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42 Cards in this Set

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Abstract Impressionism, Cubism, Pop Art, Opt Art and Happenings, Performance Art Mob Art

The Arts in the era of Modernity

Abstract Impressionism

Produce painting that are abstract bur expresses the artist state of mind. This creative state of mind opens channels for unconscious forces to make it visible.

Abstract Impressionism

The _______ _________ turn inward to create and the resulting works covey a rough spontaneity and great energy.

Action Painting

It is also called "______ _______" abstract expressionism stressed energy and Kineticism in which what was to go on the canvas is not picture but an event - a happening.

Jackson Pollock

No one better exemplified this wildly subconscious approach than him.

Jack Dripper

Jackson Pollock is labelled as ________ _______

Jackson Pollock

He made a revolutionary breakthrough by abandoning paintbrush altogether-pouring, flickering and dripping commercial paint onto a large canvas on the floor.


The image of him is of the man possessed as he painted, in which artistic considerations as foreground, background, focal point and perspective throw out like many empty paint cans.

Blue poles no. 1

Jackson Pollock artwork

Willem De Kooning

He is a Dutch-born painter and decorator who went to New York and became one of the most consistent longest live Abstract Expressionist.

Willem De Kooning

He developed a style where he employed fierce slasing brush strokes.

Franz Klien

A leading abstract expressionist.


He painted in the maner that was typical of his time: gestural, personal, spontaneous and full of emotion.

Franz Klien

He started to build up texture using broad brushed to apply paint thickly called Impasto.


Was intiated by the retrospection of Paul Cezanne style of using geometric form to exhibit simplification of nature.


This style influenced both Picasso and Braque in 1908


He was introduce to non-western art like the Iberian Art in Spain, African-influenced art by Matisse.

Key ideas of cubism

The artworks manifest the presence of these styles such as open form with piercing figure.

Key ideas of cubism

Some historian and critics were saying that this innovation are changing the human experience of space, movement and time in the modern world.

Key ideas of cubism

The artworks manifest the use of non traditional materials as abstract sign.

Key ideas of cubism

The use of newspaper lead later historian to concept that instead of being cornered with form, the artist may also incorporate current events.


Refers to a style grounded in consumer culture, the mass media and the popular culture thereby making it much more accessible to the average person

Popular art

The name pop art is short for _________

Andy Warhol

A prominent figire in Pop Art

Andy Warhol

His background as a commercial artist and illustrator, explain why his work appear the way they do.

Roy Lichtertein

Turned his attention to the comic book as another mainstay in American culture.

Riy Lichtertein

He was remarkablu faithful to the original comic strip images that painted.

Roy Lichtertein

He also presents images in new ways or greatly enlarge their sizes. In this way, they hoped to shake viewer accustomed way or looking as the most trivial object to modern life.

Opt Art

Another art movement that was developed in the United States in mid 1960s

Optical Art

A style that combines color and abstract pattern to create an impression of movement on the picture surface that means of poweful optical effects and illusions.

Opt art

_______ _______ pictures seems to move, vibrate or both and reach out to the viewer

Opt art

It fooled the eye

Opt Art

Without exception, it eliminated realistic subject matter.

Color, lines and shape

On art, the element ______, _______, and ______carefully chosen to achieve maximum effect


The most important techniques used in opt art are perspective and careful _________ of color like black and white


A performance of a Reuben gallery in New York by the artist Allan Kaprow titled 18 happening in 6 arts paved way for prominence of performance art. It was the first happening and was considered as historic event that knock down painting and sculpture from their supremacy in the art world.

Performance Art

Taking lead from the action – oriented happenings, artist began to create an art of staged events or performance involving the artist taking, singing or dancing

Performance Art

It requires artist to used their body in front of an audience.

Performance Art

It can happen in the theater, street or on a gallery, there are no cite boundaries

Art mob

Artist take their art to the streets, parks and malls, their gallery mainly from a preference to communicate directly with the public at large free from the confines of the formal world and a need to be at the center of life.

Art mob

A form of spectacle that grew out as an extension of performance art and became popular with its elastic combination of art and showmanship.

Art mob

Flower parade ( Baguio ) Inmates dance ( Cebu jail )