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26 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following is not a policy implication of labeling theory?


To reconstruct the identity of someone as deviant based on new views of their prior behavior is calles

Retrospective interpretation

According to the Schwartz and skolnick study

Any contact with the criminal justice system seems to impact future jobs

For criminals an offense can permanently alter ones identity, and the idea that they now become known solely for that one past act is called

Master status

Labeling theory can be best classified as

Classical, process, and conflict oriented

According the schur, the three audiences of social reaction include each of the following except


Labeling theory is an offshoot of

Symbolic interactionism

According to Becker, the four types of deviant behavior are

Falsely accused, pure deviant, conforming, and secret deviant

Labeling theory, as opposed to most other criminological theories, asks

Why was the person labeled as a deviant?

For frank Tannenbaum, the process of labeling or tagging someone contained the steps of

Defining, identifying, and segregating

Labeling theory originated in the early 1980s


According to labeling theory, those who engage in criminal behavior are not synonymous with those who are labeled criminal


According to goffman, a courtesy stigma was when a youth was labeled deviant just because he was polite and well-mannered


The concept of master status implies that certain people have a right to dominate others


Labeling researchers focus on "extra legal" variables to explain differences in arrest and prosecution rates as well as sentencing disparity


To refer to deviants, Howard Becker used the term_______, also the title of his book


Edwin schur argued that________ crimes should not be part if the criminal justice system


Instead of the term "label", Frank Tannenbaum referred to a_____ in his 1938 book, crime and community


The text argues that diversion did not reduce the use of labeling and in fact, it increased the number of children brought into the system, an effect we refer to as_________


In order to avoid the negative effects that labeling and institutionalization had on youth, director Jerome Miller closed all the juvenile institutions in his state, which was__________


Develops as a labeled person finally accepts delinquent identity

secondary deviance

Central traits of labeled person that blinds us to all other characteristics they might possess

Master status

Warning the avoid deviant associates lest you be judged to be bad as well

Courtesy stigma

Repentant is allowed back into the community as bad act is no longer makes him or her a bad person

Reintegrative shaming

Reinterpreting past behavior to fit new deviant identity

retrospective interpretation

Abnormal behavior is either ignored by audience or not reacted to as if it were deviant

Secret deviance