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35 Cards in this Set

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The __________ is characteristic of the "First Romanesque" style.
- Church of Sant Vicenc, Cardona
A ___________, also called a ciborium, is a canopy suspended over a sacred space.
- Baldachin
In the Middle Ages, the Great Tower, or Keep, at Dover Castle, stood in a __________.
- Bailey
The ___________ is the central pier in a Romanesque church portal.
- Trumeau
The sculptor Wiligelmo may have been inspired by Roman sarcophagi for his work on the reliefs of __________.
- The Modena Cathedral
The ___________ is an example of a pilgrimage church.
- Cathedral of St. James in Santiago de Compostela
The nun Guda's self - portrait appears in the ___________.
- Book of Homilies
The Bayeaux Embroidery recounts the __________ Conquest of England.
- Norman
Romanesque builders used _________ whenever possible.
- Stone
The oldest known bronze tomb effigy was for __________.
- King Rudolf of Swabia
__________ is an example of Cistercian architecture, made in keeping with their ideals of simplicity, austerity, and purity.
- Abbey Church of Notre - Dame, Fontenay.
The painting Christ in Majesty in San Climent in Taull demonstrates ___________ influence.
- Mozarabic
After a victory over the Muslims, the Pisans built a new cathedral, which appears to demonstrate the direct influence of __________.
- Old St. Peter's
The apse of the Church of San Clemente is decorated in __________.
- Mosaic
As in the Page with the Tree of Jesse, Explanatio In Isaiam, the biblical figure of Jesse is commonly portrayed because he was a(n) __________ Jesus.
- Ancestor of
As depicted at the Priory Church of Saint - Pierre, the female personification of _________ is otherwise known as luxuria.
- Lust
Hildegard was born into an aristocratic _________ family.
- German
The Cathedral of the Virgin and St. Stephen at Speyer was a colossal structure rivaled only by __________.
- Cluny III
The shrine at the site of the Priory Church of Sainte - Pierre at Moissac dates as far back as __________ times.
- Carolingian
The Bayeaux Embroidery portrays the Norman Conquest of __________.
- England
The columns of San Clemente are spolia, reused from __________ buildings.
- Roman
St. Bernard and the monk known as Theophilus were on opposite sides of a tweifth-century controversy over __________.
- The presence of lavish art in monasteries.
All of these except __________ were principal metalworking centers.
- Catalunya
All of these except ___________ was a holy pilgrimage site in early Chistendom.
- Paris
The Romanesque style in art and architecture was __________.
- Trans -European
Artists in eleventh- and twelfth- century Europe were often ___________.
- Monks and nuns
__________ is an example of a work made of polychromed wood.
- (Crucifix) Majestat Batllo
__________ includes a section that represents people regarding a comet, possibly Halley's Comet.
- The Bayeaux Embroidery
In a Romanesque church portal, an archivolt is the __________.
- Curved molding composed of the stone Voussoirs of an arch.
Pilgrims went on pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela for a church believed to hold the remains of Saint __________.
- James
Tomb Cover with Effigy of King Rudolf of Swabia was made from_________?
- Bronze with niello
The material used to make "Virgin and Child from Auvergne region," are _________?
- Oak with polychromy
The " Reliquary Statue of Sainte Foy (St. Faith)," was made from __________?
- Silver gilt over a wooden core, with added gems and cameos.
"Christ in Majesty," was made from __________?
- Apse painting
"The Nun Guda, Book of Homilies was made from __________?
- Ink on parchment.