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51 Cards in this Set

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What are the three qualities of the self?
1.) Self-consciousness - reflect on choices
2.) Auto biography - past, present, future
3.) Agency - Make a mark on one's community
what are the 7 habits of successful people?
1.) Be Proactive
2.) Begin with the end in mind - consequences, goals
3.) Do first things first - priortize
4.) Think win-win
5.) Seek first to understand and then to be understood
6.) Syndergize - use each person's strenght to make whole better
7.) Sharpen the saw - be more efficient
Primary aim?

questions to ask yourself
What you want people to say at your funeral

What do you want to do, have, be?
What are some obstacles that get in your way while planning a life vision?
I can't have what I want
I want what someone else wants
I already know what I want
I'm afraid of what I want
I don't know what I want
I don't know what I want at work

Relatively enduring characteristic of individuals that are considered useful to workplace and resit becoming obsolete overtime

when society has outgrown the need for a formerly useful skill or knowledge base
What is emotional intelligence?
How do they compare with those who aren't high in EI?
Can be more powerful than IQ - and can be improved

The ability to manage ourselves and manage our emotions

The ability to read and understand your own emotions and their impact

Realistic evaluation of strenghts and weaknesses

more resilient

Better conflict-resolution skills
Behavioral examples - interviews

story of how you took care of your sick aunt

Success stories

1.) problem
2.) Solution
3.) Successful resolution

should be vivid and worthy of example
Interview turn offs
critisize former employer
Four basic factors examined in an interview



Dynamism - energy, sense of drive
Elements of negotiation
Opening bid

target point

BATNA - best alternative to negotiated agreement

Give and take

Resistance point
progressing your career
JOin a professional organization

read books and articles on area of expertise

attend conferences, seminars, workshops

expand your network of business associates
Report writing
Tone, style, oreinted well, message clear, interesting, simple vocab

use bullets

headings and subheadings

white space
Rules of netiquette
Punctuarion, spelling and grammer

think before you write
avoid flaming or extreme emotions
avoid using all caps
read your message carefully before sending

stick to your subject
avoid any content that might be perceived as sexual harassmentq
Quality secret

Questions to ask yourself?
The elimination of waste - improves quality

1.) Find waste
2.) get rid of it
3.) Prevent it's return forever

what could we??
Time management
1.) Notes and checklists
2.) Calendar/appointment books
3.) Franklin planner - values based elaborate system
4.) Simplify - focus on what's important
The continuous process of measuring a business's practices against the organizations toughest competitor
1 - important and urgent - stress
2 - Important but not urgent (good) - happy
3 - Not important - urgent - out of control, broken
4 - Not important, not urgent - irresponsible
Burnout sysmptoms
less family and friends
not accomplishing
missing things
Suggestions for working through stress
awareness of signs


take breaks


Review role expectations

go after needed information
Four new aspects that make it complicated
a. Globalization – everything is more connected on a personal and organizational level. Outsourcing change – welfare of workers. How corporations to balance between goods and services and consumer’s preferred prices
b. Terrorism – we need to use communication to better our ability to fight terrorism. To prevent our fear of terror from becoming a fear of each other
c. Climate change – How can organizations can change effects of global warming. Greening of organizations
d. Changing demographics – how to address and appeal to various cultures
Demographics - changes
a. Demographics - the statistical descriptions of characteristics of a population – race, income, educational attainment
b. Hispanics now represent a larger percentage than black people
c. Less married couples together, and a smaller percentage of households with 5 or less people
d. Shift from rustbelt (northeast and Midwest) states to sunbelt states (Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Georgia)
e. More old people
What are the questions confront organization communications?
a. How can we communication with members of a culturally diverse workforce ways that respect difference and help achieve organizational and individual goals
b. How do members of the sandwich generations cope with the stresses of work and family concerns
c. What are the various communication patterns and needs of individuals from difference age groups
d. How can we use communication technology to design virtual workplaces for employees in a variety of locations
e. How do we make the tough decisions regarding the roles of institutions and government in supporting an aging America
f. What role does communication play in assuring a level playing field for individuals with disabilities
What are the 5 critical features that define an organization
a. Existence of social collectivity
b. organizational and individual goals
c. coordinating activity
d. organizational structure
e. the embedding of the organization within an environment of other organizations
What are other types of organizations?
a. Non-profit organizations - salvation army
b. Service organizations – provide services
c. Nongovernmental – change in first and third world countries
d. Cooperatives - co op - causes
e. Virtual organizations – no bricks
f. Social organizations - fraternities
Cottage industries - what happened?
a. Cottage industries – skilled workers accomplished large tasks from start to finish
b. More machines and industrialization led to assembly lines and larger groups working on projects
What make organizations like machines?
a. Specialization – Division of labor – makes an organization like machines
b. Standardization/replaceability – machines are designed in a way that if a part breaks, it can be replaced, same with organizations. Managers can move around
c. Predictability – can think about fixing a problem – runs according to specific rules and function, and if we know the rules and guidelines, you can predict what will or should happen so it’s easier to fix
Classical management - Fayol

a. Organizational structure
i. Scalar chain – your communication is through a vertical chain. Your boss talks to his boss
ii. Unity of command – an employee should receive orders for each task from only one supervisor
iii. Unity of direction – Activities that are similar in goals should only have one supervisor
iv. Division of labor – Employees are assigned to a limited number of specialized tasks
v. Order – appointed place for each employee and a task
vi. Span of control – mangers should have a limited number of employees
1. Limit of 20-30 for low levels
2. Higher levels – 6
Classical management - Fayol

b. Organizational Power
i. Centralization – central management should have control over decision making and employee activities – one central
ii. Authority and responsibility – mangers should hold authority because of position and their own skills (intelligence and experience). Responsibility must accompany authority in equal measure
iii. Discipline – all organizational members should be obedient to their rules – of organization and managers
Classical management - Fayol

c. Reward
i. Remuneration of personnel – employees should be rewarded for work with appropriate salary and benefits
ii. Equity – treat employees justly
iii. Tenure stability – organizations should guarantee sufficient time on the job for employees to achieve maximum performance
iv. Fayol suggests that employees are rewarded within the organization by the knowledge that their jobs are relatively secure and receive money
Classical management

d. Attitude
i. Subordination of individual – put company first
ii. Initiative – mangers should value and direct an employee’s effort to work in the best interest of the organization
iii. Esprit de corps – all for one, and one for all - no dissension in the organizational ranks
Max weber's classical theory - authority descirbed?
a. Traditional authority – long-standing beliefs – the queen. Not skill or experience based
b. Charismatic – Based on individual’s personality and ability to attract and interact with followers – cult organization. Donald Trumph
c. Rational-legal authority – based on rational application – information and expertise, norms and rules
d. Bureaucracy – weber’s favorite
Taylor's principles of scinetific management - 4 tenets of efficient organizations?
a. There is one best way to do every job – questions the norms of skills being passed on through generations
i. Best way is through time and motion studies
b. Proper selection of workers for job
c. Training workers
d. Inherent difference between management and workers
i. Organizational managers – thinking, planning, and administrative tasks
ii. Workers are best for labor
Characteristics of the communication within classical organizations
a. Content of communication – narrowly focused- social communication is discouraged. Only work-related issues. Innovation communication is discouraged
b. The direction of communication flow – Vertical flow – downward. Orders rules and directives
c. The mode of channel of communication – written is the best
d. The style of communication – Formal
Hawthorn studies
7.) Researchers interested in how changes in the work environment would impact the productivity of factory work
a. Illumination studies – productivity went up in darkness
b. Relay assembly test room studies – Social satisfaction made productivity go up
c. The interview program- people liked talking about their feelings and attitude. Performed better if they had this outlet
d. The bank wiring room studies – social pressure. Expected amount of work to be done. Those higher slow down, those lower pressured to speed up
e. Important – emotional and social needs of workers
f. Mere attention to individuals causes changes in behavior – Hawthorne effect
changes in thinking from hawthorn effect
8.) Development of human relationships – turned away from mechanistic views. Human needs and interaction played an important role
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
a. Physiological needs – need for food, water, sleep, and sensory gratification
b. Safety needs – free from danger
c. Affiliation needs - belonging to something . Establishment of relationships with managers and co workers
d. Esteem needs – feel a sense of achievement. External esteem – public recognition. Internal – own sense of accomplishment, confidence
e. Need for self-actualization – to become everything that one is capable of becoming. Improving yourself
Theory X and Theory Y
a. Theory X
i. Classical management
ii. The average man is stupid and slow, lacks ambition, self-centered, gullible
b. Theory Y
i. People want achievement, self-motivated, wants responsibility
ii. Human-relations
Managerial grid
a. X – axis – concern for production
b. Y axis – concern for people
i. (1,9) - Country Club Manager (concern for people, low productivity) – pleasant work environment)
ii. (9,9) – Team Management – high for both. Inter-dependent action of committed, talented, and satisfied individual
iii. (5,5) – Middle of the road management – Attempts to balance need for people and production – compromise
iv. (1,1) – Impoverished manager – minimum necessary to get by, doesn’t give a shit
v. (9,1) Authority-Compliance – scientific and classical – little concern for human needs
c. 9,9 – preferred by Blake and Mouton
Likert's 4 systems
a. Exploitive authoritative organization – motivation through threats and fear
b. Benevolent authoritative organization - motivation through economic and ego rewards – decision making at the top, goal setting through orders and comments
c. Consultative organization – decision making at top and control at upper levels. However, they ask employees what they think before they make decision
d. Participative organization – decision making is performed by every organizational member and goals are set by complete work groups. Upward, downward, and sideways communication.
e. Worst is system one. Participations of individual enhances whole organization
13.) Culture – assumptions, values, behaviors and artifacts that an organization
Culture of organization
13.) Culture – assumptions, values, behaviors and artifacts that an organization exhibits as it attempts to adapt to internal and external organizational contingencies
key compoents of strong culture
a. Values –
b. Heroes – exemplify
c. Rites and rituals – ceremony to celebrates its values
d. Cultural network – communication system
themes for excellent organizations?
a. Bias for action – react quickly
b. Close relations to customer – needs of customers
c. Autonomy and entrepreneurship – encourage employees to take risks and develop new ideas
d. Productivity through people – positive and respectful relationships between mangers and employees
e. Hands-on, value-driven – share same core value for productivity and performance
f. Stick to the knitting – focus on what you do best
g. Simple form, lean staff – avoid complex structures and division of labor
h. Simultaneous loose-tight properties – unity of purpose and the diversity necessary for innovation
Alterntatives to culture?
a. Complicated – rites of passage – complex phenomenon
b. Emergent – Socially created through interaction of organizational members
c. Not Unitary – no single culture. Can have sub-culture
d. Ambiguous – not a clear culture, no clear picture
what demostates cutlure
a. Organizational ceremonies
b. Roles values and belief systems
c. Metaphors of employees –
d. Stories that organizational members tell
e. Communication rules
f. Hallway talk
Schein's definition of cutlure
– A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as its solved it’s problems of external adaptation and internal integration that worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems.
Critical approach to studying orgnaization communication
radical frame of reference – organizations as sights of domination – activist role in instigating and encouraging organizational transformation. Labor unions. Concertive control and feminist unions
a. Ideology
taken for granted assumptions about reality that influence perceptions of situations and events – shapes our ideas of what exists and should be and is possible. Can influence behavior. We think hierarchy is normal. Can be used to justify actions
b. Hegemony
dominate group leads another group to accept subordination as the norm
c. Emancipation
Liberation of people from unnecessary ideologies, power-relations, assumptions
d. Resistance
Unionization strikes and boycotts
concertive control

3 concepts
23.) Concertive control – attempts to explain how power relationships can be transformed in an area of team-based and alternative forms – team based
a. Control – Type of power in an organization – changing the power – more team based
b. Identification – Belonging to a group, changing how the individual defines himself and where they belong. Team-based
c. Discipline – discipline each other. Pressure from other. Direct criticism, silence, group pressure