

Mouth gag

The combination of these three drugs can cause sedation, analgesia and anesthesia for minor procedures. It can cause peripheral vasoconstriction, bradycardia, and poor color.


Which drug is the reversal agent for dexdomitor?

antiseden (antipemazole)

You block this with a local block when performing a declaw.

the ulnar and radial nerve

I can be used to deliver small amounts of drugs to titrate pain control. I am typically less expensive and have less negative side effects of the drugs used.


Anesthetic agents that damage tissue if injected perivascularly such as thiopental are called ______.


Anticholinergic agents that are commonly used in veterinary medicine that minimizes bradycardia and salivation but provides no analgesia.

atropine and glycopyrollate

This is a drug that causes reduced mental activity and sleepiness but does not necessarily reduce anxiety.

A sedative

This is a water soluble phenothiazine drug that is used in veterinary medicine to cause sedation and is commonly used in pre-anesthetic protocols. (Can cause hypotension and ataxia, coughing and penile prolapse).


This drug is non-soluble and depresses the CNS and is thought to work by increasing activity of endogenous GABA (an inhibitory transmitter). It can cross the placenta, and if given quickly it can cause pain, bradycardia, hypotension, and apnea (also liver failure orally in cats).


Name one of the three alpha2 antagonists that can be used to reverse the effects of alpha2 agonists.


tolazoline (used for xylazine)

atipamezole (used for dexdomitor)

This drug should be avoided in head trauma patients because it can depress ventilation leading to increased pCO2 and increase intracranial pressure.

An opioid

This causes pale MM, and decreases abdominal detail on radiographs.


This condition can be radiographically diagnosed with a right lateral abdominal film and requires surgery to rotate and tack an organ into place.


For this procedure involving this organ system, a general soft tissue surgery pack and Doyen clamps will need to be used.


This procedure is used to remove struvite, calcium oxalate, urate, silicate, and cystine stones.


The following surgeries all help correct what orthopedic problem: Lateral suture, TTA, TPLO, and MMP TTA.

cranial cruciate ligament rupture

This is a large and bulky bandage that can help stabilize a fracture and help decrease swelling and inflammation.

Robert Jones

If this becomes wet, slips, or is on too tight, it can cause a lot of damage.

A bandage

This is a fracture that runs through the growth plate.

Salter-Harris type II

(type I-metaphysis and physis,

type III-physis and epiphysis

type IV-metaphysis, epiphysis, physis

type V- crushing

Multiple small vertically placed sutures on the ear, incorporating ear cartilage and skin on the convex surface of the ear or full thickness is done to correct what condition?

Aural hematoma

The simplest method for cytologic evaluation of a mass that can be performed on an awake animal is ______.

An FNA (fine needle aspirate)

Small masses and biopsies can be done with this tool under local sedation.

punch biopsy

Patients with DKA, renal disease, acute diarrhea, ethylene glycol, and addison's disease may all have this abnormality on a blood gas.

metabolic acidosis

Advanced pulmonary disease, decreased ventilation and pleural space disease can cause this on a blood gas.

respiratory alkalosis

These tests are considered the starting point of pre-anesthetic blood work in a young healthy animal.

minimum database

This test should be run on any animal suspected with rodenticide exposure prior to surgery.


This test is performed to evaluate the kidney's ability to remove nitrogenous waste (urea) from the blood.

BUN or Azotix

This lab value is tested using a refractometer and can indicate plasma protein levels, hydration status, and can indicate oncotic pressures.

Total solids

The cascade tested when running a PT in a coagulation profile.

Extrinsic coagulation cascade

The cascade tested when running a PTT in a coagulation profile.

Intrinsic coagulation cascade

The clotting factor 11, 10, 9, and 8 are dependent on this to be activated.

Vitamin K

This is an in-house estimation of platelet function test that should be performed on an anesthitized animal or a very well behaved, quiet, awake animal.

Buccal Mucosal Bleeding Time

This is failure of the fractured bone ends to unite.


non-surgical realignment of a fracture or joint is called ______.

closed reduction

the outside surface of a leg is called ______.


The inside surface of a body part is called ______.

The medial side

The ability or tendency of the suture to return to its original package form is called ______.


The ability of the suture to allow microbes to wick to the interior of the suture strand is called _______.


Sutures that are not broken down by the body and can remain intact for 2 years are called ______.

Non-absorbable suture

Patients that are depressed and cannot be fully aroused are referred to as this term.


This can be a clinical sign of decreased perfusion from shock, vasoconstriction, hypotension or a variety of other issues including anemia.

Pale MM or poor CRT`

Uriticaria is increased temperature, vomiting and diarrhea can be seen during this life saving procedure.

blood transfusion reaction

the landmarks for this procedure includes the wings of the ileum and the LS space


this drug blocks potassium channels to decrease the ability to depolarize

local anesthetics

This causes idiosyncratic renal failure in dogs

grapes or raisins

This is a plant and it is unknown which part is toxic to the cat. Can cause kidney failure, and smells really good


This causes puffy face and muddy to brown MMs in the cat


These are the active ingredients in chocolate toxicity that causes cardiac, GI, and neurologic clinical signs.



this is a 5 carbon sugar that causes fulminant liver failure or prolonged hypoglycemia


this was made after 1983 and after the stomach digests it, can cause IMHA.

Penny (with zinc)

This can cause clinical signs of a drunken frat boy and can cause an obstruction of the stomach.

bread dough toxicity

If you only swallow one of these, it is no big deal, but if you swallow two, it can kill you.
