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17 Cards in this Set

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What does the appendicular skeleton include?

Pectoral Girdle and the upper limbs

Pelvic Girdle and the lower limbs

How many bones does the appendicular skeleton have?


What does the pectoral girdle connect and include?

Connects the upper limbs to the trunk
Includes clavicle and scapula

What does the scapula have?

Glenoid Cavity, Caracoid Process, Acromion Process, Scapular Spine

Describe Glenoid Cavity

Articulates with the humerus to form the shoulder joint

Describe Coracoid Process

The smaller process

Acromion Process

Articulates with the distal end of the clavicle

Describe Scapular Spine

Dives the scapula into the supraspinous fossa and the infraspinous fossa

What does the upper limb contain?

- bones of the arm: the humerus, proximal area of the limb from the scapula to the elbow
- bones of the forearm: radius and ulna

- bones of the wrist and hand: carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges

Which is more massive: pelvic girdle or pectoral girdle

pelvic girdle

What is the pelvic girdle attached to?

Axial Skeleton

What does the pelvic girdle consist of?

2 large hip bones or coxal bones

Pelvic Girdle each a fusion of what 3 bones?

The ilium, the ischium, and the pubis

Where do the hips and femur articulate with the sacrum?

Hips: sacroiliac Joints

Femur: acetabulum


Sole bone of the thigh


kneecap, sliding over the anterior surface of the knee joint

What bones form the ankle bones?

Tarsal bones