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46 Cards in this Set

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george dewey
admiral in the us navy, won the battle of manila bay in spam war, instantly promoted to natl hero
john hay
negotiated the treaty of paris to end spam war, ESTABLISHED OPEN DOOR IN CHINA
alfred mahan
convinced everyone that naval power (and colonial base stations) were the way to world dominance with his book The Influence of Sea Power Upon History
gifford pinchot
advocated forest conservation!
walter reed
cured yellow fever, which allowed for building of panama canal
Ida tarbell
muckraker who wrote The History of Standard Oil
lincoln steffens
literary figure who wrote Shame of Cities and exposed the corruption of cities (muckraker)
albert beveridge
expansionist senator for Indiana
edward bellamy
SOCIALIST, wrote Looking Backwards
richard olney
said that us should arbitrate w/ britain when it came to the venezuelan conflict, he was sec of state under mckinley
Ida tarbell
muckraker who wrote The History of Standard Oil
lincoln steffens
literary figure who wrote Shame of Cities and exposed the corruption of cities (muckraker)
albert beveridge
expansionist senator for Indiana
edward bellamy
SOCIALIST, wrote Looking Backwards
richard olney
said that us should arbitrate w/ britain when it came to the venezuelan conflict, he was sec of state under mckinley
henry george
pushed socialist agenda
henry james
wrote The Portrait of Lady and Daisy Miller to show the struggles/life of a american women
election of 1900
MCKINLEY (r) vs. wjb, full dinner pail vs. free silver
Sept. 1901
mckinley is assasinated, roosevelt takes over office
election of 1904
TR (r) vs. parker, TR wins in a landslide victory, his progressive reforms were popular among citizens
election of 1908
TAFT (r) vs. wjb vs. debs, Taft is picked by roosevelt to be successor and promises to keep progressive agenda, debs gets a surprising amount of votes
election of 1912
taft vs. WILSON vs. tr, tr becomes pissed at taft and tries to run for president again, splits republicans with his bull moose campaign, wilson becomes minority president
election of 1916
WILSON (d) vs. hughes, wilson promises to keep us neutral
election of 1920
HARDING (r) vs. cox v. debs, debs runs from prison
progressive party/bull moose party
faction formed by TR, breaks away from repubs, splitting the 1912 election
George Creel
head of the Office of Public Info, creates a shitload of propaganda
elkins act of 1903
strengthens interstate-commerce act ESTABLISHES SET RAILROAD RATES
pure food and drug act of 1906
establishes higher inspection standards for meat, better food quality
payne-aldrich tariff of 1909
intended to lower certain tariffs, but so many amendments are tacked on that tariffs are actually raised
16th amendment of 1913
overrides polluck v. farmers loan and trusts, legalizes an income tax, says that the income tax does not have to be equal
federal reserve act of 1913
passed in response to panic of 1907, "bails" out certain banks and allows for more flexible currency, establishes 12 fed reserve districts
underwood tariff of 1913
lowered payne-aldrich tariff and revised the income tax
clayton anti-trust act of 1914
18th ammendment
said all alcohol was illegal
19th ammendment
women's suffrage
DeLome Letter
letter found and made public that said mckinley was a wimp, PERPETUATES the us entry into SPAM WAR
insular cases
decides that each new colony will be granted full us rights on a case to case basis (does const. follow the flag?)
boxer rebellion in 1900
between the two open door notes, boxers were young patriotic chinese men that seized the embassies, justified the us's the second open door note
american anti-imperialist league
formal group of oppostion to imperialism based on "nativism" and sort of moral ground
war industries board
to keep economy smooth, keep factories open, settle disputes between labor/trusts
urban league
created by af-ams DURING GILDED AGE, precursor to NAACP
written by fran norris muckraker, talks about EVIL RAILROAD TRUSTS
jacob riis
dutch guy who writes How The Other Half Lives, expose of urban working conditions, PHOTOJOURNALIST TOO
hepburn act
gave the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) the power to set maximum railroad rates (no more free price setting)
pujo committee
to investigate the so-called "money trust", a community of Wall Street bankers and financiers that exerted powerful control over the nation's finances
niagara movement
black civil rights organization founded in 1905 by a group led by W. E. B. Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter, to bring about a "waterfall" of social change