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22 Cards in this Set

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What is Data?

What is Data?

Data consists of facts or statistics out of context used for analysis

Give four examples of what data could be

It could be numbers, characters, symbols or images

True or False, data has meaning


What two things happen to data to gives it meaning?

Data is processed and put into context

Data is turned into information. Give three examples of information?

asentence of words, a sequence of numbers or a series of images

To changedata into information, it needs to become part of a .........


Explain what a constant is

A constant is a data entity that is stored to permanently and carry out the same actions each time

Explain what a variable is

A variable is a data entity that can be altered

True of false? A variable name can be as small as a single letter or a single number

False, variables cannot begin with a number

Other than a letter, what symbol can be used to start a variable name?

The underscore ( _ )

Give a definition of a reserved word

A reserved word is a word that is reserved for use by the programming language, such as print

Data can be stored in many different forms.What is the proper term for these forms?

Data structures

How does a computer keep track of the different types of data it processes?

The computer uses special internal codes

Python has five named datatypes, what are they?

Python has five standard data types:






What four numerical datatypes does python use?

int (signed integers)

long (long integers, they can also be represented in octal and hexadecimal)

float (floating point real values)

complex (complex numbers)

What are primitive data types?

Primitive data types are predefined types of data that are supported by the programming language

Integers and floats are the most common numerical data types. Explain what the difference is between an integer and a float

Integers are whole numbers, whereas floats are decimal numbers

What is the full term that describes a float?

Floating point

Describe what a string variable is

A string variable is a sequence of characters, basically groups of letters or words

What does putting quotations around a variable name preserve?

It preserves all of the white space such as spaces and tabs, such as 'Quoteme on this'

True or false, strings that use double quotations work the same way as single quotations


Is a number in quotations marks still a number, or does it become a string?

It becomes a string