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57 Cards in this Set

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New Frontier
JFK's program for aid to edu., fed support of health care, urban renewal, civil rights
Peace Corps
JFK's army of idealistic, youthful volunteers to bring American skills to developing nations
Great Society
LBJ's programs to extend New Deal social reforms. Extended version of JFK's civil rights bill, income tax cut
War on Poverty
in response to "The Other America" by Harrington
LBJ's program to end poverty. Included Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO), head start program, Job Corp, literary programs, legal services
"The Other America"
book by Michael Harrington
Office of Economic Opportunity
LBJ's war on poverty
Elementary and Secondary Edu Act
provided aid to poor school districts
Govt paid health care for poor and disabled

AID the poor
CARE for the disabled
Health insurance for 65 yrs+
Return of Christ
Matthew 24-25,
1 Thessalonians 4-5;
Rev 20-21;
John 14:3; "And if I go and prepare a place for you,I will come again..."
Civil Rights Act of 1964
made segregation illegal in all public facilities
gave govt more power to enforce school DE-segregation
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
end discrimination in employment
24th Amendment
abolish poll tax
Voting Rights Act of 1965
ended literacy tests and provided federal registrars in south (protect black voters)
James Meredith
African American air force vet tried to enroll in Univ of Mississippi in 1962. Fed court helped him and JFK sent troops to control protestors
assassinated April 1968
March on Washington
August 1963
200 K people marched in support of civil rights bill
Selma Alabama Voting Rights March
Marched from Selma to Montgomery
Black Muslims
focused on black nationalism, separation, and self-improvement
Malcolm X
called for self-defense using black violence to combat white violence
Congress of Racial Equality
nongovernmental org led freedom riders (African Americans sitting in white sections of bus to protest segregation)
Stokely Carmichael
leader of SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) who rejected nonviolence and advocated black power and racial separatism
Black Panthers
socialist movement org. by Huey Newton, Bobby Seale in 1966 advocated self-rule for blacks
Watts Riots
Summer of 1965
race riots
Los Angeles
34 dead, 700 bldgs destroyed
Kerner Commission
fed investigation of race riots.
Black Panthers NOT behind violence
Racism/segregation = cause of riots
Betty Friedan
wrote Feminine Mystique
middle class women should aspire higher than housewives
Nt'l Org for Women
founded by Friedan
= rights for women
Equal Rights Amendment
to end gender discrimination
Passed in Congress but did NOT gain needed acceptance by 38 states
Students for Democratic Society
led by Tom Hayden
Port Huron Statement: university decisions to be made through participatory democracy/students can vote
Tom Hayden
Led SDS (Students for Democratic Society)
New Left
people supporting SDS (Students for Democratic Society)
Alliance for Progress
JFK's promotion of land reform & econ development in Latin America
Trade Expansion Act of 1962
tariff reductions in European Economic Community of Western European nations
Berlin Wall
to keep East Germans from fleeing to West Germany.

Because of this, JFK refused to pull troops out of West Germany
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
agreement w/ Soviets prohibiting trial of nuclear weapons in atmosphere
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
LBJ used incident in Gulf of Tonkin (north Vietnamese coast) as reason to go to war
Tet Offensive
Lunar New Year (Jan. 1968)
Vietcong surprise attacked American base in South Vietnam
TURNING POINT of american involvement in war
Hawk-pro war

Dove-anit-war (Vietnam = civil war)
Eugene McCarthy
Minnesota Senator
anti-war movement
challenged LBJ for democratic nomination in 1968 election
George Wallace
Governor of Alabama
American Independent ticket in 1968 election

Pro-segregation, pro-war, etc.
Hubert Humphrey
Gideon v. Wainwright
state courts must provide services of an attorney to poor defendants

(Right to an attorney)
Escobedo v. Illinois
Police must inform the accused of his right to remain silent

(Right to remain silent)
Miranda v. Arizona
extended Escobedo
Right to lawyer being present during police questioning

(Right to lawyer during questioning)
Baker v. Carr
Congressional districts determined by pop (NOT geographical size)
changed boundaries of Congressional districts
Yates v. US
1st Amendment protects radical and revolutionary speech (incl. Communists)
Engel v. Vitale
states can NOT require Bible rdgs in public school

violates 1st Amendment's separation of church and state
Eisenhower's political party
republican but liberal
encouraged desegregation
LBJ was from this state
held this congressional position
democratic senate majority leader

Civil Rights Act of 1957 (4)
1. First Fed. Civil Rights Bill since 1875
2. Est. permanent Civil Rights Commission
3. Appointed Assistant Attorney Gen. for civil rights
4. Allowed fed govt to issue injunctions if citizens denied suffrage
Orval Faubus
Governor of Arkansas

Crisis @ Little Rock when 9 black students were not allowed to register at the high school
Earl Warren
Chief Justice appointed by Eisenhower
Brown v. Board of Education
Topeka, Kansas
segregation of public schools is unconst

overturned Plessy v. Ferguson which said separate but equal was const
Rosa Park's Bus incident: when?
dec. 1955
Southern Christian Leadership Conference founded by MLK Jr.
Greensboro Sit-in
1960, North Carolina
4 African American college students
demanded service at Woolworth's lunch counter

returned the next day with more people