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92 Cards in this Set

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V-J Day-
Victory over Japan (Aug 15, 1945)
Military-Industrial Complex-
Pres Eisenhower’s term for the way industry and the military worked together to keep the US spending billions on defense
Right-wing antidemocratic totalitarian movement that began in Europe after WWI, characterized by strong dictators backed by the military
Chinese region invaded and occupied by Japan in 1931
Haile Selassie-
Adolph Hitler-
Fascist dictator of Germany who came to power in 1933
National Socialists-
Technical name of Hitler’s Nazi party
Mein Kampf-
Aka My Struggle. Hitler’s book detailing his plan to take over Europe & annihilate his enemies
Hitler’s first concentration camp, established in Germany in 1933
British PM and appeaser before WWI
Policy of giving in to threats employed by British and French prior to WWII
Rome-Berlin Axis-
German/Italian alliance of 1936
Anti-Comintern Pact-
German/Japanese alliance of 1936
Good Neighbor Policy-
FDR’s policy renouncing the use of force & armed intervention in the Western Hemisphere
Cordell Hull-
FDR’s Sec of State
Popular US policy after WWI
Senator Nye-
ND senator who investigated the influence of economic interests on the US’s decision to enter WWI
Neutrality Act-
1935 isolationist arms embargo on warring nations designed to keep US out of wars. In 1936 it was expanded to include loans to belligerents & in 1937 it adopted a “cash and carry” provision for all goods
Spanish Civil War-
1936-1939. Fascist Franco helped by Nazis takes over Spain
Munich Conference-
Nonaggression Pact-
1939 German/Soviet Union agreement to split Eastern Europe
Sept 1, 1939-
Germany invades Poland & WWII begins
June 22, 1940-
America First Committee-
Election of 1940-
FDR (& radical VP nominee Henry Wallace) wins an unprecedented 3rd tem v. Wendell Willkie
Lend-Lease Act-
1941 law allowing the US to lend or lease military equipment to any nation vital to US security
“Four essential freedoms”-
FDR’s 1941 State of the Union address outlining 4 freedoms (speech, worship, from want & fear)
Winston Churchill-
Anti-appeasement Brit PM after 1940
Atlantic Charter-
FDR/Churchill outline of post-war aims (freedom etc.)
Area in China brutally suppressed by Japan in 1937
Tri-Partite Pact-
1940 German/Japan/Italian treaty
Japanese PM during WWII
Dec 7, 1941-
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which killed over 2,400 Americans. FDR called it “a date which will live in infamy” & the next day the US declared war on Japan
War Powers Act-
Dec 18, 1941 law granting President unprecedented authority over conduct of war
Keynesian Economics-
Gov’t policy of deficit spending to stimulate economy
Revenue Act-
1942 that expanded income taxes to middle class
Dollar a Year Men-
Executives who “volunteered” to help US build war machine
Office of Price Administration-
aka OPA. Federal agency to regulate economy, allocate resources & keep inflation down
Anti-Inflation Act-
1942 law to prevent inflation
War Productions Board-
aka WPB. Awarded defense contracts & helped economy to convert to military production
Cost-Plus Provisions-
WPB provisions which guaranteed US companies a profit for war time production
Henry Stimson-
Henry Kaiser-
Shipbuilder who helped produce war ships during WWII
Navajo Code Talkers-
Native American soldiers who sent messages during WWII
Women’s Army Corps-
aka WACs
Women Accepted for-
aka WAVEs
Women’s Airforce Service-
aka WASPs
Rosie the Riveter-
Norman Rockwell’s image of women who worked in industry while the men fought
National War Labor Board-
aka NWLB to prevent strikes and keep workers happy during WWII
John A. Lewis-
Pres of United Mine Workers Union who led a strike in 1943
Smith-Connally Labor Act-
1943 bill passed over FDR’s veto which limited the right to strike
Double V Campaign-
Black activist policy of victory over Nazism & racism
A. Philip Randolph-
Executive Order 8802-
FDR’s order ending discrimination in employment in defense industries
Fair Employment Practices-
aka FEPC. Federal agency to investigate discrimination
League of United Latin-
aka LULAC. Designed to eliminate discrimination v. Latin Americans
Congress of Racial Equality-
aka CORE. Founded in Chicago by James Farmer
Election of 1942-
Repubs pick up 10 seats in Senate & 47 seats in House. FDR forced to begin dismantling New Deal
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act-
aka GI’s Bill of Rights to help GIs with education, mortgages, pensions & job training
Election of 1944-
FDR wins an unprecedented 4th term v. Repub Dewey but drops controversial VP Wallace & nominates moderate MI sen Truman
Victory Gardens-
Vegetable gardens to provide more food during war
Office of War Information-
aka OWI. War time propaganda organization
Zoot Suits-
Popular baggy suits during WWII
Executive Order 9066-
FDR’s 1942 order to intern Japanese citizens in internment camps in the west
442nd Regimental Combat Team-
Japanese American unit which was one of the most decorated during WWII
Soviet foreign minister during WWII
Tehran Conference-
Grand Alliance-
aka the Allies. US,Brit & USSR alliance during WWII
Battle of Stalingrad-
US general in charge of Allied forces in Europe
Afrika Korps-
German troops under Rommel in North Africa defeated by US General Patton & Brit General Montgomery in 1942-43
Axis Powers-
Germany, Italy & Japan
Soft Underbelly-
Churchill’s term for Italy, where Allies invaded in 1943 after taking N Africa from Germany
June 6, 1944 invasion of France at Normandy by Allies
Battle of the Bulge-
Last German offensive in Dec 1944. It failed.
V-E Day-
May 8, 1945. Victory in Europe Day
Nazi extermination of 5-6 million Jews in death camps like Auschwitz, Poland to achieve Hitler’s “final solution”
Nuremberg Laws-
1935 Nazi laws stripping Jews of rights in Germany
Bataan Death March-
US soldiers marched, often to death, in Philippines by Japan in 1942
Battle of the Coral Sea-
May 1942. US halts Japanese offensive in Pacific
Battle of Midway-
June 1942. US beats Japan in major sea battle
General Douglas MacArthur-
US general in charge if Pacific operations
Admiral Nimitz-
US admiral in Pacific
aka “Flying Super Fortess” . US bomber used primarily v. Japan
Iwo Jima & Okinawa-
Spring 1945 bloody battles on islands close to Japan
Japanese suicide pilots
Yalta Conference-
Very controversial Feb 1945 meeting between Big Three FDR, Churchill & Stalin where Stalin expressed his interest in occupying Eastern Europe & FDR accepted it
April 12, 1945-
Manhattan Project-
Secret project to develop atom bomb during WWII
Hiroshima & Nagasaki-
Japanese cities bombed with A-Bombs in Aug 1945