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83 Cards in this Set

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List and discuss the five homeostatic functions of bones
Regulation of blood calcium levels: skeletal system serves as a store house for about 98% of body calcium reserves. Development of bone-osteogenesis, intramembraneous ossification, endochondral ossification
Identify the six major structures of a typical long bone

Diaphysis-main shaft like portion

Epiphysis-proximal and distal ends of a long bone

Articular cartilage-thin layer of hyaline

Periosteum-dense white fibrous membrane

Medullary cavity-tube-like hollow space

Endosteum-thin fibrous membrane that lines the medullary cavity of long bones

Parts of a flat bone
Have hard walls called internal and external tables (between is a region called the diploe cancellous bone) covered in periosteum and inner spaces are lined with endosteum. Flat bones (i.e. sternum) contain red marrow
Cancellous Bone
Trabeculae, supports red bone marrow (myeloid tissue), internal support for the bone and has reticular tissue
Compact Bone
Forms hard shell of bone, Haversian system, lacunae, lamellae
Identify the two main subdivisions of the skeleton and the primary subdivisions of the axial skeleton

Axial skeleton-80 bones-cranium, face, ear bones, hyoid bone, vertebral bones, sternum and ribs

Appendicular skeleton-126 bones upper and lower extremities legs, arms, clavicle etc

List the sutures and fontanels of the skull

Coronal suture-border with the frontal bone, Lamboidal suture-border with the occipital bone,

Squamos suture-borders with the temporal bones,

Sagittal suture-borders between the 2 parietal bones

Fontanel- is the soft spot in infants

Discuss the clinical significance of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone

Cribriform plate-olfactory nerve pass through numerous holes (horizontal plate)

Ethmoid Bone-forms the anterior cranial floor, medial orbital wall, upper parts of the nasal septum and sidewall of the nasal cavity

List the primary subdivisions of the appendicular skeleton

Upper extremities-shoulder girdle, humerus, ulna, radius, carpal bones, metacarpals

Lower extremities-pelvic girdle, femur, patella, tibia, fibula,foot

List the bony structures of the shoulder
Clavicle and Scapula
Discuss the structures and functions of the thigh and leg

Thigh bone (femur)-longest and heaviest bone in the body

Tibia-larger, stronger and more medially and superficially located of the two long bones

Fibula-the smaller, more laterally located and deeply placed of the two leg bones

Identify the hyoid bone
Does not articulate with any other bony structure, part of axial skeleton and is U shaped, and is above the larnyx
Name the regions of the vertebral column and give the number of vertebrae in each segment

Cervical vertebrae-has 7 bones

Thoracic vertebrae-has 12 bones

Lumbar vertebrae-has 5 bones

Sacrum has 1 bone

Coccyx has 1 bone

Discuss the bony components of the rib cage, or chest
Jugular notch, manubrium, body of sternum, xiphoid process
Discuss disorders of the axial skeleton and the three primary types of abnormal vertebral curvatures

Lordosis-"Sway back" often seen during pregnancy, abnormally accentuated

Kyphosis-"hunchback" increased roundness in the thoracic curvature, often seen in elderly people

Scoliosis-Abnormal side to side curvature

Discuss the structures and functions of the arm, forearm, hand

Arm-humerus-long bone that articulates proximally with the scapula and distally with radius and ulna

Forearm-Radius on thumb side, ulna on little finger side

Hand-has 8 carpal bones, pisiform bone is an example of a sesamoid bone, thumb bone is the most movable joint

List the bony components of the pelvic girdle

Pelvic Girdle-stable circular base that supports the trunk and attaches lower extremities

Ilium-largest, uppermost bone

Ischium-strongest and lowermost

Pubis-most anteriorly placed

List the skeletal differences between men and women

General differences (size and weight)

Men-larger and heavier, male pelvis is deep and funnel shaped w/ a narrow subpubic angel, males have larger skulls w/ more pronounced features

Women-have more rounded mandibles, pelvis is shallow, broad and flaring

Coronal Suture

Sagittal Suture

Squamos Suture

Lamboidal Suture

Frontal Cranial Bone

Parietal Cranial Bone

Occipital Cranial Bone

Occipital Condyle

Foramen Magnum

Jugular Foramen

Temporal Cranial Bone

Temporal Cranial Bone

Zygomatic Process

Zygomatic Process

Mastoid Process

Mastoid Process

External Auditory (Acoustic) Meatus

External Auditory (Acoustic) Meatus

Internal Auditory (Acoustic) Meatus

Internal Auditory (Acoustic) Meatus

Carotid Canal

Sphenoid Cranial Bone

Sphenoid Cranial Bone

Sphenoid Cranial Bone

Sphenoid Cranial Bone

Sella Turcica

Sella Turcica

Ethmoid Cranial Bone

Ethmoid Cranial Bone

Crista Galli

Crista Galli

Cribiform Plate

Cribiform Plate

Nasal Bone

Maxilla Bone

Maxilla Bone

Maxilla Bone

Palatine Process

Palatine Process

Lacrimal Bone

Vomer Bone

Vomer Bone

Inferior Nasal Conchae Bone

Palatine Bone


Ramus of the Mandible

Mental Foramen

Zygomatic Bone

Zygomatic Bone

Hyoid Bone

True ribs

False Ribs

floating ribs



Body of the Sternum

Xiphoid Process

Jugular or Clavicular Notch

Cervical Vertebrae (C1-C7)

Atlas (C1)

Thoracic Vertebrae (T1-T12)

Lumbar Vertebrae (L1-L5)

Sacrum (made of sacral fused Vertebrae S1-S5)

Coccyx (Made of Coccygeal Fused Vertebrae Co1-Co4)