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49 Cards in this Set

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The second largest continent in the world.
Very large desert that covers much of central Africa
Sub Sahara
Area just south of the Sahara
River that is a source of food and water to West Africa.
Grasslands in Africa
Gold and Salt
Two mineral resources traded by the West African Kingdoms of Mali and Songhai
Extended Families
Families in Africa that included the father, mother, sisters and Brothers and Grandparnets even Aunts and Uncles
Belief in West Africa that the trees and water and other natural objects have spirits
Besides selling Gold and Salt the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai made money by taxing
Oral History
History that is passed by retelling not by writing (West Africa)
To trade without using money. West Africans did it silently
Mansa Musa
Ruler of Mali that made a pilgrmidge to Mecca and passed out Gold. His actions encouraged European explorers to look for Gold.
Period of Disunion
Period after the fall of the Han dynasty that resulted in disorder in the Chinese society.
Sui Dynasty
Dynasty that restored order to China after the period of Disunion.
Grand Canal
Canal built during the Sui Dynasty that connected Northern and Southern China and various cities used for commerce
Tang Dynasty
Dynasty that is viewed as the golden Age of Chinese civilization.
Empress Wu
The only woman to rule China.
woodblock Printing
An entire page carved into a block of wood.
Chinese inventions
Woodblock printing, Gunpowder and Compass
Chinese teacher that taught on ethics and proper behavior.
ren and Li
In confucianism, concern for others and proper behavior
Confucius believed that everyone had a _______ to play in society and that society functioned best that way
Gengis Kahn
Ruler of lthe Mongol people who invaded China and Europe
Kulbai Kahn
Mongol ruler that completed the conquest of China. and began the Yuan Dynasty.
Ming Dynasty
Dynasty during which the forbidden city of Beijing was built.
period of Disunion
A period of war and disorder that affected China after the end of the Han Dynasty
Song Dynasty
Dynasty during which China's agriculture reached new heights and the population grew.
Gunpowder,compass, silk
Chinese inventions
ethics ( moral behavior)
Confucius teachings focused on
Concern for others
following appropriate customs and traditions
When people know their place and behave appropriately
Acording to confucius how is order in society created
Civil Service exam
Test taken to work for the government
teachings of Confucius/Spirtual questions
What were the civil service test about?
Reduced penalties for breaking the law, more money and respect
What were the benefits of a scholar official
Genghis Khan
Mongol tht united the mongol tribes and conquered much of Asia, Europe and Northern China
Kublai Khan
Conqured all of China and made himself the Emperor of China and establihed the Yuan dynasty
The forbidden City of Beijing and the Great Wall
Accomplishments of the Ming Dynasty
Trained professional soldiers in Japan, hired by Daimyo to protect them.
A military general that ruled Japan in the emperor's name
Traditional religion of Japan based on the belief that everything in nature has a spirit
Someone who rules for someone who is unable to rule alone
A strict code of rules and honor for japanese samuri
The island of Japan are madeup of the tops of what landform
Key art of the Japanese diet because they had litle farmland
According to shintoism the spirit that lives in things
Prince Shotoku
Regent that encouraged the intoduction of Confu
Japan's large landowners they were not convinced that the emperor could protect them
Zen Buddhist
Believed that neither faith nor good behavior created wisdom. Istead people should practice self discipline and meditation