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39 Cards in this Set

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A folate deficiency can be characterized by:

Megaloblastic, macrocytic anemia


Blood with an insufficient concentration of hemoglobin

Macrocytic Anemia

From the greek word meaning "large cell"

Red blood cells are larger than their normal volume.

B12, folate deficiency

Megaloblastic anemia

An anemia of macrocytic classification that results from the inhibition of DNA synthesis during red blood cell production.

Microcytic Anemia

Defined as the presence of small, often hypochromic, red blood cells in the peripheral blood smear and is usually characterized by a low MCV. Iron deficiency is the most common cause.

How much folate is recommended for adults to consume daily?

400 ug (DFE)

How much folate is recommended for pregnant women to consume daily?

600 ug (DFE)

Where is intrinsic factor made?

The stomach

Bleeding gums, skin irritations, bruising, and poor wound healing are signs and symptoms of a condition called:


What nutrient can be produced in the body from the amino acids methionine and lysine?


What happens to retinal in the enterocyte?

It is esterified

Dietary cholecalciferol must be further hydroxylated in order to be active vitamin D. The first hyfroxylation occurs in the ____ to produce _____________.

liver, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol

Immediately following a balanced meal containing vitamin E, where would you most likely find most of the vitamin E in the body?

In the chylomicrons in the lymphatic vessels and general circulation

Which fat soluble vitamin is consumed in the form of phylloquinone from plant foods?

Vitamin K

Anticoagulant drugs that act by inhibiting vitamin K activity do so by which mechanism?

Inhibiting the formation of the active form of vitamin K

What tissues do both parathyroid hormone and vitamin D act on to increase calcium re-absorption?


What happens when blood calcium is high?

The thyroid gland releases a hormone called calcitonin

What level of sodium intake should be the maximum for the general population?

2300 mg/day

What is the most abundant cation in intracellular fluids?


Low salt foods must have:

Less than 140 mg of sodium per serving

Healthy adults should consume ____ % of their energy from lipids


Healthy adults should consume ____ % of their energy from carbohydrates


Healthy adults should consume ____ % of their energy from protein


Carbohydrates provide how many calories per gram?

4 kcal per gram

Proteins provide how many calories per gram?

4 kcal per gram

Fats provide how many calories per gram?

9 kcal per gram

Alcohol provides how many calories per gram?

7 kcal per gram

S-adenosylmethionine supplementation has been reported to be useful for the following:

Arthritis, depression

Saccharomyces boulardii is used therapeutically for


Genistein is a type of what?


Essential fatty acids that are required from the diet are?

Linoleic and alpha- linoleic acid

What type of malnutrition is characterized by a 'skin and bones-like' appearance without the presence of edema?



The accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling


A form of severe protein-energy malnutrition characterized by edema, irritability, anorexia, ulcerating dermatoses, and an enlarged liver with fatty infiltrates.

Glycemic index

Measures how a carbohydrate containing food raises blood glucose

Glycemic load

Accounts for the amount of carbohydrates in a typical serving.

White spots on the nails may be a sign of what deficiency?


What are possible symptoms of a fatty acid deficiency?

small bumps on the back of arms, dry/lack luster hair, dry skin

Bleeding gums may be a sign of:

Vitamin C deficiency