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40 Cards in this Set

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The Caretaker Pope
Pope Bl. John XXIII
The Soviet premier
Nikita Kruschev
Authored Humanae vitae
Pope Paul VI
Soviet president
Nikolai Podgorny
Founded the Sisters of Charity in the United States
St. Elizabeth Seton
Authored The Peasant of the Garonne
Jacques Maritain
The Smiling Pope
Pope John Paul I
Commissioned a new catechism
Pope John Paul II
Ecumenical Patriarch
Athenogoras I
Pioneer in parochial school movement
St. John Neumann
At the midpoint of the twentieth century, the Catholic Church was united in doctrine, worship, and loyalty to the pope and bishops.
The warnings of a population explosion in the mid-twentieth century were warranted due to food shortages worldwide
Pope Bl. John XXIII is responsible for expanding the college of cardinals
Pope Paul VI convoked the Second Vatican Council
Pope Paul VI founded the "Birth Control Commission"
Pope Bl. John XXIII worked hard to restore relations with the Orthodox Church
Pope John Paul II made the expansion of missionary work the prime goal of his pontificate
Pope John Paul II referred to Orthodoxy and Catholicism as "twin lungs" of the same Church
The Second Vatican Council was held in Venice because Venice had the most cardinals
Pope Paul VI was the first non-Italian pope in over three hundred years
Lumen gentium presented the Church as the communio
Dei Verbum explains how Scripture and Tradition are entirely seperate from each other and cannot depend on one another
The Second Vatican Council was never officially closed due to dissent among its members
Pope John Paul II fostered a "purification of memory" by apologizing for Catholics' historical failings
Pope Bl. John XXIII convened Vatican II out of concern for the secular world and its need for the Church
The Church in China was known as the ______ of _______ under its toleration regime
Church of Silence
A pastoral figure who would make few changes in the Church is called a _________ ____
Caretaker Pope
Pope Bl. John XXIII's best known encyclical was _____ __ ______
Pacem in terris (Peace on Earth)
The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church is called _____ _______
Lumen gentium (Light of Nations)
The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation is called ___ ______
Dei verbum (The Word of God)
The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy is called ____________ _________
Sacrosanctum concilium (Sacred Council)
The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World is called _______ __ ____
Gaudium et spec (Joy and Hope)
The Vatican policy __________ sought improved relations with the communist regimes of Eastern Europe
The philosopher _______ ________ described what he saw spreading through the clergy as "kneeling before the world"
Jacques Maritain
Pope ____ ____ __ opened his pontificate with the words: "Open wide the doors of Christ"
John Paul II
______ Cardinal _________ was John Paul II's right-hand man in upholding the Faith and rooting out dissent
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
The 1968 encyclical _______ _____ reaffirmed the traditional teaching that using contraception is intrinsically wrong
Humanae vitae
Pope __ _________ made significant efforts to reach out to Jews by changing the Good Friday liturgy so as not to offend them
Bl. John XXIII
The Spanish Carmelite on whom John Paul II wrote his thesis was St. ____ of the _____
John of the Cross
John Paul II's first encyclical was entitled _________ _______
Redemptor hominis