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155 Cards in this Set

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_is the period of time that occurs from the moment a man's sperm fertilizes a woman's egg until the birth of the newborn.

What is the total length of gestation?

40 weeks (10 lunar months, or 9 calendar months)

How is the period of pregnancy divided?

3-month periods (trimesters)

What weeks are in the 1st trimester?
Last day of the woman's LMP to the last day of week 13

What weeks include the 2nd trimester?

from week 14- 27
What weeks include the 3rd trimester?
from week 28 until the pregnancy is expected to end in at week 40

the latin term for a pregnant woman


1st pregnancy


multiple pregnancies


_refers to the parting of mother and baby, or the birth itself


A woman who has given birth many times (specifically, at least five times)

grand multipara

another name for pregnancy


care before birth

prenatal care

another name for prenatal care (care before birth)

antepartum care

_is the branch of medicine concerned with pregnancy and birth


A physician who practices the branch of medicine concerned with pregnancy and birth


A registered nurse who has received specialized training in the management of labor and birth

nurse midwife, or CNM


certified nurse midwife


last menstrual period
care of the woman before she is pregnant

preconceptional care

What part of pregnancy is the most critical in human development?

the earliest weeks of pregnancy

preconceptional care

Eating a healthy diet, including ___ is important

400 mg of folic acid a day

preconceptional care

T or F

It isn't important for a person who isn't pregnant yet, but plans on being to stop taking prescription drugs that are known to be harmful to a developing infant or stopping addictive behaviors such as smoking.


Because the earliest weeks of pregnancy are the most critical in human development, the woman should obtain alternate safe prescription drugs and stop harmful addictive behavior.

Preconceptional care

What should a diabetic patient do when planning for a pregnancy?

Change to insulin from oral diabetic agents and making sure her blood sugar is under excellent control

preconceptional care

What can you do if a couple is concerned about having a baby with a genetic defect?

Refer a couple at risk of having a baby with a genetic defect for genetic testing and counseling before the pregnancy.

preconception care

what are two other important areas that that should be addressed?

Testing the mother-to-be for infectious disease and reducing psychosocial risk factors such as a battered woman.

What are the two types of preconceptional visits?

1. visits by a woman or couple planning a pregnancy

2. visits by a woman who is not planning to become pregnant soon but who may become pregnant

When does the sperm determine the sex?

at the time of conception

fertilization or conception occurs where?
in the outer third of the fallopian tube (oviduct)
An ovum carries only one type of chromosome which is


chromosome xy will result in __

a boy

chromosome xx will result in

a girl

a male sperm can carry either __chromosomes

x or y
The fertilized ovum


__is when the zygote divides rapidly, until it forms a ball of about 16 identical cells.

The morula is then swept down the fallopian tube and into the uterus, a process that takes _

approximately 7-9 days
The lining of the uterus


_is rich in nutrients in preparation for pregnancy


_two layers of cells that surround a fluid filled sac


As the blsotocyst enters the uterus, the _A__secrete an enzyme that permits it to _B_ into the endometrium.

a- outer cell

b-burrow (implant)

another word for endometrium during pregnancy

When it is fully implanted, the developing organism is called _


The outer most cell layer that surrounds the embryo and fluid cavity is called__

the "roots' through which the developing embryo receives its oxygen and nourishment and nourishment from the mother

chorionic villi
the critical phase of human development

the period of the embryo, which lasts the first eight weeks after conception
congenital meaning

born with
During the critical phase, the embryo is more susceptible to __

developing a congenital defect

The period of the fetus last _

from the beginning of the ninth week after fertilization through birth


having some chance of life outside the uterus
The fetus becomes viable at about week __


Normal fetal growth and development follow a

definite and predictable pattern


head to toe

Growth and development, before and after birth, follow the __principle

__an organ with a rich blood supply food and oxygen; carries waste away; slows the maternal immune response; and produces hormones that help maintain pregnancy

The fetus' chorionic vili eventually meet with an area of uterine tissue to form the _


Using ___, the fetus secures its oxygen and food directly from the mother's blood, instead of using its own lungs and digestive system.

chorionic villi within the placenta

T or F

The fetal and the maternal blood are separate


The __connects the fetal blood vessels contained in the villi of the placenta with those found within the fetal body.

umbilical cord

_protects the cord, which enters the fetus' body approximately in the middle of the abdomen at the umbilicus, or navel.

Wharton's jelly
The umbilical cord consist of _

two arteries and one large vein twisted around each other.

How long is the umbilical cord?

approx. 20 inches


The uterus expels the placenta
The placenta returns _A_blood from the fetus to the mother through the _B_.


b-two umbilical arteries

The placenta returns _A_ blood to the fetus via _b_.


b-a single vessel, the umbilical vein

__is a short duct found only in the fetus, and atrophies after birth.

ductus venosus

Because the fetal lungs are not yet functioning, most of the blood is shunted off to the heart's _

left atrium
an opening between the right and left atria that permits most of the blood to bypass the right ventricle.

foramen ovale
_is a connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta that allows shunting of blood around the fetal lungs.

ductus arteriosus
What happens when the newborn's first few respirations?

the lungs expand as soon as the pressure within the chest alters.

-The foramen ovale closes, and the ductus arteriosus and ductus venosus shrivel and become fibrous ligaments.

_ is the inner membrane surrounding the fetus.

What is the job of the amniotic fluid?

-It cushions the fetus against injury

-It regulates temperature

-It allows the fetus to move freely inside it, which allows normal musculoskeletal development of the fetus.

In late pregnancy, what amniotic fluid primarily made up of?

fetal urine and fetal lung fluid
presumptive signs of pregnancy

possible signs, appear in first trimester, often only noted subjectively by the mother.
probable signs of pregnancy

likely signs, appear in first and early second trimesters, seen via objective criteria, but can also be indicators of other conditions.
positive signs of pregnancy

proof exists that there is a developing fetus in any trimester; objective criteria seen by a trained observer and/or diagnostic studies
What are some presumptive signs of pregnancy?

amenorrhea, nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, quickening, breast changes, pigment changes

What are some probable signs of pregnancy?

basal body temperature elevation, positive urine pregnancy test, cervical changes, vulvar and vaginal changes, uterine changes, ballottement, enlargement of the abdomen

What are some positive signs of pregnancy?

visualization of the fetus, fetal heartbeat, fetal movement felt by an examiner.

the absence of menstruation, is often one of the first indications of pregnancy.


previous menstrual period
_ may begin soon after the first missed menstrual period and usually disappears after the third month of pregnancy.


nausea that last beyond the fourth month, results in a weight loss of 8 pounds or more, or affects the woman's general health, it is considered a complication of pregnancy called__

hyperemesis gravidarum
The first fetal movements that the pregnant woman feels are called __

By the 14th week, the woman's breast begin to produce __


A suntanned, bronzed masking may appear across the face of dark-haired women called

other names for melasma

-chloasma gravidarum or the "mask of pregnancy"

A line of darker pigmentation

linea nigra

the body temperature at rest

basal body temperature
_rises slightly (usually less than one degree) as one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

basal body temperature (BBT)

Pregnancy tests check for the presence of the hormone called __

human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

HCG can be found in small amounts in a woman's urine or blood by about __

the 7th to 10th day of pregnancy

The most common error when doing a home pregnancy test is ?

a false-negative, results from taking the test too soon

Happens at about 8 weeks of pregnancy where the cervix softens

Goodell's sign

When the cervix look blue or purple, may occur as early as the sixth week of pregnancy

chadwick's sign

softening of the lower uterine segment at about 6 weeks

Hegar's sign

After 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, gently tapping one side of the pregnant woman's abdomen will cause the fetus to "bounce" in the amniotic fluid- bc the fetus is small compared with the amt of fluid. Examiners can feel the rebound tap, known as __


__is the most common method used to evaluate fetal size, development, and due date


__an electronic stethoscope that converts ultrasonic frequencies into audible frequencies or onto a video monitor.

a special manual stethoscope used to hear fetal heart tones


What is a major difference when assessing for the fetal heart tones with a Doppler vs a fetoscope?
a Doppler can pick up fetal heart tones as early as the 10th week; where as, a fetoscope can pick up fetal heart tones at about the 18th to 20th week.

What is a normal fetal heart rate?

ranges btwn 120 to 160

What is the funic soufflé?

It's a swishing sound produced by the pulsation of blood as it is propelled through the umbilical cord.

T or F

The funic soufflé has a different rate than the fetal heart rate.


The funic soufflé has the rate as the fetal heart rate.

What is the uterine (or placental) soufflé?

It's a swishing sound produced by the maternal blood as it flows through the large vessels of the uterus.

The uterine (or placental) soufflé has the same rate as ___

as the woman's heart rate

What is a good nursing practice when auscultating the uterine soufflé?

palpate the woman's radial pulse at the same time to ensure you're listening to the fetal heart tones
another word for "breastfeeding"

_is an inward curve of the lower back



human placental lactogen

__is a term that means education about expected changes before their occurrence.

anticipatory guidance
What are some danger signs during the first trimester?

-vaginal bleeding or spotting

--pelvic/abdominal cramping

-no longer feeling pregnant

What are danger signs during the second and third trimesters?

_vaginal bleeding

-bleeding with severe abdominal pain-vaginal or lower abdominal pressure

-PTL: preterm labor

-PPROM/PROM: preterm premature rupture of the membranes

-decreased fetal movement

What symptoms may be signs of PIH (pregnancy-induced hypertension)?

-severe headache

-visual changes

-sudden edema or swelling

-epigastric pain

What are the goals of good prenatal care?

-promote physical and mental wellness of the mother during pregnancy and afterward

-Help the woman give birth safely and without complications

-ensure a healthy baby

What are the three basic components of prenatal care?

1. Early and regular prenatal care

2. Maintenance of maternal health: promotion of good health habits

3. Recognition and treatment of physical, mental, and social/economic problems

What is the goal of risk assessments?

The goal of risk assessment is to identify women and fetuses who have a chance of having a complication develop during pregnancy, labor, birth, or the neonatal period.

The best health for mother and baby results when the mother has her first visit before _

the end of the first trimester (before the end of week 13)

What is the usual timing for visits?

once every 4 weeks for the first 28 weeks and every 2wks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until delivery
multifetal pregnancy

twins or more

If the woman is RH negative, what should she receive to prevent RH isoimmunization?

(RhoGAM, Gamulin RH)

RHO(D) immune globulin at the 28th week of gestation and following any episode of bleeding or any invasive procedure.

If the woman or baby's father has a family hx of genetic problems, What should be done?

a referral for genetic counseling and testing should be given to the couple
What is Nagele's Rule?

To determine the due date you take

-the first day of the woman's LNMP

-add 7 days

-subtract 3 months

-the resulting date is the EDD


estimated date of delivery


estimated date of confinement
What should be measurements should be performed and charted by a member of the healthcare team on return prenatal visits?



-Urine "dipstick" analysis

-Uterus measurement

-Fetal heart tones


-Continuing risk assessment

What is another name for "uterus measurement"

fundal height

Between weeks 15 and 19, what blood test is done and why?

a blood test called the maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP) is done. The primary purpose is to screen for fetal neural tube defects.

MSAFP may combined with two other test called __ and why?

HCG and estriol, they increase the number of neural tube defects that bed identified and also screens for Down Syndrome.

When the MSAFP, HCG, and estriol test are combined, What is it called?
a triple marker screen
When is the Rh antibody test repeated?

at 26 to 27 weeks

If the antigen remains positive for for Rh after the repeated test, than one is done?

RhoGAM is given at 28 weeks

When is the women screened for diabetes?

24 and 28

Because the women who has a tendency toward constipation may face increased difficulties during pregnancy due to decreased peristalsis, what should you teach the nurse?

to drink plenty of water, fruits, vegetables, moderate exercise, and adequate fiber intake
an increased in salvation


_ is a nonprofessional source and can actually increase a women's risk for vaginal infection and sometimes can cause an existing infection to be pushed up into the cervix and uterus.
How should the women lie during pregnancy?

not to sleep or lie on her back to avoid supine hypotension syndrome
what is hypotension syndrome?

the weight of the uterus can interfere with the circulation in the aorta and the vena cava, thus, depriving the women and fetus of oxygen.
Swimming in a pool is beneficial for a pregnant women, but swimming in a _ isn't advised.

lake water
_is an abnormal craving for nonfood items during pregnancy

How much wt should a underweight, normal, and overwt woman gain during pregnancy?

-underwt 37 lbs

-normal 30 lbs

-obese no more than 15lbs, but approx. 10 lbs

another name for "stretch marks"

striae gravidarum

cause of striae gravidarum

-hormonal changes pregnancy


nervous discomforts of pregnancy symptom

sleeplessness or moodiness
common discomfort of pregnancy of musculoskeletal sysmptom

low back pain or back pain
common discomforts of pregnancy reproductive symptom

breast enlargement and tenderness

common discomforts of pregnancy gastrointestinal symptom

food cravings, heartburn, constipation, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, hemorrhoids

common discomforts of pregnancy urinary symptom

frequency, urgency, nocuria

common discomforts pregnancy cardiovascular symptoms

varicose veins and swollen feet
the most well known model for childbirth preparation is the __ method


What are the two components of Lamaze?

education and training

categories of drug safety in pregnancy

Cat A

possibility of fetal harm appears remote

categories of drug safety in pregnancy

Cat B

Animal studies fail to demonstrate fetal risks, and there are no controlled studies in women

categories of drug safety in pregnancy

Cat C

Drugs should only be given only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus

categories of drug safety in pregnancy

Cat D

Human fetal risks exist, but the benefits of use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk

categories of drug safety in pregnancy

Cat X

proven fetal risks exist