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29 Cards in this Set

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sites for capillary puncture
ring finger, great finger and lateral sides of the heel on infants
great finger aka middle finger
purpose of a capillary puncture
tests for things like glucose, PKU's on infants
when is a capillary test not appropriate?
when the patient has calloused, bruised or injured fingers
how far should the lancet penetrate the finger?
about 2mm into site
which direction should the lancet enter the skin?
across. for a better blood flow and specimen.
steps of capillary puncture
1. disinfect site with alcohol
2. wait for it to dry
3. squeeze the fleshy part of the finger to avoid hitting the nail or bone
2nd half steps
4. press down firmly across finger
5. dispose of lancet and wipe away the.first drop if blood w a cotton ball.
6. use a capillary tube to take the rest if the blood
7. give the patient a cotton ball to apply pressure
what is the surgical puncture of a vein?
venipuncture. aka phlebotomy
what is the most common site for a blood draw?
antecubital at the inner bend of the elbow
for a difficult blood draw what do you do?
use the back of the palm
what do tourniquets promote?
palpation and visual of the vein
what allergies should you ask about before the procedure?
latex and bandage adhesive
where does.the.tourniquet go?
3 inches above intended site
leave a tourniquet on no longer than?
1 minute
when should you as a patient to clench.their fist?
if the vein does not stand out
gauge needle generally used
21-23 gauge. 21 is larger
what angle should tip be.inserted at?
sterile needle and syringe is used when?
when a patient has small veins usually a 10-20 ml syringe is used
if a patient faints
remove tourniquet first and use spirits of ammonia
breakdown of blood cells if blood is being forced into the tube
a bruise
red stopper tubes
range from 3-5 mL
used for whole blood collection and allowed to clot
after clotting, blood is spun and serum poured off
red/black stopper
SST separates red cells from serum
lavender stopper
EDTA from 5-10 mL used in whole blood collection
gray stopper
oxylate 5 mL used in blood glucose test
blue stopper
5 mL used for testing prothrombin times and must be completely full due to large amounts of CITRATE
green stopper
contains heparin. 5 mL used to determine several chemical constituents
order of draw
red or red/black
date collected and sent to lab and received result
test results only if in house
tests requested

name. dob. records number.