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35 Cards in this Set

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Perineal structures associated with the reproductive system are collectively known as
external genitalia
Meiosis in males produces four spermatids, each of which contains
23 chromosomes
Erection of the penis occurs when
the vascular channels become engroged with blood
In males, the primary target of FSH is the
nurse cells of the seminiferous tubules
The ovaries are responsible for
the production of famale gametes, the secretion on female sex hormones and inhibin
reproductive cells
reproductive organs
interstitial cells
production of androgens
seminal glands
high concentration of fructose
prostate gland
secretes antibiotic
bulbo-urethral glands
secretes thick, sticky, alkaline mucus
foreskin of penis
corpus luteum
endocrine structure
uterine lining
outer muscular uterine wall
painful menstruation
female puberty
femal erectile tissue
milk production
sexual intercourse
In females, meiosis is not completed
unless and until fertilization occurs
If fertilization is to occur, an ovum must encounter spermatozoa during the first hours of its passage
12 to 24 hours
The part of the endometrium that undergoes cyclincal changes in response to variations in sex hormone levels is the
functional zone
A sudden surrge in LH concentration causes
the rupture of the follicular wall and ovulation
At the time of ovulaiton, basal body temperature
declines sharply
Menopause in accompained by
sustained raises in GnRH, FSH, and LH. declines in circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone, thinning of the urethral and vaginal walls
Idnetntify the reproductive accessory organs and glands in males, and list their function
males- semianl glands, prostate gland, adn bulbo-urethral glands. They activate spermatozoa, provide nurtients, propel sperm and fluids along reproductive tracat and produce buffers that counteract the acidity of the urethral and vaginal contents
What are the primary functions of an epididymis
monitors and adjusts composition of the tubular fluid, recycling center for damaged spermatozoa, stores spermatozoa and facilates function maturation
What are the primary functions of the ovaries
produce female gametes (ova), secrete sex hormones, secrete inhibin
What are the three major functions of the vagina
Passageway for elimination of menstrual fluids, receives the penis, holds spermatozoa prior to passage, forms lower protion of bieth canal
How does the reproductive system differ functionally from all other organ systems in teh body?
only organ system not required for the survival of the individual
Define meiosis, and identify the products of this process in both males and females
2-step nuclear division resulting in the formation of four haploid cells from one diploid. In males 4 sperm are produce from each dipliod and one ovum in females
Using an average uterine cycle of 28 days, describe each of the three phases of the menstrual cycle
menses (1-7) degeneralt ona loss of functional zone of endometrium. 35-50 mL blood loss. 2) proliferative (menses to ovulation ~14) growth and vascularization to restoration the functional zone 3) secretory phase (ovulation for as long a s corpus luterums intact) progestins and estrogens from teh corpus luterum caue uterine glands to enlarge and secrete more quickley and arteries to elongae and spiral throught functional zone
Describe the hormonal event associated with the uterine cycle
corpus luteum degenerates, and a decline in progesterone and estrogen results in endometrial breakdown (menses). Next rising FSH, LH, and estrogen levels stimulate the repair and regeneration of teh functional zone. During the postovulatroy phase the combinations of estrogen and progesterone causes enlargement of the uterine glands and in increase in their secretory activity
How does aging aggect the reproductive systems of men and women
women- menopause rises GnRH, FHS, LH while circulating estrogens and progesterone decline leading to reduction in uterus and breast size and thinnig of walls and osteoporosis. Male climacteric (50-60) testosterone declines and FSH and LH increase. Sperm production continues but a reduction in sexual activity occurs