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29 Cards in this Set

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Piaget stated that the two elements to adaptation are?

Assimilation and accommodation

A baby's own action triggers a body reaction that makes a baby repeat the action

Primary circular reaction


When infants copy behavior they noticed previously is known as

Deferred imitation

The usual order of development of spoken language is?

Reflexes, cooing, babaling, and learning words

The findings of later experiments were inconsistent with Piagets conclusions when researchers demonstrated that infants?

Have some understanding long before 8 months

Children show evidence of motor memories as clearly as___ months of age?


The development of the_______ in the brain reflects experiences that infants remember.

Connections between neurons and dendrites

MLU is considered an accurate way to measure a child's language progress for every culture because:

A child's grammar has a high positive correlation with the length of their sentences

Holophrase refers to?

A single word that is understood to express a complete thought

The language theory that believes social communication to be the crucial starting point of language learning is called?

Social-pragmatic theory

Emotional expressions during early infancy are more unpredictable than during later periods of development, most likely due to the speed of synaptic and dendritic growth associated with?

Experiences and resulting neurophysiological maturation

Biologically based differences in emotions,activity level, and self regulation:

Are referred to as temperament

Which perspective suggests that parents mold an infants emotions and personality as they reinforce or punish their child?


When a baby is upset because her caregiver is leaving is known as

Seperation anxiety

When parents adjust their activities to match their child's temperament is known as

Goodness of fit

Secure attachment helps toddler

Play happily, miss their caregiver and welcome the caregiver back

The strange situation measure how a child responds to___ and___ with a caregiver

Seperation and reunion

When a baby looks to adults for cues as how to react is know as

Self reference

Carry information from one neuron to another


What major factor in newborn care has greatly increased the odds in infant survival?


The brains development controls many functions. The development in discrete areas of the brain with control over different functions of perception and cognition can be seen in:

Specialization in areas of the cortex

What accounts for the ethnic variations in the development of gross motor skills

Cultural patterns, genetics and caregiving

Occurs when the brain processes a sensation


Children are severely under weight for their age and height


Being short for their age because of chronic malnutrition


Occurs when a person does not sustain enough food to sustain normal growth

Protein-calorie malnutrition

Malnutrition,growth stops, tissues waste away and infant eventually dies


Malnutrition,growth stops, tissues waste away and infant eventually dies


Malnutrition makes child more vulnerable to other diseases
