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32 Cards in this Set

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Made of sun and 8 planets, Pluto, moons, asteroids, and comets

Solar system

Earth's path or _____ around the sun is _____. Earth completes 1 full orbit (________) every ______ days to a few hours.

Orbit, elliptical, Revolution, 365

_____ keeps Earth and the other planets in their orbit around the sun and the moon orbiting Earth.


Earth spins or rotates on its ____. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in about ____ - this causes ___ and _____. The different seasons of the year are evidence that Earth's axis is _____.

Axis, 24 hours, day, night, tilted

Earth turns quickly on its axis so it doesn't have time to ____ up too much or get too ____. Earth's atmosphere spreads out ___ and ____ air, keeping Earth from becoming ____ by the Sun's rays.

Heat, cold, warm, cool, overheated

Earth always tilts in the sameJ_____ during its orbit. This causes different parts of earth to face toward the ___ during each season and the amount of hours of daylight to _____. As Earth moves around the sun, many places that get daylight slowly ____.

Direction, sun, change, changes

The temperature of the North and South poles stay so cold throughout the year because of the ____ of the Earth on its axis.


Each planet's revolution around the sun takes _____. The length of the planet's year depends on its ____ from the sun.

One year, distance

1 AU is the average distance between the ____ and the _____ (Astronomical Unit )

Earth, Sun

Name the gas giants (_____): 4. composed mainly of ______. Name the dwarf planet

(Outer planets) , Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Nepune, gas, Pluto

Name the inner planets and describe them (4). They all have a ______ surface.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Closest to the Sun, rocky

Spacecraft used to collect information about our solar system. These have shown that the inner planets have a _____ surface.

Space probes, rocky

Name the planets and dwarf planet from the Sun in order.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (dwarf planet)

Planet closest to Earth


Planet closest to the Sun


Frozen mass of different types of ice and dust that orbits the Sun pass through the solar system in large elliptical pass


Path of comet; Name and describe 3 ways.

1. Nucleus-a "dirty snowball" made of dust and ice, exists both when the comet is close to the Sun and when it it far away from the Sun

2. Coma-great cloud of dust and evaporated gases, surrounds the nucleus

3. Two Tails-ion tail-narrow and bluish; dust tail-white and yellowish

As the comet passes near the Sun, the ____ and ____ ____ from the nucleus and become part of the _____.

Water, gases, evaporate, coma

A rocky mass with an uneven shape that revolves around the Sun , sometimes called minor planets


Region between Mars and Jupiter

Asteroid belt

Small asteroid that is Boulder-sized or smaller


Meteoroid that hits Earth's atmosphere and burns up before hitting


Shooting stars are ___ ____, they are ______.

Not stars, meteors

The moon is Earth's only natural _____. The same side always faces _____ because the moon's _____ and ______ happens at the same rate.

satellite, Earth, rotation, orbit

Features on the moon's surface, such as _____ last ______ of years because the moon has no ____ to erode them. Does not make it own _____. ______ light from the Sun.

craters, millions, water, light, reflects

any object that orbits another object


The moon is the main cause of _____ on Earth. The moon's _____ pulls on Earth.

tides, gravity

shapes of the lit side of the moon we can see, caused by the combination of Earth's movement and the Moon's orbit

Phases of the Moon

Phases of the moon:

______- can barely be seen. Moon is passing between the ____ and the ____.

new moon, Earth, Sun

Phases of the Moon:

_____-can see only a sliver of the Moon's sunlit side.

Crescent Moon

______-can see half of the moon's sunlit side

Quarter moon

________-can see entire sunlit side of the moon. Earth is between the ____ and the _____.

Full Moon, Moon, Sun.