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153 Cards in this Set

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M. S. comes to the office indicating her period
is 1 month overdue. Her level of pregnancy
diagnosis is?
a. Positive
b. Presumptive
c. Possible
d. Probable
R. L. states she is trying to get pregnant and
had unprotected intercourse on day 14 of
her usual 28-day menstrual cycle. However,
the pregnancy test was negative 3 days later.
Appropriate management would be to:
a. Order an ultrasound
b. Prescribe progesterone
c. Repeat the test in a week
d. Order a serum pregnancy test
Pregnancy tests detect:
a. Estrogen
b. Human chorionic gonadotropin
c. Human placental lactogen
d. Progesterone
During the first few weeks of pregnancy, progesterone
is secreted by the:
a. Placenta
b. Corpus luteum
c. Endometrium
d. Trophoblasts
Blood in the chorionic villi pertains to whose
a. Mother
b. Mother and fetus
c. Placenta
d. Fetus
The vessels of the umbilical cord are:
a. One vein with oxygenated blood and two
arteries with deoxygenated blood
b. One vein with deoxygenated blood and
two arteries with oxygenated blood
c. Two veins with oxygenated blood and one
artery with deoxygenated blood
d. Two veins with deoxygenated blood and
one artery with oxygenated blood
The uterus is palpable at the symphysis pubis at:
a. 6 weeks
b. 8 weeks
c. 12 weeks
d. 16 weeks
Implantation occurs _______ after fertilization.
a. 24–48 hours
b. 3–4 days
c. 6–7 days
d 9–10 days
Placental transport of substances occurs by:
a. Simple perfusion
b. Facilitated diffusion
c. Active osmosis
d. Active perfusion
The human zygote consists of:
a. 46 chromosomes from each parent
b. 2 pairs of sex chromosomes
c. 23 chromosomes
d. 23 pairs of chromosomes
The trophoblast will ultimately become the:
a. Placenta
b. Embryo
c. Blastocyst
d. Umbilical cord
M. R. presents for an antepartal visit at 26
weeks and wants to know how big the fetus
is. Your response would be that the fetus is
a. 0.5 lb
b. 1 lb
c. 2 lb
d. 4 lb
At her initial visit, M. R. was a healthy primigravida,
but you heard a Grade I systolic
murmur. Your management would be:
a. A cardiology consult
b. Chest radiograph
c. Immediate referral
d. No intervention
The drop in diastolic blood pressure during
normal pregnancy is partly the result of:
a. Plasma volume expansion
b. Progesterone’s effect on vessel walls
c. Increased cardiac output
d. Pooling of plasma in tissues
Changes in the respiratory system due to pregnancy
may cause:
a. Tachypnea
b. Cough
c. Increased chest diameter
d. Pale nasal mucosa
C. D., a primigravida, came in for a visit at 34
weeks stating she has “a lot of vaginal discharge,”
but no other problems. On exam you
see a white, odorless discharge of moderate
quantity. Your next step would be:
a. Treat for candida
b. Check for trichomoniasis
c. Reassure that this is normal
d. Send a vaginal culture
R. P. comes for a 24-week visit and mentions
that her interest in sex has increased greatly.
You respond to her concern because you know
that increased libido is:
a. A normal variation of response in
b. An abnormal response of changing image
c. Reflective of repressed desire to disrupt the
d. The early sign of a parenting disorder
R. Q., at her 36-week visit, tells you that she is
having nightmares that include labor as well
as fears of having an abnormal baby. Your best
response is:
a. Tell her there is nothing to worry about, as
most babies are fine
b. Encourage her to tell you more about the
nightmares and her fears
c. Make her an appointment with a mental
health nurse practitioner
d. Reassure her that there are dangers about
which we all have to worry
Initial management of constipation in pregnancy
should include suggestions for:
a. Increased protein intake
b. Limitation of calcium rich foods
c. Use of a laxative
d. Increased intake of fiber and fluids
P. J. has had three spontaneous abortions and
is now pregnant for the fourth time. The term
that defines her status is:
a. Multipara
b. Nullipara
c. Primigravida
d. Primipara
The calculation of estimated date of birth (EDB)
by Naegele’s rule is based on:
a. A 28-day menstrual cycle
b. Average length of pregnancy of 290 days
c. 32-day cycle
d. Length of pregnancy of 270 days
A. B. is pregnant for the third time. Her
obstetrical history indicates she has had two
miscarriages and one twin birth at 36 weeks.
One twin died but the other is alive and well.
The four-digit descriptor of this history is:
a. 0121
b. 0221
c. 2021
d. 2201
D. M. comes for her first antepartal visit. When
asked the date of her last menstrual period,
she indicates she has not had one since she has
been nursing her 6-month-old daughter. You
diagnose that she is pregnant. How would you
determine estimated date of birth (EDB)?
a. Determine when she expected to get her
period and calculate from there
b. Document quickening and extrapolate
from there
c. Send her to fetal assessment unit for an
d. Get good sexual history and use last coitus
as the basis for calculation
R. P., G1 P0, comes for her 20-week visit. Her
abdominal exam shows the uterine fundus to
be half way between the symphysis and the
umbilicus. This finding leads you to consider:
a. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
b. Nothing, since it is normal
c. Oligohydramnios
d. She is not eating and gaining enough
25. In your abdominal exam using Leopold’s
maneuvers, the first step is to determine fetal:
a. Attitude
b. Position
c. Engagement
d. Lie
D. P. presents for her first antepartal visit. She is
9 weeks pregnant and requests that you listen
for the FHT. Your response would be:
a. “No, there’s no reason to since it can’t be
heard yet anyway.”
b. “Sure, I’ll listen but we may not hear it
c. “Sure we can listen since it’ll be there
d. “We don’t usually do that at this visit.”
Normal findings on speculum and pelvic examination
of a pregnant woman include:
a. Eversion of the squamocolumnar junction
b. Pale vaginal mucosa
c. Open cervical os
d. Firm, slightly enlarged cervix
Clinical pelvimetry of a woman with an
adequate pelvis would provide which of the
following findings?
a. Ischial tuberosities of 10 cm and a flat
b. Convergent sidewalls
c. Pubic arch of 90 degrees with diagonal conjugate
of greater than 11.5 cm
d. Protuberant ischial spines
The value of clinical pelvimetry rests in its
ability to:
a. Predict successful vaginal birth
b. Identify the characteristics of the woman’s
c. Determine if she will have a breech
d. Predict an occiput posterior position
F. R., a primigravida at 16 weeks, states that she
is concerned because she has not felt the baby
move yet. Your response should be:
a. “Most women with a first pregnancy don’t
feel movement until around 20 weeks.”
b. “You’re worrying too much, just relax.”
c. “I’ll order an ultrasound, just to be sure
everything is fine.”
d. “I’d like you to return in a week so we can
recheck it.”
Maternal serum alphafetoprotein screening is
performed in what time frame?
a. 8–12 weeks
b. 12–15 weeks
c. 15–19 weeks
d. 20–24 weeks
CDC recommends screening for group B streptococcus
(GBS) at what point?
a. At the first visit
b. When labor starts
c. At 20 weeks
d. At 35–37 weeks
The triple screen tests for:
a. AFP, progesterone, hCG
b. AFP, estriol, hCG
c. Estriol, progesterone, hPL
d. Estradiol, progesterone, AFP
A nonstress test containing 2 fetal heart accelerations
lasting 15 seconds that are 15 beats
per minute above the baseline is:
a. Negative
b. Positive
c. Nonreactive
d. Reactive
The recommended folic acid supplement for
a woman with a past history of a baby with a
neural tube defect is:
a. 4 mg per day starting before conception
b. 0.4 mg per day starting with a missed
c. 2 mg per day prior to conception
d. 0.4 mg per day throughout pregnancy
B. D. comes for her first antepartal visit. She is
5 ft 4 in and weighs 190 lb (BMI 33). Weight
goal for the pregnancy should be:
a. Maintain current weight
b. Gain 11–20 lb
c. Gain 25–35 lb
d. Lose 10–15 lb
Exercise guidelines for healthy pregnant
women include suggestions to:
a. Discontinue exercise at 20 weeks
b. Begin intense program of exercise, especially
if prepregnant weight was high
c. Modify the existing program if symptoms
d. Limit fluids before exercising
Anticipatory guidance concerning sexual
activity during pregnancy includes:
a. Sexual intercourse may continue until
early third trimester in an uncomplicated
b. Sexual intercourse is contraindicated
throughout pregnancy if there is a past
history of preterm labor.
c. The pregnant woman’s sexual desire may
change throughout pregnancy.
d. Most pregnant women do not desire sex
after the first trimester.
Breastfeeding should be encouraged for:
a. All women whose families strongly support
the idea
b. All pregnant women who are not HIV
c. Those with adequate breast tissue
d. Women who desire to do so
M. D. comes for her first antepartal visit at
8 weeks and tells you she has nausea every
morning, but is able to eat and drink in the
afternoon. Your management at this point
would include:
a. Prescription for antinausea medicine
b. Vitamin B6 50 mg bid
c. Small frequent meals
d. Carbonated beverage on rising
The fatigue of early pregnancy is best managed
a. Ruling out a thyroid problem
b. Encouraging increased exercise
c. Increased amounts of caffeinated drinks
d. Reassurance and rest
Leg cramps may be relieved by:
a. Pointing the toes
b. Hot compresses
c. Flexion of the foot
d. Hot tub baths
R. T. comes for her 36-week visit, during which
she mentions that her hands and feet are somewhat
swollen. She has gained 2 lb since her visit
2 weeks ago; her BP is 128/76 and she has no
protein in her urine. What is your plan?
a. Refer to perinatologist for impending
b. Explain the edema at this stage is normal
and see her in a week
c. Order bed rest with return visit in a week
d. Restrict salt and fluid intake
T. G. asks about the value of childbirth preparation
classes during a second trimester visit. You
tell her that the evidence indicates that they
are associated with:
a. Reduced use of analgesics/anesthesia
during labor
b. Improved parenting skills
c. Decreased Cesarean rates
d. Less use of IVs in labor
Diabetes screening recommendations during
pregnancy for the woman who is obese include:
a. Fasting blood glucose each trimester
b. Testing Hemoglobin A1C in the first
c. Routine screening early in pregnancy and
at 24–28 weeks
d. The same as for the normal weight woman
G. H. comes for her 34-week visit, at which time
the fundus measures 39 cm. Abdominal palpation
reveals a large uterus and difficulty feeling
fetal parts. The most likely diagnosis is:
a. Multiple gestation
b. Macrosomic fetus
c. Uterine fibroid
d. Polyhydramnios
W. T., during her initial prenatal visit, mentions
that she had a rubella immunization 3 weeks
before conceiving this baby. Your plan is to:
a. Advise her to consider termination of the
b. Continue regular care
c. Consult with an infectious disease specialist
d. Referral to perinatologist
On physical examination at an initial prenatal
visit of a 25-year-old woman who is at 14
weeks’ gestation, you feel a 1 cm mobile,
nontender mass in the upper, outer quadrant
of her right breast. Your plan is:
a. Explain this is normal with hormonal
changes of pregnancy
b. Advise her you will watch at each visit to
assess for any change
c. Schedule a mammogram to be done in the
third trimester
d. Refer for further evaluation with biopsy
A pregnant woman who is 5 ft 3 in in height
has a prepregnancy weight of 115 lb. Which of
the following represents the most appropriate
weight for her by the end of her pregnancy?
a. 125 lb
b. 135 lb
c. 145 lb
d. 155 lb
The biophysical profile (BPP) assesses fetal wellbeing
a. A combination of nonstress test and ultrasound
evaluation to assess five variables
b. Both a contraction stress test and ultrasound
evaluation of amniotic fluid volume
c. Serial ultrasounds to evaluate amniotic
fluid volume as well as fetal breathing and
body movement and tone
d. Evaluation of fetal movement with kick
counts after administration of oxytocin or
nipple stimulation
An appropriate plan of care for a 40-week
gestation woman with a BPP score of 8 that
includes a 2 score for amniotic fluid volume
a. Order a contraction stress test
b. Repeat the BPP in 48 hours
c. Schedule a return visit after 1 week
d. Admit for induction of labor and delivery
Evaluation of fetal lung maturity is a required
procedure for a:
a. Scheduled delivery before 39 weeks’ gestational
b. Scheduled delivery before 37 weeks’ gestational
c. Laboring woman at 37 weeks’ gestational
d. Laboring woman at 35 weeks’ gestational
W. M., who is 11 weeks pregnant, calls you
from the ER to say she sustained a laceration,
and they want to give her a tetanus booster.
You would tell her:
a. All vaccinations are contraindicated in
b. It is not a problem because she doesn’t
need it
c. It can be given in pregnancy if needed
d. She should wait until the third trimester
Drugs from which one of the following categories
may be given to a pregnant woman when
the potential benefit justifies the potential
fetal risk:
a. Category A
b. Category B
c. Category C
d. Category X
A woman who is pregnant for the second time,
and her first pregnancy ended with a spontaneous
abortion at 10 weeks is a:
a. Multigravida
b. Multipara
c. Primigravida
d. Primipara
A pregnant woman presents for her 24-week
visit, at which time she relates that she doesn’t
feel very interested in sex anymore. Your
response is to:
a. Tell her this is common and she should not
be concerned
b. Assure her the interest will return in the
third trimester
c. Tell her to get more rest and her interest
will increase
d. Get her to talk about what she’s feeling
and thinking about sex
The screening test for group B streptococcus
requires that the specimen be obtained from
a. Ectocervix and vaginal side walls
b. Ectocervix and endocervical os
c. Endocervical os and rectum
d. Vaginal introitus and rectum
Pregnancy loss and the woman’s need for
appropriate grieving occur across the reproductive
spectrum. Maladaptive grief reactions are
best addressed by:
a. Telling her to put the baby’s things away
b. Listening to whatever the woman has to
c. Encouraging her to be strong so she’ll get
past it
d. Making her an appointment with a
Recommended routine screening tests at an
initial antenatal visit during the first trimester
a. Group B streptococcus culture
b. Syphilis serology
c. Triple marker screen
d. Ultrasound
Which of the following statements concerning
influenza vaccination for pregnant women is
a. Vaccination is recommended for all women
who will be pregnant during the influenza
b. Pregnant women with HIV infection should
not receive this vaccination.
c. The pregnant woman should be offered
the option of either the injection or nasal
administration of the vaccine.
d. Vaccination should be given only in the
second or third trimester.
RDA of calories and protein during pregnancy
a. 3,000 kcal and 50 g/day
b. 3,500 kcal and 60 g/day
c. 3,800 kcal and 60 g/day
d. 2,500 kcal and 60 g/day
R. H. presents for her 36-week visit. Abdominal
exam reveals a likelihood of polyhydramnios.
In response to her question of where does the
fluid come from, you answer:
a. From the mother’s blood volume
b. Through a combination of maternal serum
and fetal urination
c. Produced by amniotic epithelium and fetal
d. From fluid ingested by mother
D. B., a 24-year-old primigravida, during her
initial visit asks how the fetus has genes from
both her husband and herself. Your response is
based on what fact?
a. Mitosis occurs producing half the number
of chromosomes.
b. Meiosis occurs producing half the number
of chromosomes.
c. The egg is a somatic cell.
d. Sperm is a somatic cell.
Which of the following are parts of the
a. Trophoblast, chorion, amnion
b. Trophoblast, chorion, endometrium
c. Chorion, amnion, umbilical cord
d. Intervillous spaces, endometrium,
The term conceptus means:
a. The embryo and placenta
b. The embryo and membranes
c. The embryo, membranes, and placenta
d. The embryo, membranes, placenta, and
What structure in human reproduction produces
the most diverse and greatest quantity of
steroid and protein hormones?
a. Trophoblast
b. Blastocyst
c. Chorion laeve
d. Deciduas basalis
At her 32-week visit, B. R. asks you to tell her
what you are looking for or feeling when doing
her abdominal exam with Leopold’s maneuvers.
You respond that you are:
a. Determining the placement of the placenta
b. Finding what direction the fetus is lying
c. Evaluating the size of the uterus
d. Evaluating adequacy of fetal growth
T. D. comes for an 18-week visit. Appropriate
routine screening tests at this visit include:
a. Gestational diabetes testing
b. Chlamydia and gonorrhea tests
c. CBC or hematocrit
d. Multiple marker screen
R. D. at 37 weeks calls to say she feels like the
fetus is moving less. After further inquiry you
decide to send her for an NST. She asks what
this is. You explain that it is an assessment of
fetal well-being based on:
a. Evaluation of body movements
b. Breathing movements
c. Fetal heart-rate response to fetal
d. Fetal body tone
P. R. comes for a first visit at 11 weeks’ gestation.
Her history reveals her concern about sore
gums that sometimes bleed. Your thinking is:
a. She most likely needs to see a periodontist.
b. Gingivitis is common in pregnancy with
increased vascularity of connective tissue.
c. She should be started on antibiotics to
prevent systemic infection.
d. She should be placed on a soft diet until
the problem is resolved.
A woman presents at 32 weeks’ gestation with
vaginal bleeding for the past 6 hours, back
pain, and irregular abdominal cramping pain.
Exam reveals diffuse abdominal tenderness and
increased uterine tone. You suspect:
a. Marginal placenta previa
b. Placental abruption
c. Preterm labor
d. Pyelonephritis
A postterm pregnancy is best diagnosed by:
a. Certain LMP
b. Third trimester ultrasound
c. Fundal growth
d. Quickening
Serial beta hCG levels are done after uterine
evacuation for hydatidiform mole to:
a. Assure that the woman is not pregnant in
the first year after treatment
b. Monitor for persistent trophoblastic
c. Identify a pregnancy early so appropriate
care can be provided
d. Assess for a possible undetected ectopic
P. R. indicates she is afraid of pitocin because
her sister had a uterine rupture when she was
induced. Your response would be:
a. Reassurance since she won’t need induction
b. Discuss how pitocin is given with assurance
that nothing will go wrong
c. Discuss alternate methods to promote
uterine readiness and contractions
d. Say it is the best way to get through labor
and not a problem
L. M. is a G2 P1001 whose initial visit reveals a
healthy pregnant woman. Her urinalysis and
culture and sensitivity (C&S) report indicates a
colony count of greater than 100,000 organisms/
mL. You would:
a. Refer her to a urologist to evaluate for
underlying renal disease
b. Encourage fluids and repeat C&S in 2 weeks
c. Initiate treatment with antibiotics
d. Advise her to
Antepartal care for the woman who is HIV positive
should focus mainly on:
a. Assuring fetal well-being at all cost
b. Frequent drug testing to assure she is not
using IV street drugs
c. Getting her partner tested and treated if
d. Maintaining her health and preventing
neonatal transmission
On reviewing the record of a currently pregnant
woman, you see that she is P1112. What
obstetrical history can you derive from this
information ?
a. Two previous pregnancies of which one
infant was term and one was a premature
b. You are unable to determine an obstetric
history from this information
c. Three pregnancies with one term birth and
premature twins
d. Three pregnancies of which one was term,
one premature and one abortion
Polyhydramnios is defined as:
a. AFI greater than 10 cm
b. Single pocket greater than 5 cm
c. AFI greater than 15 cm
d. Single pocket greater than 8 cm
Etiology of polyhydramnios is associated with:
a. Maternal over-hydration
b. Fetal anomalies of GI tract
c. Fetal anomalies of cardiovascular system
d. Maternal preeclampsia with edema
The fetal system most associated with oligohydramnios
is the:
a. GI system
b. Central nervous system
c. Renal system
d. Cardiovascular system
When speaking with a primigravida about the
way a baby develops, you would describe the
embryonic stage as the:
a. Period between the second and eighth
b. Time from implantation to 12 weeks into
c. Period when drugs are least likely to affect
d. Period from fertilization to 4 weeks
During the embryonic stage all major organ
systems are formed except:
a. Heart
b. Reproductive organs
c. Liver
d. Lungs
Determining an accurate estimated date of
birth (EDB) is critical because:
a. It is the basis for making decisions toward
the end of the pregnancy.
b. Mothers want to know the exact date the
baby will be born.
c. It is all that is needed to plan a 37-week
elective C-section.
d. Families want to make plans around the
baby’s birth.
Which of the following would not be a
normal physical examination finding during
a. Blue color of vaginal mucosa and cervix
b. Hypertrophy of nasal mucosa and gums
c. Mildly enlarged, nodular thyroid
d. Increased redness on palms of hands
During the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus:
a. Finishes the final formation of the renal
b. Completes the development of reproductive
c. Experiences the closure of the foramen
d. Increases weight through fat accumulation
The determination of an accurate EDB is best
accomplished by using:
a. The first day of the last menstrual period
b. A complete menstrual history
c. The use of Naegele’s rule
d. Date when symptoms of pregnancy began
Dating of pregnancy by USG is most accurate in
the first trimester using:
a. Crown rump length (CRL)
b. Head circumference
c. Abdominal circumference
d. Femur length
Which of the following statements most accurately
reflects the growth of the pregnant
a. At 14 weeks it begins to rise out of the
pelvis, and at 24 weeks is at the umbilicus.
b. At 14 weeks it is halfway to the umbilicus,
and at 20 weeks is at the umbilicus.
c. At 12 weeks it begins to rise out of pelvis,
and at 20 weeks is at the umbilicus.
d. At 10 weeks it begins to rise out of the
pelvis, and at 16 weeks is at the umbilicus.
Which of the following is a presumptive sign of
pregnancy seen in the vagina?
a. Hegar’s
b. Piskacek’s
c. Goodell’s
d. Chadwick’s
Which of the following is a presumptive sign of
pregnancy seen in the vagina?
a. Hegar’s
b. Piskacek’s
c. Goodell’s
d. Chadwick’s
91. Of the four pelvic types, which is more likely to
lead to a posterior position with higher possibility
of dystocia?
a. Android
b. Platypelloid
c. Anthropoid
d. Gynecoid
The characteristic gait of pregnancy results
a. Shift in the center of gravity as uterus
b. Effects of relaxin and estrogen
c. Effects of relaxin and progesterone
d. Effects of increasing amounts of estrogen
and progesterone
The effect of pregnancy on the cardiovascular
system is most clearly seen in:
a. Lower diastolic blood pressure in third
b. 10% cardiac volume increase that peaks in
c. Resting pulse increase of 10–15 beats in
first trimester
d. Slight decrease in cardiac output in second
The usual 1 g drop in hemoglobin during pregnancy
is due to:
a. Blood volume increase of 30–50%
b. Decrease in iron absorption
c. Decrease in production of RBC
d. Increasing iron needs of the fetus
Which of the following is considered a
risk factor for psychological well-being in
a. Limited support network
b. Introversion at any point
c. Ambivalence anytime
d. Concern about the danger signs
The maternal mortality ratio is defined as the
number of maternal deaths that result from the
reproductive process per:
a. 1000 live births
b. 100,000 live births
c. 100,000 pregnant women
d. 100,000 reproductive age women
G. R. comes for her first pregnancy visit. Her
obstetrical history includes one spontaneous
abortion, one termination of pregnancy, one
infant born at 36 weeks and one born at 41
weeks. Both infants are living. Her parity is:
a. 2022
b. 2122
c. 1212
d. 1122
The pelvic planes of obstetrical significance are
a. Inlet, midplane, and outlet
b. Inlet, posterior outlet, and anterior outlet
c. Inlet, posterior midplane, and anterior
d. Linea terminalis, posterior outlet, and anterior
Which of the elements of clinical pelvimetery
defines the midplane?
a. Diagonal conjugate
b. Intertuberous diameter
c. Ischial spines distance and sacrum
d. Pubic arch
Amniocentesis is used in early pregnancy to:
a. Screen for fetal anomalies
b. Diagnose fetal genetic well-being
c. Evaluate maternal genetic problems
d. Determine AFI and muscle tone
Chorionic villous sampling (CVS) has an advantage
over amniocentesis because it:
a. Can be done 3–4 weeks earlier
b. There is less risk for infection
c. There is less risk for limb deformities
d. There is greater specificity in test results
When considering the use of fetal movement
counting for a particular woman, it is important
to know that:
a. Fetuses move constantly so it can be done
at any time.
b. Fetal movement is strongest at 29–38
c. Most women don’t feel the fetus move
before 24 weeks.
d. There is only one way to perform fetal
movement counts.
The basis for the nonstress test (NST) to assess
fetal well-being is that:
a. Fetal movement will increase the mother’s
heart rate.
b. The fetus responds to an increase in heart
rate by accelerating movement.
c. Fetal movement should cause no significant
change in FHR.
d. Fetal heart rate accelerates in association
with fetal movement.
Contraindications to contraction stress testing
(CST) include:
a. Gestational age greater than 37 weeks
b. History of ectopic pregnancy
c. Nonreactive nonstress test (NST)
d. Placenta previa
Cordocentesis may be used:
a. As an adjunct to chorionic villi sampling
b. To obtain blood samples for fetal
fibronectin test
c. To provide fetal blood transfusion
d. To relieve pressure on a prolapsed cord
Substances classified as addictive:
a. Are only illegal drugs
b. Include only those inhaled or injected
c. Include both legal and illegal drugs
d. Do not include alcohol
Which of the following is most common during
a. Binge drinking
b. Cigarette smoking
c. Marijuana smoking
d. Occasional alcohol use
When faced with a woman who manifests clear
evidence of being a victim of violence, your first
goal is:
a. Evaluate her safety
b. Get her to a shelter
c. Tell her to press charges
d. Get photos of all injuries
Correct information concerning pregnancies
with first trimester bleeding includes:
a. Approximately 10% of women have some
bleeding in the first trimester.
b. Bleeding that occurs between 10 and 12
weeks is often caused by implantation.
c. Cervical incompetence is a common cause
of first trimester bleeding.
d. 90% of pregnancies in which FHT are heard
will continue to term after early bleeding.
A patient presents with an LMP of 8 weeks
ago and a positive urine pregnancy test. She
is having a small amount of bleeding for the
past 12 hours, along with some mild abdominal
cramping. A pelvic exam reveals a closed cervix
and a slightly enlarged uterus. Differential
diagnosis for this woman includes:
a. Complete abortion and threatened
b. Ectopic pregnancy and inevitable abortion
c. Ectopic pregnancy and threatened abortion
d. Incomplete abortion and inevitable
An example of an autosomal recessive disease
a. BRCA 2 breast cancer
b. Cystic fibrosis
c. Hemophilia
d. Trisomy 21
A 34-week pregnant woman presents stating
she noticed a small amount of blood on her
underwear this morning about an hour after
having sexual intercourse. She is not having any
pain or contractions. Your initial differential
diagnosis for this woman would include:
a. Cervicitis
b. Incompetent cervix
c. Placental abruption
d. Premature rupture of membranes
Risks to the fetus in a postterm pregnancy are
related to all of the following except:
a. Fetal macrosomia
b. Meconium aspiration
c. Polyhydramnios
d. Uteroplacental insufficiency
Symmetric growth restriction is more likely than
asymmetric growth restriction to:
a. Be related to multiple gestation
b. First become apparent in late pregnancy
c. Occur as a result of maternal medical illness
d. Result from maternal cigarette smoking
Loss of a fetus in the second trimester is most
frequently related to:
a. Hydatidiform mole
b. Inevitable abortion
c. Ectopic pregnancy
d. Incompetent cervix
As a result of an early USG, a low-lying placenta
is verified for B. T. What do you tell her
regarding this?
a. Approximately 30% of women with lowlying
placenta in early pregnancy will have
placenta previa in the third trimester.
b. Approximately 30% of women have a lowlying
placenta in the first trimester.
c. Regular vaginal examinations will be
done in the third trimester to monitor any
obstruction of the cervix.
d. Vaginal delivery is contraindicated if there
is a marginal placenta previa.
A pregnant woman has the following history:
vaginal delivery at 38 wks; spontaneous abortion
at 8 wks; elective abortion at 13 wks;
vaginal delivery at 34 wks; 2 living children; is
now 28 wks pregnant. Her gravity and parity
a. G5 P1122
b. G5 P0222
c. G3 P2002
d. G3 P2112
Which of the following tests is diagnostic rather
than screening?
b. Nuchal translucency US
c. Amniocentesis
d. USG at 10 weeks
An elevated maternal AFP result is associated
with which of the following?
a. Down syndrome
b. Neural tube defect
c. Autosomal recessive gene
d. X-linked recessive inheritance
Which of the following factors would predispose
a pregnant woman to having a baby with
GBS disease?
a. History of previous GBS-positive infant
b. Bacterial vaginosis in current pregnancy
c. Frequent urinary tract infections prior to
d. Streptococcal pharyngitis in the third
V. R. comes for her 38-week visit, during which
she reports that her friend gave birth last week
and had a placental abruption. She is now concerned
that she might have the same. What
information would you share with her about
a. In the event of bleeding near term, 50%
are related to placental abruption.
b. In the third trimester, she has a 30% chance
of having a placental abruption.
c. The likelihood of her having this occur is
basically zero at this time.
d. It is associated with risk factors such as
hypertension, smoking, and trauma.
Genotype refers to:
a. The expression of genes present in an
b. The dominant genes that will be inherited
by a fetus
c. The pair of genes for each characteristic
inherent in an individual
d. The recessive genes that will be passed on
to a fetus
Which of the following women should receive
RhoGAM postpartum?
a. Nonsensitized Rh negative mother with an
Rh negative baby
b. Nonsensitized Rh negative mother with an
Rh positive baby
c. Sensitized Rh negative mother with an Rh
negative baby
d. Sensitized Rh negative mother with an RH
positive baby
124. Aneuploidy describes which of the following
a. Down syndrome
b. BRCA 1 and 2 inheritance
c. Cystic fibrosis genes
d. Sickle cell anemia
B. T., G2 P0010, comes for her first antepartal
visit. Her history indicates she had a pregnancy
loss at 18 weeks. She is gravely concerned that
it will happen again in this pregnancy. You
discuss cervical cerclage, mentioning the following
a. Will be done after 12–14 weeks and is
80–90% successful
b. Will be done after 16–20 weeks and is
80–90% successful
c. Will be done after 16–20 weeks and is
50–60% successful
d. Will be done after 12–14 weeks and is
50–60% successful
The CDC’s recommended treatment for primary
syphilis in a 10-week pregnant woman is:
a. Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 units IM x 1
dose after the first trimester
b. Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 units IM x 1
dose at the time of diagnosis
c. Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 units IM weekly
x 3 doses
d. Benzathine penicillin G 2.4 units IM at the
time of diagnosis and repeat in 4 weeks if
no decline in RPR titer
At an initial prenatal visit, a woman is diagnosed
with bacterial vaginosis. She is not
having any symptoms of vaginal infection. You
will advise her that:
a. All pregnant women should be treated if
they have asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis.
b. Pregnant women who are at risk for
preterm delivery should be treated if they
have asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis.
c. Only pregnant women at risk for preterm
delivery should be treated for symptomatic
bacterial vaginosis.
d. Pregnant women who are at risk for
preterm delivery should be tested for
asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis in early
third trimester.
CDC’s recommended treatment for trichomoniasis
during pregnancy is:
a. Metronidazole 2 g orally
b. Clindamycin 300 mg orally bid x 7 days
c. Azithromycin 1 g orally
d. Ceftriaxone 125 mg IM
Symmetric intrauterine growth restriction:
a. Generally becomes evident in
b. Is usually associated with placental
c. Is caused by conditions that result in a
reduction in cell size
d. Is a neonatal diagnosis made when the
infant falls below the 10th percentile
M. K. is a 34-year-old G5 P4004. Her 1-hour
50 g glucose challenge test at 28 weeks was 154
mg/dL. Follow-up 100 g glucose tolerance test
produced the following results: 100, 192, 185,
and 160 mg/dL. Your plan for M. K. includes:
a. Obtaining fasting glucose tests at 32 and 36
weeks to assure that levels stay at or below
100 mg/dL
b. Referring her to a nutritionist to help her
limit further weight gain to no more than
10 lb.
c. Referring her to a perinatologist for periumbilical
blood sampling to determine
fetal blood glucose levels
d. Screening for diabetes at 6–12 weeks
At 20 weeks’ gestation a pregnant woman
was seen and fundal height was 1 cm below
the umbilicus. At today’s 24-week visit, fundal
height is at the umbilicus. She is feeling regular
fetal movement and fetal heart rate is 140
bpm. The most appropriate management for
this patient is:
a. Ordering a biophysical profile
b. Ordering an ultrasound
c. Performing a nonstress test at this visit
d. Scheduling her next visit for 4 weeks from
Ectopic pregnancy is consistent with no intrauterine
sac on transvaginal ultrasound and an
hCG titer of less than:
a. 100 IU/L
b. 1500 IU/L
c. 6500 IU/L
d. 10,000 IU/L
L. H. is an 18-year-old female who is 16 weeks
pregnant. She has a positive chlamydia test.
Appropriate management includes:
a. Erythromycin base 500 mg orally qid for 7
days and ceftrixone 125 mg IM
b. Azithromycin 1 g orally in a single dose and
perform test of cure in 3–4 weeks
c. Ofloxacin 300 mg orally bid for 7 days and
rescreen in the third trimester
d. Spectinomycin 2 g IM now and repeat in 1
M. I. is a 29-year-old G4 P2012 at 41 weeks
today. She complains of occasional cramping,
denies leaking/bleeding, but states she passed
her “mucus plug” yesterday. She asks how she’ll
know if she’s in labor since both her previous
births were induced. You respond that:
a. True labor occurs when contractions are 7–8
minutes apart and last for 45 seconds.
b. Real labor is when contractions are 2–3
minutes apart and are very painful.
c. Labor contractions usually become more
regular and more intense over time.
d. Contractions begin slowly; once they are
4–5 minutes apart, it is real labor.
Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is diagnosed by:
a. Elevated free thyroxine (T4) levels
b. Low free T3 levels
c. Elevated TSH
d. Elevated total thyroxine (TT4) levels
ABO incompatibility occurs in what percentage
of pregnancies?
a. 15%
b. 20–25%
c. 25–40%
d. 5–8%
T. W., a 32-year-old G2 P1001, is Rh negative.
Her first pregnancy was uneventful, and she
received RhoGAM after the birth. She read on
the Internet that problems were much more
likely with the second pregnancy. You respond
a. Since she reports she has had no transfusions
since the previous birth, there is no
b. The RhoGAM she received in the last pregnancy
will prevent any problems in this
c. She was not sensitized in the first pregnancy,
and you will provide monitoring and
treatment to prevent it in this pregnancy.
d. It is likely that her fetus is Rh– so there is no
real concern that she will have any problems
related to this.
At 28 weeks’ gestation, a patient’s Hgb is 11.2
g/dL. At her initial first trimester visit, her Hgb
was 12.8 g/dL. Management will include:
a. Obtaining a CBC and ferritin level
b. Asking if she is having difficulty tolerating
her iron supplement and change to a different
type if needed
c. Rechecking her history to see if she may be
at risk for an inherited anemia
d. Encouraging her to continue getting
dietary iron and taking her iron supplement
Folic acid deficiency anemia is characterized by:
a. Hemoglobin at 9 g/dL or less
b. Low ferritin levels
c. Elevated serum iron binding capacity
d. Macrocytic erythrocytes
Which of the following statements is true concerning
sickle cell hemoglobinopathies:
a. Trait indicates that one parent has sickle
cell disease.
b. Disease is present when the person inherits
a sickle cell gene from each parent.
c. G-6-PD deficiency is a potential complication
of sickle cell disease.
d. 1 in 100 African Americans has sickle cell
Normal changes of pregnancy may confound
a diagnosis of appendicitis. With this in mind,
you should note the following as a critical sign
or symptom pointing to possible appendicitis in
a. Persistent abdominal pain and tenderness
b. Intermittent lower abdominal cramping
c. Elevated WBC level
d. Nausea and vomiting
M. D., a 32-year-old P1, during a discussion of
infant care and breastfeeding, says, “My first
baby didn’t like the breast, then I didn’t have
enough milk, so I stopped breastfeeding after
two weeks.” What is your response to her
a. Tell her she probably misinterpreted what
was going on and shouldn’t have stopped
b. Delve further into what occurred and how
she came to the conclusions that led her to
stop breastfeeding.
c. Let her know she probably wasn’t drinking
enough fluids so didn’t have enough milk
to feed the baby.
d. Reassure her that she was listening to her
body and had done the right thing for
herself and her infant.
M. B., G1 P0, comes for her 36-week visit with a
piece of paper in her hand. “I’m really confused
about this birth plan business. What am I supposed
to do about my birth? Don’t I just show
up when I’m in labor?” How will you counsel
her today?
a. “It really doesn’t matter what you write
because the hospital has its own plan.”
b. “You will need to be very detailed about
each element of the birth experience so
you get what you want.”
c. “The plan provides the opportunity for you
to make choices about events associated
with the birth.”
d. “The healthcare provider who is there
when you are in labor will tell you what is
best for you and how to do it.”
Y. L., G2 P1001, comes for her first visit. She is
concerned about the possibility of a UTI since
her sister was recently hospitalized for pyelonephritis.
What facts would you give her to
enhance her understanding?
a. UTIs do occur in about 10% of pregnancies.
b. 25% of women with UTI in pregnancy will
develop pyelonephritis.
c. If she has a history of UTIs before pregnancy,
she will be screened with a urine
culture each trimester.
d. Pregnant women are typically screened
for asymptomatic bacteruria in early
Who is at greatest risk for developing a UTI in
a. Adolescents
b. Woman pregnant with twins
c. Women older than 35 years
d. Woman with diabetes
L. T. returns for the reading of the PPD that was
placed during her first prenatal visit. You read
the result as 10 mm of induration. L. T. is
American-born, healthy, and has no known
history of contact with the disease. How do
you interpret this result to her?
a. It is positive and she needs referral to an
infectious disease specialist.
b. It is unclear and she should have a chest
radiograph to be certain.
c. It is positive and you should give her a prescription
for INH.
d. It is negative since she has no high-risk
characteristics for the disease.
Which of the following statements concerning
HIV in women is correct?
a. The main route of acquiring the infection
in women is IV drug use.
b. Viral load is the strongest predictor for
transmission of infection to infant during
birth process.
c. C-section is the recommended route of
delivery for all HIV-infected women to
reduce the risk of transmission of infection
to infant.
d. Breastfeeding should only be recommended
if the mother’s viral load is less
than 200 copies/ml.
S. R. has reached her 39th week of pregnancy.
On abdominal exam you measure a fundal
height of 42 cm. Leopold’s maneuvers provides
you with an EFW of 4200 g. What factors would
help to ease your mind about the fetal size?
a. She has wide hips and will have no problem
with a big baby.
b. She is 5 ft 10 in with an anthropoid pelvis
and her husband is 6 ft 4 in.
c. She is totally unconcerned and knows this
baby will fit.
d. The fetus is not yet engaged so the height
is greater than expected.
Many conditions are associated with preterm
birth. Of the 28% of births that occur preterm,
what is the condition that contributes most to
these births?
b. Preeclampsia
c. Fetal demise
d. Abruptio placenta
A patient who is 32 weeks pregnant has had
symptoms of preterm labor and has a history
of preterm delivery at 34 weeks. A fetal
fibronectin test is negative. You advise her that:
a. She has a 60% chance of going into labor
within the next week.
b. It is really too early in her pregnancy for
this test to be of much value.
c. The result offers some reassurance that she
will not go into labor in the next 2 weeks.
d. It is really too late in her pregnancy for this
test to be of much value.
A decision is made to start tocolytic therapy for
a 30-week gestation woman in preterm labor.
Betamethasone IM has also been ordered.
This is done because the administration of
a. Decreases the respiratory side-effects of
tocolytic drugs
b. Decreases the incidence of premature
rupture of membranes
c. Enhances the effects of tocolytic drugs
d. Reduces the incidence of newborn respiratory
distress syndrome
G. F. comes for her 32-week visit, and you determine
she has a breech presentation. Your plan
for her is to:
a. Send her to Maternal Fetal Medicine for
external cephalic version
b. Refer her to perinatologist for care decision
and treatment
c. Send her for ultrasound to confirm breech
d. Wait until 36 weeks to see if spontaneous
version has occurred
A pregnant woman presents for her 32-week
visit with no complaints. All findings from previous
visits have been normal. Today she has
blood pressure of 145/95. Expected additional
findings if she has mild preeclampsia include:
a. Lower extremity edema
b. 1 to 2+ proteinuria on dipstick urine
c. Right upper epigastric pain
d. Elevated liver function tests