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37 Cards in this Set

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What could cause urine to appear cloudy or hazy?

This may be due to cells, crystals, infections, or fats in the urine

What could cause urine to have a ammonia smell?

This could be indicative of a UTI or could be caused from alkaline fermentation

What could cause urine to produce a strong sweet or fruity odor?

Diabetic ketoacidosis

What could cause urine to have a sulphuric smell?

Cystine decomposition

What could cause urine to have a fecal smell?

gastrointestinal-bladder fistula

What is specific gravity (SG)?

The measure of dissolved solids in the urine

What is the range of specific gravity in normal urine?

between 1.005 and 1.030

What does it mean when urine SG is lower than 1.005?

The urine is very dilute; this may be seen in excessive fluid intake, renal failure, pyelonephritis, and diabetes insipidus

Where do we find increased urine SG?

dehydration, glycosuria, renal artery stenosis, heart failure (secondary to decreased blood flow to the kidneys), innapropriate ADH secretion, and protienuria

What is the normal urine pH balance?

4.5 to 8ish

What is indicated from a positive hematuria test?

presence of blood (hematuria), hemoglobin (hemoglobinuria), or myoglobin (myoglobinuria)

What could cause a false-positive reading on a hematuria test?

most often due to contamination with menstrual blood; also seen with dehydration, which concentrates the number of RBCs produced, and exercise

What could cause a false-negative reading on a hematuria test?

concentrations of vitamin C, proteinuria, elevated SG, pH less than 5.1, and bacteriuria

What is a healthy amount of protein in urine?

80-150 mg protein (serum gobulins, albumin, ad proteins secreted by the nephron) in urine daily.

What value indicative of proteinuria?

clinical proteinuria is indicated at greater than 0.5 g of protein per day (greater or equal to 250 mg/L on a test strip)

What could detectable proteinuria be a sign of?

It could be the first sign of certain types of renal disease . May be caused by the overflow of abnormal proteins in diseases, like multiple myeloma. If hematuria is positive, the protein strip may also be positive.

Is it normal for patients to have glucose in the urine? If they do have glucose in their urine, what is generally the cause?

There should be no glucose in the urine. If there is signs of glucose present, it is usually indicative of the blood glucose level being highr than the transporter thresholds, and glucose is secreted in the urine--- Diabetes mellitus

What could be the reason for a false-positive on a glucose test?

may be seen when high levels of ketones are present

What are three reasons for a false-negative on a glucose test?

False-negatives may be seen:

- when specific gravity is elevated

- in uricosuria (presence of uric acid in urine)

- in patients taking ascorbic acid

What is a reason why there would be ketones in the urine?

ketones are an indication that the body is burning fats to fuel itself.

In what cases would someone test positive for ketones in a urinalysis test? (4)

- uncontrolled diabetes

- pregnancy without diabetes

- carb free diets

- starvation

In what cases would someone have a false-trace ketone test in a urinalysis?

- highly pigmented urine

- patients taking levodopa

What would cause false-negative ketone results in a urinalysis test?

delay in testing the sample

What is bilirubin?

the yellow breakdown product of normal heme

What is unconjugated bilirubin?

Heme (from hemoglobin) is broken down into unconjugated bilirubin. Unconjugated bilirubin in water-insoluble and is not normally found in the urine.

What is conjugated bilirubin?

when the unconjugated bilirubin is processed in the liver it become conjugated. This only appears in the urine in the presence of urine disease, obstruction of the bile ducts, or hemolytic disease

What is the value of a positive nitrate test?

> 10,000 per mL

What is a positive nitrate test indicative of?

A UTI, although a negative nitrate test does not rule out a UTI

What does a urine sample positive for leukocyte esterase suggest?

pyuria (white blood cells or pus cells in the urine) associated with a UTI

False positive could be from contamination with vaginal discharge

Define total lung capacity

the total amount of air that can be held in the lungs

Define tidal volume

the amount of air that you can breathe in and out normally

Define vital capacity

when you breathe in maximally then breath out maximally

Define residual volume

the amount of air that remains in the lungs after breathing out maximally (prevents your lungs from collapsing when you exhale)

Define inspiratory reserve volume

the amount of air you breathe in after you breathe in maximally

Define expiratory reserve volume

the amount of air you breathe out when you breathe out maximally

Define inspiratory capacity

the amount of air in the lungs after you are normally breathing in and out, then told to breathe in maximally

Define functional residual capacity

the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive respiration (breathing normally)