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192 Cards in this Set

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gap bw neurons
reflex arc
circuit from a sensory neuron to a muscle receptor
the speed of conduction through a reflex arc is slower then that of an axon , delay occurs when one neuron communicates wit hthe other..sp,e process slows conduction through the reflex
temporal summation
repeated stimuli occuring within abrief period of time are cummultive and produces a reflex (as opposed to a single stimuli)
postsynaptic neuron
cell that recieves the message
presynaptic neuron
neuron that delivers the synaptic transmission
EPSP- excitatory postsynaptic potential
magnitude decreases across membrane, depolarization, not enough sodium gates are opened to reach the threshold (3 consecutive EPSPs combined were able to reach the threshold and produce an ap)`
spatial summation
several synaptic inputs originating from separate locations combine their effect on a neuron (2 pinches in different spots elicit a reflex) also depolarizes the cells
IPSP-inhibitory postsynaptic potential
hyperpolarization of membrane, synaptic input slectively opens the gate for potassium ions to leave the cell, chloride enter and the cell is mor enegative
interneuron that excitred a motor neuron also inhibited a motor neuron connected to the extensor muslce
probability of an ap depends on
ratio of epsps to ipsps at any given moment
spontaneous firing rate
a periodic production of ap even without synaptic input, epsps increase the frequency of aps above the spontanteous rate where ipsps decrease it below the rate.....make firing rate higher or lower the sp firing rate...
most neurons are actually firing all the time
Elliot/Loewi experiment proved that
synaptic transmission depends on chemical (neurotransmitters) rather then electrical stimulation
vagus nerve-transferenc eof fluid from 1st to 2nd heart the 2nd heart also decreased in heartbeat- chemical=acetylcholine
the sequence of chemical events at a synapse 1
neuron synthesizes chemicals to be used as neurotransmitters
the larger chemicals (peptides) are sysnthesized in the cell body
the smaller chemicals are synthesized in the axon terminals
transport of large neuro (peptides) in vesicales down to the axon terminal
ap causes calcium (stored in extracellular space) to enter releasing neurotransmitters
nt are release from the terminals into the synaptic cleft ( the space bw the pre and post synaptic neurons)
nt binds to receptors of postsynaptic neuron and alters its activity
nt separate from receptors-molecules detatch- may be converted into inactive chemicals
nt may be taken back up into presynaptic neuron-REUPTAKE- to be used again, some chemically inactivated. vesicles are also transported back to cell body to be packed again with nt
negative feedback messages to slow further release of nt by presynaptic cell- dont send anymore nt!
at a synapse one neuron releases chemicals that affect a second neuron-affect either another muslce, gland etc.
pleasure, too little-Parkinsons, too much-schitz
amino acids
acids containing an amine group
glutamate, gaba, glycine, asparate
most prolific excitatory transmittor
most prolific inhibitory transmittor
non acidic nt containing a namine group, formed by a metabolic change in certain aa.
indolemines (serotonin)
catecholamines- 1st dopamine, 2nd- norepinephrine, epinephrine
chains of aa. even longer chains are polypeptides(proteins)
endorphins, substance P
substance P
transmits intense P, counteracts endorphins
morphin, heroine like, built in narcotic-feel good, reduce pain
ATP, adenosine, metabolism
NO-nitric oxide,---related to blood flow, how blood knows an area of the barin has becom emore active, dilates blood vessels so that increased blood flow is sent to ares of the barin, also involved with erections
CO, HO? very toxic, not sure whether these really exist
most nt are
derivitaives of amino acids wit hthe exception of NO
the neuron synthesizes chemicals it needs from the
the amount of this substanc ein the diet controls the amount of serotonin in the brain
release fo insulin
ina category by itself, amine group replaced by N(CH3)3 group
transport from cell body to terminal may take as long as
hours or even days long, after releasing their supply neurons replenish their supply slowly, neurons do not reabsorb and recycle peptides, neuron exhausts its supply of this nt faster then other nt
where high concentrations of nt are stored in presynaptic terminal, but NO is not stored in vesicles, neurons release NO as soon as it is stored
after calcium enters the presynaptic terminal-release of nt in bursts from the presynaptic terminal into the synaptic cleft
sysnthesized from choline, abundunt in cauliflower and milk
(dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine) start with the aa phenylaline &tyrosine (from diet) which combine to make DOPA--> then the 3 other things
substantia nigra
depletion of dopamine leads to parkinsons disease, L DOPa which is fat soluble crosses the blood barin barrier and is synthesized to make dopamine
Dales Principle
assumption that each neuron only releases 1 nt, but neurons usually release 2 or 3 in the same cobination
alhoiugh a neuron only releases a limited number of nt, it may receive and respond to many nt at different synapses.
when nt bind to the active site of its receptor the receptor either
opens a channel (iontropic) or produces slower and longer effects (metabotropic)
rapid, short lived, most direct

when the nt bids to the receptore on the membrane it alsmot immeditaly opens gates for some kind of ion (NA, K)-effects localized to one point on the membrane
most depend on just glutamate (EPSPS) and GABA (IPSPS)
for quick events such as visual stimulation, muscle movements
metabotropic effects
initiation of a sequenceof metabloic reactions that are alower and more long lasting
use a variety of nt
longer term activity like memory- as well as hunger, thirst, fear, anger
nt binds to the rest of the protain, allowing the protin inside the neuron to react with other molecules
G Protein
coupled to guanosine triphosphate (GTP) an energy storing molecule...and is activated by the neuron---when the transmitter molecule attaches to the receptor the receptor bends releasing the G Protein, the activated G Protein in turn increases the activity of a second messenger molecule such as cyclic AMP
Second messenger
communicates to different areas in the cell, influences activity in a lager area of the cell over longer periods of time it can-
1)alter a metabolic pathway
2)turn a gene on in the nucleus
3)open or close an ion chanel
4)alter structure of cell
attachment of acetylcholine on to cell
twists open th eborders of sodium channels. iotropic effects- there are 9 typesof acetycholine receptors that are activated by acety
mainly peptide nt
do not directly excite or inhibit, but increase or decrease the release of other nt, or alter the response of postsynaptic cells to various inputs (intermedate bw nt and hormones)
a chemical that is secreted in most cases by a gland and is conveyed by the blood to other organs whose activity it influences, long lasting change sin many different part sof the body
protein hormones
bound receptors activate somethig inside (enzymes that alter cell activity) like metabotropic process
pituitary gland-posterior pituitary
neural tissue, extension of hypothalmus, neurons in th ehypothalmus sysnthesize oxytocin and vasopressin which migrate down the axons to the posterior pituitary and are later released into the blood
hypothalmic piuitary portal system
recieve hormones from hypothalmus-no synthesis
composed of glandular tissue, synthesizes 6 hormones-releasing or inhibiting hormones produced by hypothalmus which travel to anterior and control the relase of the 6 hormones- GH, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, prolactin
hypothamlus maintains constant circulating levels of hormones through
negative feedback system
breaks down acetycholine into two fragments choline and acetate, inactivation by chemical process
myasthenia gravis
in the absence of acetyl. aceytcholine nt remains and continues stimulkating receptor, drugs thatblock actylkjhlkh are helpful for ppl with diseases that impair acetyylcholine transmission
presynaptic neuron takes up most of neurotransmitters molecules and reuses them, occurs through special membrane proteins called transporters
enzymes that convert catecholamine transmitters into inactive chemicals
receptors that detect the amount of transmitter released and inhibit further synthesis and release after it reaches a certain level
retrograde transmitters
postsynaptic neurons that release special chemicals that travel back to the presynaptic terminal where they inhibit further release of transmitter (NO)
receive info from the axon of another cell-excitation or inhibition from another cells input
human cns beings to form when the embryo is
2 weeks old, neural tube surrounding a fluid-filled cavity
production of new cells some cells remain where they are as stem cells and continue to divide while others become neurons or glia and migrate to other locations
chemicals that help giude neuron migration
immunoglobins and chemokines
of neuron, forming of axons and dendritesin some cases the axon grows first, in other cases the axon grows towards its toarget
ferret experiment
ferrets turned the way they had been taught to turn when they saw something, rewired temporal cortex received input from optic nerve-producing visual response
process by which glia produce insulating fatty sheaths, grow first in the spinal cord, and then in hin, mid and forebrain
formation of synapses which constinues throughout life
exception that the brian can gain new neurons
olfactory receptor, neurons in the nose remain immature throughout life, they deveolop to replace lost ones
other exception-stem cells
undifferentiated cells in the interior of the brain that generaate daughter cells that migrate to ethe olfactory bulb and transform into neurons or glia
other exception-
cells in adult hippocampus-prob important contributors to learning
Paul Weiss
nerves attach to muscles at random and send a variety of messages, muscles receive many signals but respond only to one---> WRONg
when he cut the nerve connections in newts the axons regenarted to the area of the tectum where it had oiginally been, presumably following a chemical trail-->narly all axons grow to almost exactly their correct target
a growing axon follows a path of
cell surface molecules--attracted and repelled by chemicals, follow trails based on attractive chemicals follow until they become insensitive to thaht chemical and thenf ollow another on ehow handy dandy is that!
neural darwinism
we start with more neurons and synapses then we keep, selection process keeps some synapses and rejects others, postsynaptic cells strengthen some synapses and eliminates others
Rita Levi-Montalcini
muscles determine how many axons SURVIe
Nerve Growth Factor
after a neuron forms a synapse on a muscle the muscle delivers a protein called the NGF that promotes the growth and survival of the axon, axons that do not recieve NGF die
if the axon does not make contact with the appropiate postsynaptic cell it kills itself
(NGF) a chemical thaht promotes survival and activity of neurons
the most abundunt one in the brain is BDNF
to survive neurons must receive neurotrophins from its target cell and from
incoming axons brining stimulation
nt release neurotrophins when they are released
# of motor neurons is highest
at 11 weeks in the human fetus-decreases from there
loss of brain cells in a particular area of the brain can indicate
development and maturation
after maturity neurons no longer need
neurotrophins for survival
fetal alcohol syndrom
children born of mothers who drank heavily during oregnancy, dendrties are short branches, defects in facial patterns
relates to apoptosis- alcohol supresses release of glutamate, many neurons receie less excitation and neurotrophins and die
Dale Purves/RD Hadley
axons and dendtries modify their structures throughout life, when dendrites grow new spins some last for days and others for life- gain or loss of spines means gain or loss of synapses
an enriched environment
enhances sprouting of axons and dendrites
thickness of cerebral cortex
is thicker in ppl who remain physically active in older age, but usually decreases with age
losing one sense
increases attention to other senses
in blind people
touch info had invaded the cortical area which is normally dedicated to vision alone. occiptal section of blind ppl serves verbal and touch functions
practicing a skill reorganizes the brain to
maximize performance of that skills- doing a skill over an dover again can make you more adapt to that skill but neccessarily anything else. , sustained attention to anything releazses dopamine and dopamine acts on the cortex to expand the reposne of stimuli, gray metter will be thicker in skilled proffesional musicians
focal hand dystonia (musicians cramp)
stimulation on one finger excites mostly or entirely the same cortical ares as another finger, trouble distinguising one finger from the other, this happens in a portion of the somatosensory cortex
closed head injury
blow to the head not resulting in puncturing of the brain, rotational forces damage brain tissue against the insid eof the skull
stroke or cerebrovascular accident
temporary loss of blood flow to the brain
bood clot, neurons are deprived of blood and do not receive oxygnen or glucose
ruptured artery, flooded with blood and with excess O, CA
casued by ischemia or hemorrhage, accumulation of fluid, increases pressure on brain
isch and hemm also
impair ths sodium potasium pump and neurons die
tissue plasminogen activator
breaks up blood clots, for treatment of strokes
area surrounding the immediate damage cells can be saved in this area after strokes occur they survive at least temporarily
beneifts of a cooled brain
less activity, lower energy needs, less risk for overstimulation
decrease release of glutumate, prevent excess glutumate from overstimulating the neurons, drugs related to marijuana, reduce cell loss after stroke
decreased activity of surviving neurons after damage to other neurons, damage to any area of the brain deprives other areas of their normal stimulation
stimulint drugs
drugs should promote recovery by decreasing effects of diachisis, should be given during the next weeks and days
cell bodies cannot be replaced
but axons can grow back and sometimes they attach to the wrong muscle
collateral sprouts
a surviving axon grows a new branch to replace the synapses left vacant by a damaged axon, , cells secrete neurotrophins to induce other axons to form new branches, damage also sometimes induces sprouting by unrelated axons
combined carbohydrates and fat molecules promote the restoration of damaged brains, may increase sprouting
increases release of neurotrphin progesterone, which promtes axon sprouting and formation of new synapses
denervation supersensitivity
muscle cell bilds additional receptors when the axonis cut or inactive for days- and it becomes sensitive to acetylcholine over a wider area of its surface
heightened sensitivity to a nt
deneravition refers specifically to when the axon has been destroyed
may help ppl maintain normal behavior
disuse supersensitivity
due to inactivity of the incoming axon
phantom limb
a continuing sensation in an amputated body part, occasional tingeling to intense pain
develop when relevant portion of the somatosensory cortex reorganizes and becomes responsive to alternative inputs--> connections in the brain remain plastic throughout klife
limb has lost its sensory or affernt input, but still has connections to motor neurons, brain damaged is based on learning-still capable of using these limbs
thomas lavere
lesion to the visual cortex impairs retrieval of a memory but does not destroy it completly
wide variation of drug effects are accounted for by
ppl who differ widly in proportions of various receptor types
a drug that blocks the effects of a neurotransmitter, blocks manufacturing or enhances reuptake
mimics or increases the effects of a nt
what drugs can do
increase or decrease synthesis, cause it to leak from vesicles, decrease uptake, block breakdown into inactive chemicals, stimulate or block postsynaptic receptors
if the drug binds to a receptor, vary in strong to weak affinities
tendedncy for drug to activate its receptor, if it fails to stimulate then it has a low efficacy
nucleus accumbens
a small subcortical area rich in dopamine receptors, drugs influence the relase of dopamine here, sustanied bursts of dop inhibit cells that release GABA
stimulant drugs
highly addictive, increase excitement, alertness, motor activity, whle elevating mood, decrease fatigue
amphetamine, cocaine, methylphenidate (ritalin), MDMA-ecstacy
stimulates doopamine synapses by increasing the release of dopamine from the presynaptic terminal
dopamine transporter
presynaptic terminal normally reabsorbs released dopamine through this protein, amphetamine reverses this process
blocks the reuptake of dopamine, norepherine, serotoni, prolonging their effects, short lived due t odevelopment of tolerance-classical conditioning, stimulant drugs are known for their short term effects
prescribed for ADD, longer lasting less intense then cocaine, clock reupake of dopamine, children who take this drug are lesslikley to abuse drugs later in life
release of dopamine, serotonin-hallucinations
stimulates all 4 nicotine receptors, present in tobacco, stimulates the nicotine receptor foudnin cns and skeletal muscle, increase of dopamine release
opiate drugs
opium poppy, relax ppl, decrease attention to real world problems, decrease sensitvity to pain
morphin, heroin, methadone
brain produces peptides (endorphins)
inhibit GABA-release of GABA, block locus coueruleus, that responds to arousing stmulis and memory storage os you have less stress response and l ess memory storage
THC and cannabinoids
there are no cannabinoid receptors in medulla (wher eneurons are that control heart beat and breathing rate)-cannot od on marijuana
, intensifaication of sensory experiences and illusion tim eis passing very slowly, cannibinoids dissolve in the bodys fats, canniboid receptors are the most abundunt in the mammalian brain
anandamine/2-AG bind to cannaboid receptors, the cannaboid receptors are located on the presynaptic neuroninhibit glkutamate and gaba
hallucinoenic drugs
distort preception, stimulate serotonin
post synaptic neurons increase number of receptors making lsd more effective
electronic synapses/gap junctions
direct electrical connections bw neurons
ap-->ap-->ap-true synapse but very close, synapses in eye- rapid sesnory systems
peripheral nervous system
somatic-voluntary, sensory info to cns
autonomic-ivoluntary muscles
back, top of the brain
towards stomach, away from back
towards teh side
toward the middle
close t opoint of attacment
farther away
on the same side o fthe body
on opposite side of the body
coronal plane
brain structures as seen from the front
sagital plane
as seen from the side
as seen from above
a row or layer of cell bodies separated from other cell bodies by a layer of axons and dendrites, 6 layers in cortex
columns functionally distinct-each column extends through several laminae, a set of cells perpendicular to the surface of the cortex, neurons have simiilar properties in each column
a set of axons within the cns, also known as a projection, fibers projecting from neuron a to b
in spinal cord-->
tracts on rght-descending
tracts on left-ascending, tracts carry different info to brain
a set of axons in th eperihperary, cns to muscle, sensory organ to muslce
12 cranial nerves
31 spinal nerves
a cluster of neuron cell bodies within CNS
cluster of neuron cell bodies outside the SNs (dorsal root ganglia)
proturbance on surface of brain
fold or groove that separates one gyrus from another
a long deep sulcus
bell-magendie law
the entering dorsal roots carry sesnroy information and exiting ventral roots carry motor information
spinal cord sends inf oto the brain and recieves motor commands from th ebrain
dorsal root ganglia
cell bodies of sensory neurons are located in clusters of neurons outside the spinal cord, sensory in....motor neuron-sensory out
grey matter
H centered in th emiddle of the spinal cord- cell bodies and dendrites
white matter
axons-myeination around axnns makes it white
prepares the organs for vigourous activity...increase breaathing, heart rate, decrease in digestive
nonemergency responses by organs
both are constantly active to various degrees
aka craniosacral system
sympathetic outflow
most of the ganglia are near the spinal cord
postganglionic axons-norepinepherine released, farther away from taregt axons
presympathetic outflow
all output comes from brain to vagus or pelvic nerve, postganglionic axons a are closer to taarger organs-secrete acetylcholine by pre-post ganglionic neurons
because the two systems secrete different transmitters
certain drugs may excite or inhibit one system or the oher
rhombencephalon (medulla, pons, cerebellum)=brainstem
metencephalon (pons, cerebellum)
myelencephalon (medulla)
above spinal cord, heart rate, breathing rate, vomiting, salivation, coughing, sneezing
controls these reflexes through the
cranial nerves
control sensations from th ehead, muscle movements in head, sympathetic output to organs
location where axons from each half of the brain cross to the opposite side of the spinal cod, so that the left hemisphere controls th eright sid eof the body and the rght hemisphere controls th eleft side of the body
reticular formation
descending portion=controls motor areas of spinal cord
ascending-arousal, attention
raphe system
sends axons to much of th e forebrain modifying brains rediness to respond to stimuli
balance, coordination, shiftng attention back and forth bw auditiry and visual stimuli
mesencephalaon-tectum, tegmentum, superior collicuus, inferior colliculus, substantia nigra
roof of midbrain
superior/inferior colliculus
swellings on side of th etectum, important routes for sensory info
under tectum, intermediate level of hindbrain
substantia nigra
dopamine containing pathway that deteriorates in parkinsons disease
diencephalaon-thalmus, hypothalmsu
telencephalon-cerebral cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia
consists of two cerebral hemispheres
basal ganglia
limbic system
olfactoy bulb, hypothalmus (pituitary gland), hippocampus (emotions), amygdala, cingulate gyrus
relay center, processes all info except olfactory info
feeding, flighting, fighting, sexual behavior, ventral to thalmus
conveys message sto the pituitary gland-release of hormones
superchismatic nuclei-sleep/dreams, variety f nuclei within hypothalmus
pituitary gland
hypothalmus release hormones
basal ganglia
caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidua exchange of info within cerebral cortex-movement emotional expression
central canal
fluid filled channel in the center of th espinal cord
four fluid filled cavities within th ebrain`
1, 2-lateral ventricles in brain
3 separates the thalamus in half
4 continues down to central canal
cerebrospinal fluid
a clear fluid similar to blood plasma foudn in central canal and ventricles, comes into contact with tissue to provide nutrietns, cushions brain against mechanical shock when th ebrain moves
central solcus
separates precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus
precentral gyrus