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469 Cards in this Set

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toward or on the front of the body


toward or on the back


Toward the head, away from the tail



away from the head or toward the tail


away from the head or toward the tail


closer to the point of origin, generally a limb


away from the point of origin generally the limb


toward the body surface, closer to the skin

away from the body surface, away from the skin


Where is dorsal cavity located and what cavities does it contain?

Posterior side of body, cranial and spinal

Where is ventral cavity located and what cavitites does it contain

On the anterior side of the body, thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities

What is the serous membrane

Double layered membrane that produces serous fluid to lubricate the organs in the cavity

A section made parallel to the body's longitudinal axis. Divides body into right and left parts

Sagittal Plane

A section made parallel to the body's longitudinal axis; divides the body into an anterior and posterior part

Frontal Plane

A section made perpendicular to the body's longitudal axis; divides the body into a superior part and an inferior part

Tansverse Plane

Major organs of integumentary system

skin, hair, nails

What does integumentary system do?

Protection, sensation, vitamin D production

Organs of skeletal system

Bone and joints

What does skeletal system do?

Protection, support, movement, blood cell production, mineral storage

Organs of Muscular system

Skeletal Muscles

What does skeletal system do

Movement, posture maintenance, heat production

Organs of the nervous system

Brain and Spinal cord

What does the nervous system do?

Control system of the body, maintains homeostasis through nerve impulses

Parts of cradio vascular system

Heart, blood vessels

What does cardiovascular system do?

Pump and carry blood to deliver oxygen to organs and carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs

Organs of the respiratory system

Lungs and respiratory tract

What does respiratory tract do?

Oxygenate blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood

Organs of lymphatic system

Lymph Vessels, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes

What does lymphatic system do?

return fluid that has leaked form the blood vessels, immunity and protection

Organs of the Urinary System?

Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra

What does Urinary System do?

Filters blood to form urine, stores and transports urine, regulates fluid, electrolyte and acid base balance

Organs of digestive system

Espohagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder

What does digestive system do?

Breaks down and absorbs food, absorbs water and electrolytes, eliminates indigestible substances

Parts of endocrine system

hypothalmus, pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, ovaries, testes, pancrease, thymus, adrenal glands

Parts of reproductive system

Ovaries, uterus, vagina, testes, ductus (vas) deferens, penis

What does reproductive system do?

production of hormones and perpetuation of the species

This maintains dynamic stability of body's internal enviroment in response to external changes in conditions


Physiological systems work to restore balnce with this fails what results?

Disease or death

What is automatic response in a cell, tissue, or organ to an environmental chanage

Autoregulation aka Intrinsic

Responses controlled by nervous and endocrine systems

Extrinsic regulation

In a feedback system this receives a stimulus


In a feedback system this processes signal from receptor and sends instructions

control center

In a feedback system this carries out instructions from control center


To maintain homeostasis the body communicates through ______________ and _____________



The ______________ responds to changes in the enviroment, sends info to control center


The _________ determines set point, analyzes info and determines appropriate response

Control Center

This _________ provides a means for response to stimuli


A _________ feedback system shuts off the orginal stimulus, reduces intensity


The response of the ____________ negates the stimulus until normal range is achieved


In a ___________feedback system the original stimulus is used to push variable farther


Positive feedback occurs when the respnse of the effector ______________ the stimulus that produced it.

Amplifies or magnifies

In a positive feedback system the orignial response of the effector is modified in the _____direction aka viscious cycle


What positions is hands at sides, palms forward, feet forward


Lying down, face up


Lying down, Face down


This references anatomical landmars, references palpable structures

Superficial anatomy

Organs in RUQ

Liver, gallbladder, large and small intestine

Organs In LUQ

Stomach, spleen

Organs in RUQ


Organs in LUQ

urinary blader

This is a 3 dementional axis


This is a slic parallel to a plane


What cavities are located on ventral body cavity

Thoracic, adominopelvic,

The thoracic and Abdominopelvic cavities are divided by the


Organs of thoracic cavity

heart lungs and others

organs of abdominopelvic cavity house

digestive system and most urinary organs

Abdominopelvic cavity is divided into 3 seperate cavities




Thoracic cavity is divided into two cavities called

plueral cavity and Peridcardial cavity

The ______ membrane lines body cavities and covers organs


The internal side of serous membrane is called


The exterior side of membrane is called


There is _____________ between sections of membrane


The upper portion of the _______________ is filled with _______________, ______________, _______________, and _____________.


blood vessels, trachea, esophagus, and thymus

Lower portion of mediastinum contains ___________ located within the ___________ cavity



Space between visceral and pariteal membranes is called _____________.

Pericardial cavity

This is a chamber within the abdominopelvic cavity___________

Peritoneal Cavity

The _______________ lines the internal body wall.

parietal Peritoneum

The _______________ covers the organs

Viseral Peritoneum

The superior portion of the abdominal cavity contains the __________

digestive organs

This is the area posterior to peritoneum and anterior to muscular body wall

retroperitoneal space

The retroperitenal space contains what organs

pancrease, kidneys, ureters, and parts of the digestive tract

The pelvic cavity is located in the _____ portion of the abomino pelvic cavity and within the ______ bones.



The pelvic cavity contains what organs _________

reproductive, rectum, bladder

________ are a collection of cells and cell products that perform specific, limited functions


Four types of tissue





This tissue covers exposed surfaces, lines internal passageways, forms glands


This tissue fills internal spaces, supports other tissues, transports materials and stores energy


This tissue is used for specialized contraction, found in skeletal, heart and hollow organs


This tissue carries electrical signals


A cut in tissues made along direction of organ

longitudinal section (l.s.)

A cut in tissue perpendicular to length of organ

Cross Section (c.s. or x.s.) or Transverse (t.s.) section

A tissue cut at angle between cross and longitudinal section


The Extracellular matrix (ECM) contains

No living material called ground substance and protiens

This is a clear, colorous and viscous fluid that fills spaces between cells and slows pathogen movement.

ground subtances

This contains mostly water with adhesion protiens of various typles and polysaccharide molecules and the fibers are produced by the cells

Ground Substance

There are two types of epithelia tissues

Epithelia or glandular epithial

This tissue consists of layers of cells that cover internal or external surfaces


This tissue covers structures that produce secretions

gladular Epithelial tissue

Glandular epitheal tissue secretes

sweat, wax or oil

Epithelial tissue provides protection by

Controlling permeability

provides sensation

Produces specialized secretions

Four characteristics of epithelial tissue

Cellularity, polarity and attachment, avascularity and regeneration

Polarity and attachement of epithelial tissue is found in the _____________.

Apical and basal surfaces

The ________________ is a layer between an epithelium and the underlying connective tissue, anchors the epithelium to the connective tissue below it.

Basement membrane

Th ______ surface of an epithelial cell that faces the basement membrane.

Basal surface

The _______ of an epithelial cell that faces away from the basement membrane.

Apical surface

The ____ Surface is smooth, pleated, micro villi, cilli always apex


Epithelial tissue is avascular meaning

contains no blood supply

Epithelial tissue regenerates by

replacing itself

In epithelial tissue these permit free diffusion of ions and small Molecules between cells

Gap Junctions

In epithelial tissue theses attach a cell to extracellular structures such as the protien fibers in the basement membrane.


In epithelial tissue a ______ is fromed by the fusion of the outer layers of two plasma membranes.

Tight Junctions

These junctions prevent diffusion of fluids and solutes between cells. Prevents sharing of material

Tight Junction

The ____ junction contains a continuous _____ belt that lies deep to the tight junction. This belt is tied to ______ of the _______ web.





A ___________ ties adjacent cells together

Spot desmone

Three classes of epithelial tissue based on shape.




This epithelia tissue is thin and flat


This type of epithelia tissue is square shapped


This type of epithelia tissue is tall and resembles slender rectangles


Two types of layers of epithelium tissue

Simple and Stratified

________epithelial consists of a single layer of cells.


________ epithelial consists of several layers of cells


This tissue is one layer, named by shape of cells and all cells touch basement membrane

Simple epithelium

This tissue contains more than one layer, named by shape of apical cells ( ones on top), some cells rest on top of other cells and do not touch basement membrane

Stratified epithelium

Mitosis in epithelial tissue occurs near ______ membrance


This tissue is located in mesothelia lining of pleural, pericardial, peritoneal cavities, lines heart and blood vessels, portions of kidney tubles, inner lining of cornea, aveoli in lungs

simple squamous epithelial tissue

This tissue reduces friction, controls vessel permeability (diffusion and filtration) performs absorption and secretion

Simple squamous epithelial

This type of tissue depends on ability to stretch and return to normal

Transitional Epithelium

This type of tissue lines the walls of the intestine, has microville

Simple columnar epithelium

The surface of the tongue, skin and esphogaus contact _______ tissue

stratified Squamous

This tissue lines some ducts, provides protection, secretion and absorption

Stratified cubodial

This type of tissue is in small areas of pharynx, epiglottis, anus, mammary glands, salivary gland ducts, and urethra, provides protection

Stratified Columnar epitelium

This type of tissue lines the nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, portions of male reproductive tract, protects, provides secretions, moves mucus with cillia

Pseudostratified Ciliated columnar Epithelim

This tissue contains two layers of cubodial cells and provides protection

Startified cubodial

This type of tissue contains surface cells that are colmnar, cells underneath vary in size and shape, provides protection

Stratified columnar

This tissue is rare in human body, found in ducts and glands

Stratified cuboidal and columnar

Endocrine glands do not contain _______.


These types of glands release hormones into interstitial fluid

Endocrine glands

The types of glands contain ______.


These glands produce secretions onto epithelial surfaces and through ducts

exocrine Glands

What glands are found in glandular epithelia

Endocrine and exocrine glands

What are the three modes of secretion in gladular epithelia tissue




List glands of secretion from least to most




In __________ secretion, product is released from secretory vesiles at the apical surface of the gland cell by ________.



________ secretion involves the loss of apical cytoplasm, inclusions, secretory vesicles and other cytoplasmic components shed in the process.


In this secretion the gland grows and repairs itself before is releases addition secretions.


The mamary glands involve _________ secretion


The salivary glands involve _________ secretion


In this secretion the superfical gland bursts. In order to continue to secrete the cells must be replaced through mitotic divisionsof underlying stem cells


__________secretion is seen in the ______ gland of hair cells



In glandular epithelia secretons what are the glands called



Mixed exocrine glands

This gland produces watery secretions


This gland secretes mucins


This gland secretes both serous and mucous

Mixed exocrine

Unicellular gland means

only one

____________ cells are the only unicellar exocrine glands.

Mucous (goblet)

These are scattered among epithelia tissue

Ex. intestinal lining

Mucous cells

Two types of structures of multicellular glands



Shapes of multicellar glands

Tubular and Aveolar

Ducts and glandular areas are ______ and share ____ duct.



Intestinal glands are _____ Tubular


Merocrine sweat glands have a _______ shape

Simple coiled shape

Gastric glands, mucous glands of esphogus, tongue and dodenum have what shape glands

simple branched tubular

These glands not found in adults but found during stagein development

Simple aveolar glands

Shape of sebaceous glands

Simple branched alveolar

This tissue most diverse, abundant and widely distributed

connective tissue

This tissue connects and is glue and filer of body

connective tisue

Tendons, ligaments, body fat, bones, blood and cartilage are forms of _________ tissue


This tissue provides support for structural frame work, physical protections, binds structures, stores materials, transports materials, provides immune protection and transports lymph fluid

Connective tissue

This tissue has specialized cells, solid extracellular protien fibers, fluid extracellular ground substance

connective tissue

The extracellular components of connective tissue make up _______


In connective tissue the _________ contains matrix which is majority of tissue volume and determines sepcialized functions.

Extracellular components of connective tissue

Structural components of connective tissue

Cells, protein fibers, ground substance

Cells of ______ depend on type of cell ex. bone, cartilidge, fat

connective tissue

These are elastic fibers, collagen and recticular fibers

Protien fibers

This is mixtuer of protiens, carbs, some salts and H20

Ground Substance

What comprises the ECM

Protien fibers and ground substance

The _____ is produced by the cells of each connective tissue.


Connective tissue after birth is classfied into three broad categories

CT proper

Supporting CT

Fluid CT

All connective tissue starts at __________ level

Mesencyme (before birth)

Connective tissue proper is divided into two categories

Loose connective and dense

This connective tissue contains few fibers and more ground substance


This connective tissue contains more fibers and less ground substance


Areolar, adipose and reticular tissue are considered _______ connective tissue


Regular, irregular and elastic tissue are considered _______ tissue


What are two type of supportive connective tissue

Cartlidge and bone

Cartildge contains _______ matrix and bone contains ______ solid



types cartilage connective tissue




Types of bone connective tissue

compact - Dense


What is only type of fluid connective tissue


This is first connective tissue to appear in an embryo


__________ is mucous connective tissue taken from umbilical cord of fetus

Whartons Jelly

___________ cells are resident cells that are abundant, flat with tapered ends, produce fiber and ground substance of ecm


_____________are resident cells, fat cells with single large lipid droplet, cell components pushed to one side, store lipid reserves


______ are resident large cells derived from monocytes in blood, reside in ecm after leaving blood, phagocytize foreign materials

fixed macrophages

______are resident, stellate or spindle shaped embroyic stem cells, divide in response to injury to produce new connective cells

Mesenchmal cells

These cells wander, small with granule filled cytoplasm, release histamine and heparine to stimulate local inflammation


These cells wander, small with distinct nucleus drived from activated B-lymphocytes, form antibodies that immobilize foreigh substances, bacteria and viruses


These are wandering cells are mobil phagocytic cells romed from moncytes of the blood, phagocytuize foreign materials

Free macrophages

These are wandering cells, white blood cells that enter connective tissue and attack foreign materials or directly combat bacteria

Other lukeocytes

These cells are stationary, maintain and repair extracellular matrix and store materials

Resident cells

These cells move through connective tissue sapces, repair demanged ecm, activate immune response

Wandering cells

This loose connective tissue is composed of fibrobalses, lesser amounts of collagen and elastic fibers, has viscous ground substance, binds and is packed around organs of the nerves, vessels and subcutaneous layer

areolar CT

This loose connective tissue contains adipocytes, protects, stores fats, insulates, found in subcutaneous layers, surrounding kidney and other skeletal organs

adipose CT

This loose connective tissue is a meshwork of reticular fibers, forms stroma of lymphatic organs, stroma of spleen, liver, lymph nodes and bone marrow

Reticular CT

This dense CT has densley packed collagen fibers parallel to disrection of stress, provides flexability, irregularly clumped togther and projects in all directions, provides tensile stength, found in dermis and organ capsules

Dense irregular CT

This dense CT contains elastic and collagen fibers arranged irregularly, provides framework and supports organs, walls of arteries

Elastic connective

Three general types of CT Proper

Collagen fibers

Elastic fibers

Reticular fibers

These fibers of CT proper are long, unbranching, strong, flexible, make up 25% of all protein in human body making collagen the most abundant protien.

collagen fibers

These fibers of CT proper are thinner than collagen, stretch easily, branch and rejoin, they allow structures such as blood vessels to stretch and relax

elastic fibers

These fibers of CT proper are thinner than collagen fibers, form meshwork like configuration, found in organs with abundant spaces such as liver, lymph nodes and spleen, packing material

Reticular fibers

The loose connective tissues considered packing materials of body are:




This loose CT found within and deep to dermis of skin, covered by epithelial lining of digestive and respiratory, urinary tracts, between muscles, around joints, blood vessels and nerves

Areolar tissu

This loose CT cushions organs, provides support but permits independent movement, phagocytic cells provide defense against pathogens

Areolar tissue

This tissue is deep to skin, found at sides, buttocks and breasts, padding around kidneys and eyes, provides cushioning against shocks, insulates, reduces heat loss and stores energy

Adipose tissue

This fat is most common, stores fat, absorbs shocks, slow heat loss

white fat

This fat more vasularized, adipocytes have many mitochondria, when stimulated by nervous system, fat, breakdown accelerates, releasing energy,absorbs energy from surrounding tissue

Brown fat

This tissue found in liver, kidney, spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow, provides supports

reticular tissue

Three types of dense CT

Dense regular

dense irregular


This CT tissue densely packed, parallel collagen fibers, fibroblast nuclei squeezed between layers of fibers, scarce ground substance

dense regular CT

This Dense CT tissue attaches muscle to bone, bone to bone, resists stress applied in one direction

Dense regular CT

This dense regular CT forms tendons and most ligaments

Dense Regular CT

This Dense CT tissue found in collagen fibers, randomly arranged and clumped together, fibroblasts among fibers, more ground substance than dense regular

Dense Irregular CTT

This CT withstands stresses applied in all directions, durabel

Dense irregular CT

This CT located in dermis, periosternum, covering bone, perichondrium, covering cartildge and organ capsules

Dense irregular CT

This tissue found between vertebra of spone


This tissue resists forces, keeps things like bladder from over expanding

Dense irregular CT

This found in skeletal muscles, tendons and at deep fascia

Dense regular CT

This tissue stretches, resilent, found in tissues of lunds, artery walls,

Dense Elastic CT

This tissue supports soft tissue and body weight

Supporting connective

This supportive CT has gel like ground substance, provides for shock absorption and protection


This supporting CT is calcified, supports weight


Cartalidge cells are called ______ that live in spaces callee ______



Chrondrocytes produe ________Factor


Cartilage is considered ______ diffusion brings nutrients removes waster


This is out layer of cartildge, provides strength, inner layer is cellular layer that provides for growth and maintenance


Three types of cartalidge




_______ cartalidge most common but is also the

_________ and forms fetal skeleton.



_______ cartalidge Found in tips of ribs, bones of sternum, covers surfaces at synovial joints, supports larynx, tracahea, bronchi and forms party of nasal septum


_______ cartalidge provides stiff but somewhat flexible support, reduces friction


_______cartilage found in external ear, epiglotis, auditory canal, cuneiform, cartilages of larynx


This cartilage provides supoprt but tolerates distortion without damage, returns to original shape


This cartalige found in knee joint, between pubic bone, and intervertebral discs.


This cartilage resists compression, prevents bone to bone contact, limits movement


This type of growth is result of chondrocytes increasing cell number by mytosis and amount of matrix within

interstitial growth

This type of growth results from osteoprogenitor cells in perichondrium that produce a new layer of cartilage tissue from the outside

Appositional growth

This Supporting CT is strong and resists shattering

bones or osseous

Bones cells are called


These are arranged around central canals within matrix, small channels through canaliculi accuss blood supply

bones cells or osteocytes

This covers bone surfaces, fibrous layer and cellular layer


Bone has extensive _______ network where as cartilage is considered _____.



Repair of cartilage is _____ where as repair of bone is ______,



Two types of fluid connective tissue

blood and lymph

Blood and lymph CT consist of _____ matrix of dissolved ______.



Cells in blood

red, white and platelets

ECM in blood consists of

plasma, interstitial fluid, lymph

Blood CT transported in

artieries, capilaries and veins

Lymph CT transported in

lymphatic vessels

This fluid CT transports O2 and co2

red blood cells

red blood cells account for about what perecent of whole blood


______ blood cells help defend body against infection


These are phagocytes similar to the free macrophages in other tissues


These are uncommon in blood but are dominant in lymph CT


These are phagocytes

Eosinophils and neutrophils

These promote inflamation like mast cells in other ct


These are membrane enclosed packets of cytoplasm that function in blood clotting


This Fluid CT is collected from interstitial space, monitored by immune system, transported by lymphatic system, returned to venous system


This tissue produces all body movement and is speciallized for contraction


Three types of muscle tissue

skeletal, cardiac, smooth muscle

large body muscles are


This muscle found only in heart


This muscle tissue found in walls of hollow organs, contracting organs, urinary bladder, respiratory, digestive and reproductive tracts

Smooth Muscle

Classification of muscle tissue


no striated

This muscle has balanced appearance


This muscle tissue has single or multineucleate nucleus, controlled voluntarily or involuntarily

Non stiated

This muscle long and thin, usually called muscle fibers, do not divid, new fibers produced stem cells

Skeletal muscle cells

This tissue specialized fro conducting electrical impulses, rapidly senses internal or external enviroment, process information and controls responses

nervous tisseu

Neural tissue is concentrated in

brain and spinal cord

Two types of neural cells



These are nerve cells that can send and receive messages, perform electrical communication


These nerve cells support cells, repair and supply nutrients to neurons


This part of neuro contains neucleus and nucleolus

cell body

This part of neuro has short branches extending from the cell body, receives incoming signals


This part of neuro contains long thin extension of cell body, carries out going electical signals to thier destination

axon (Nerve fiber)

Three parts of neuron

Cell body



This part of nervous system supports physical structure of tissues, repair tissue framework after injury, perform phagocytosis, provide nutrients to neurons, regulate composition of interstitial fluid


These provide physical barriers, line portion of the body, consiste of epithelium and are supported by connective tissue


Four types of Membranes





Three epithelial membranes




Type of connective tissue membrane

Synovial membrane

Cutaneous membrane found on

covers body, skin

Three layers of cutaneous membrane

epithelium, areolar tissue, dense irregular connective tissue

This membrane lines passageways that have external connections, found in digestive, urinary, reproductive tracts


this membrane helps epithelial surfaces remain moist, reduces friction and facilitates absorption and excretion


This is found in areolar tissue

lamina propria

This lines cavities not open to outside

serous membrane

This is thin but strong, have fluid transduate to reduce friction

serous membrane

This has a viseral portion (serosa) covering the organs and Parietal portion covering cavity

Serous Membrane

surface layer of this membrane is of simple sqaumous epithelium


What are the three serous membranes

Pluera, Peritoneum, pericardium

Lines pleural cavities covers outside of lunds

Pleura serous membrane

Lines peritoneal cavity and covers abdominal organs


Lines pericardial cavity and covers heart


These membranes line body cavities close to exterior


These membranes line moving articular joint cavities, produce synovial fluid, protect ends of bones, lack a true epithelim


These tissue provide strength and stability, maintain positions of internal organs, provide routes for blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves

connective tissues

These tissues provide body's framework of connective tissue, layers and wrappings that support or surround orgnas


Three types of fasciae

Superficial, deep, subserous

This fascia is located between skin and underlying organs, areolar tissue and adipose tissue, aka subcutaneous layer or hypodermis


This fascia is bound to capsules, tendons and ligaments, dense connective tissue, forms a strong fibrous internal framework


this is between serous membranes and deep fascia, areolar tissue


Tissue growth is achieved by__________number of cells or _________ in size of cells.



This is tissue growth due to increase in # of cells


This is tissue growth by increase in Size of cells and occurs through exercise


This is called ________ as unspecialized tissues of embryo become specialized mature types ex. Mesenchyme to muscle


This changes tissue from one type of mature tissue to another. ex. simple cuboidal tissue of vagina before puberty changes to stratified squamous after puberty or pseudostratified columnar epithelim of bronchi of smokers to stratified squamous epithelium


This replaces dead or damaged cells with same type of cell as before, restores normal function, involves skin and liver injuries


This results in repair of dense connective tissue, scar tissue, holds organs together but does not restore normal function, seen in cuts, burns, muscle injuries, lungs in TB


Type of wound healing either regeneration or fibrous is dependent on ______________ and _____________

Type of tissue damaged and Severity of injury

Tissues respond to injuries to maintain


Cells restore homeostatis with what two process

inflammation and regeneration

This is first response to tissue injury


Inflammatory response can be triggered by

Trauma and infection

Swelling, redness, heat and pain are symptoms of what type of response


During process of inflamation, _______ in cell release ______ that destroy the injured cell and attach surrounding tissue


Tissue destruction is called


_________ and __________ accumulate in wound

Necrotic tissue and pus

This is pus trapped in an enclosed area


Injury stimulates mast cells to release

histamine, heparin and prostaglandins

During inflamation blood vessels ___________, _____________ increases causing warmth and redness. This also brings more nutrients and oxygen to the area and removes waste


blood flow

This diffuses into area causing pain and swelling


These white blood cells clean up area


This begins after injury or infection cleaned up


_________ during regeneration move into necrotic area, lay down collagen fibers, bind area (scar tissue)


______ cells migrate into area or are produced by _______ stem cells



Three events in tissue repair


granulation tissue forms

regeneration of surface

Tissues that regenerate easily

Epithelial (skin and mucous membranes)

Fibrous connective tissue and bone

Tissue that regenerates poorly

skeletal muscle

Tissues that are replaced largely with scar tissue

cardiac muscle

nervous tissue within in brain and spinal cord

The largest system of body


Comprises 16 percent of body weight


Two parts of integument

Cutaneous and accessory structures

This membrane contains outer epidermis (skin), superficial epithelim and innder dermis connective tissue

`cutaneous membrane

This part originates in dermis, extends through epidermis to skin such as hair, nails, muticellular exocrine glands

accessory structures

This portion of integumentary system provides protection from enviromental hazards, storage of lipids, coordinates immune response to pathogens and cancers in skin

Cutaneous membrane

This protects dermis, prevents water loss and entry of pathogens, synthesizes vitamin D3, has sensory receptors that detect touch, pressure, pain and temp

Epidermis Stratified squamous

Two parts of cutaneous membrane

epidermis stratified squamous and dermis

This layer of dermis nourishes and supports epiderms

papillary layer

This part of dermis has sensory receptors that detect touch, pressure, pain, vibration, and temp, assists blood vessels in thermo regulation

reticular layer

The accessory structures of integumentary system are:

hair folicles

exocrine glands


This protects skull and provides deliecate touch sensations on general body surface

hair folicles

These assist in temperature regulation and waste secretion

exocrine glands

These protect and support tips of fingers and toes


This lies below integument, stablizes skin and allows seperate movement


This is made of elastic areolar and adipose tissues, connected to reticular layer of integument by connective tissue fibers


This has few capillaries and no vital organs, site of subcutaneous injections using hypodermic needles


This consists of stratified squamous epithelium


The stratum basale is located under


The __________ is attached to epidermis in wavy pattern

basement membrane

wavy pattern of basement membrane called

epidermal ridge

The ______ are located between basement membrane and dermis

dermal papilla

Layers of epidermis

Stratum Corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

This consists of multiple layers of flattened dead interlocking keratinocytes, water resitant not water proof, permits slow water loss by insensible perspiration, Top-first layer of epidermis

Stratum corneum

This is 2nd layer from top of epidermis, appear as glassy layer in thick skin only

Strtum Lucidum aka clear layer

This is 3rd layer from top of epidermis, contains keratoycoyets, keratin fibers develop become thinner anf later, gradually the plasma membranes thicken, the organelles desinegrate and cells die

Stratum granulosum aka grainy layer

This is 4th layer from top contains keraitinocytes that are bond by desmosomes

Stratum Spinosum aka spiny layer

This is 5th layer from top, deepest, basal layer, attachment to basement membrane, contains basal (stem) cells, melanocytes, tactile (merkle ) cells

Stratum Basale (germative layer- site of mitosis)

_________ is sweat through sweat glands


_________ is sweat through skin tissue


This layer contains nerve fibers in skin control that involve blood flow, gland secretions sensory receptiors


Tactile corpuscles located in ___________

dermal papillae

Deep pressure and vibration located in _______ layer and contain lamellated corpuscles


These are produced by mitosis of stem cells in stratum basale or in deepest part of stratum spinosum.


New Keratinocytes push ____ ones toward surface


Over time keratinocytes _______ to produce more keratine and membrane coatings


It takes how many days for keratinocyte to make its way to surface and flake off

30 to 40

Exfoliating keartinocytes is _____ in old age and ____ when skin is injured or stressed



Calluses or corns on hands or feet are accumulations of dead


This type of perspiration is result of interstitial fluid evaporated thru stratum corneum


This type of perspiration relases water by sweat glands and can cause dehydration from damage to stratum corneum from burns and blisters or from immersion in hypertonic solution such as seawater

Sensible perspiration

This comes from immersion in hypotonic solution of fresh water and causes swelling of epithelial cells on palms and soles of feet


Skin color influenced by what two pigments

Carotene and melanin

This pigment is orange-yellow, found in orange veges, accumulates in epidermal cells and fatty tissues of dermis and can be converted into vitamin A


This pigment is yellow-brown, produced by melanocytes in stratum basal, stored in transport vesicles called melanosomes, transferred to keratinocytes


These produce and store melanin


These contain melanin that protect from sun damage, UV radiation and colors skin


Skin color that is blue due to lack of oxygen


Skin color that is reddened due to increased blood flow


Skin that is pale due to decreased blood flow


Milky white skin, blue grey eyes due to genetic lack of mealnin synthesizing enzyme


Yellowing due to bilirubin in blood


Bruising or clotted blood under skin


What cells in presence of UV radiation produce Cholecalciferol aka vitamin D3


What converts Vitamin D3 to calcitriol that aids in absorption of calcium and phospurus

Liver and kidneys

Insufficient vitamin D3 can cause


Epidermal growth factor EFG is produced by

Salivary and duodenum glands

This is powerful peptide growth factor

Epidermal growth factor EFG

This is used in labs to grow skin grafts

Epidermal growth factor

This promotes division of germ cells, accelerates keratin production, stimulates epidermal repair and glandular secretion

Epidermal Growth factor

Dehydration, age, hormonal changes and UV exposure cause

skin damage/wrinkes/sagging

This is result of thickened tissue from excessive stretching due to pregnancy and weight gain

Stretch marks

These are collagen and elastic fibers in the dermis that are arranged in parallel bundles and resist force in a specific situation

cleavage lines

These establish important patterns

ex. parallel cut remains shut and heals well or a cut across right angle pulls open and scars

cleavage tension lines

Located in dermis and is a network of arteries along the reticular layer

cutaneous plexus

Located in dermis and form capillary network from small arteries in papillary layer

papillary plexus

Located in dermis and allow capillary return deep to the papillary plexus

venous plexus

Damage to blood vessels resultin in black and blue bruising


Bleeding occurs right after injury and mast cells trigger inflammatory response this is ______ in repair of skin

1st step

After several hourse scab forms, cells of stratum germinativum and phagocytic cells remove debris, circulation enhanced, clots around primary edges of region are _____ step in skin repair


After week scab has undermined epidermal cells, and phagocytic activity has almost end this is _____ step in skin repair


After several weeks scab sheds and a shallow depression is left at sight of injury but fibroblasts will continue to create scar tissue. this is step ____ in skin repair


these produce scar tissue that strengthens scar, a raised keloid may also form


The only parts of human body that dont have hair are

palms, soles, lips and portions of external genitailia

Functions of hair

protects and insulates, guards openings against particles and insects, sensitive to light touch

This is fine, downy, unpigmented hair that appears on fetus last three months of development


This is coarser and more heavily pigmented hair found on eyebrows, eyelashes, hair of scalp, forms after puberty and some mail facial hair


straight hair has _____ texture


wavy hair has _______ texture


curly hair has ______ texture


Hair color dependent on _________ granules in cells of cortex


This is located deep in dermis, produces non living hairs, base surrounded by sensory nerves (root plexus)

Hair follicle

This is under neuro control, involuntary smooth muscle, causes hair to stand up and produces goose bumps

arrector pili

These lubricate hair and control bacteria

Sebaceous glands

Two regions of hair

hair root and shaft

The is lower part of hair attached to integument

Hair root

This is upper part of hair not attached to integument

Hair shaft

Hair production beings at base of _______ deep in dermis

hair folicle

This contains hair capillaries and nerves

hair papillaT

This _________ produces _______ and contains layer of dividing cells, produces hair structure and p ushes hair up out of skin

Hair bulb and hair matrix

Three parts of hair shaft structure

Medulla, cortex, cuticle

The central core of hair shaft


The middle layer of hair shaft


The surface layer of hair shaft


As hair is produced it is ______________


Medulla contains flexible and soft


The Corex and cuticle shaft of hair contain

Hard kerat

The skin on which the nail plate rests

nail bed

The clear, kearatinized portion of the nail

nail plate

The proximal end of a nail, underlying the nail fold

Nail root

The major portion of the nail plate overlying the nail bed

nail body

The portion of the nail plate that extends beyond the end of the digit

Free edge

The epithelium of the nail bed


The fold of skin around the margins of the nail plate

Nail fold

The groove where the nail fold meets the nail plate

nail grooveDea

Dead epidermis that covers proximal end of nail commonly called cuticle


The growth zone of nail (mytotic tissue) at proximal end of nail corrsponding to the stratum basal of epidermis

nail matricTh

The region at base of nail that appears as mall white crescent because it overlies a thick stratum basale that obscures dermal blood vessels from view


Cutaneous glands

Sudoriferous, merocrine, apocrine, sebacesous, ceruminous and mammary

Sweat glands that are part of cuetaneous glands


This cutaneous gland performs evaporative cooling, widely distributed over the body surface, open by ducts onto the skin surface

merocrine glands

This cutaneous gland functions as scent glands, found in regions that cover pubic, axillar, male facial hair open ducts


This cutaneous gland is an oil gland within hair folicles


This cutaneous gland is located in ear canal and producers wax


This cutaneous gland produces milk

mammary gland

Sebaceous and apocrine sweat glands are controlde by the ________________ that works simultaneously over entire body

Autonomic Nervous system

These glands are controlled independently and sweat occurs locally


The main function of sensible perspiration, works with cardiovascular system, regulates body temp.


This is result of abnormal cell mass


Two classification of cancer

Bengin (encapsulated)


Most common type of cancer


Three types of skin cancer

basal cell carcinoma

squamous cell carcinoma

Malignant melanoma

This kind of cancer most common, seldomly metastesizes, arises in basal stratum, small shiny bump with central deprssion and beaded edges

Basal cell carcinoma

This type of skin cancer arises from keratinocytes of stratum spinosum, metastasizes to lymph nodes, lesions on scap, ears, lower lip back, recovery good with early detection

squamous cell carcinoma

This type of skin cancer arises from melanocytes, can be removed if caught early, but if metatizes is fatal, highest in men, redheads, people who had severe burn as child

Malignant melanoma

In this kind of burn only epidermis is damaged, skin red swollen

first degree burnI

In this burn epidermis and upper dermis damaged skin red with blisters

Second degree burn

In this burn entire skin layer destroyed, burned area painless, burn is gray-white or black

Third degree burn

This method divides body in 11 areas, that each represent about 9 percent of burned area

Rule of nines

If 25% of body burned with 2nd degree burn, or 10% of body with 3rd degree burn or there are 3rd degree burns on face, hands or feet it is considered a

Critical burn

Epidermal thinning, decreased dendritic cells, vitamin d3 production, melanocyte activity, glandular activity, blood supply, hair folicles, elastic fibers of skin, decreased hormone levels and slower repair rate are result of

Aging skin