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62 Cards in this Set

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What is the bubbling-phase for? Why exit if you´re already in there?

To inform other events when this one event is over.

What kind of scales are there?

There´s time scales, ordinal scales (for strings) and quantitative (for numbers) scales.

How to connect to a the most simple webserver?

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

What can I do with .data()?

I can return the current data but also attach data to DOM-Elements

What´s the difference between d3.select and d3.selectAll

d3.select is only selecting the first element.

What does an event listener look like?


What is the third parameter in an eventlistener doing?

The third parameter “false” is to define if the event should be called on the capture or on the bubble phase of the event.

How do you make a transition follow another transition?

.transition().each(“end”, function() { d3.select(this) .transition() .attr(“height”,”40”) .attr(“width”,”40”) .duration(3000);


How do you get the current x and y position?

d3.select(“rect”) .on(“mouseover”, function(d,i) { var currentElementX = d.x; var currentElementY = d.y;


How do you remove an element with an Id?


How can you affect another element on a mouse-move?

d3.selectAll(“rect) .on(“mouseover, function(d, i){function(){ d3.selectAll(“rect”) .attr(“opacity”,”0.25”); d3.select(this) .attr(“opacity”, “1”);


How to let input elements decide what´s being visualised?

How to pass data to stack layout?

var stack = d3.layout.stack();


What is the stack-layout function doing?

The function adds a new key-value-pair calculating the new y0-value where the bar will be positioned.

Where should the data be?

The data should never be in the key but only in the value. So sometimes we need to rearrange for example like that:

The data should never be in the key but only in the value. So sometimes we need to rearrange for example like that:

How to timeout an event?

var timeout = setTimeout(function() { d3.select(“input[value=\”grouped\”]”).property(“checked”,true).each(change);

}, 3000);

What is the j variable?

- it´s a variable that d3 offered us to show the index of the nested data we are in

- it holds the index of the parent data element

What´s the difference between .rangePoints() and .rangeBands()?

How to define a scale?


What does a function to create test data look like?

function bumpLayer(n, o) { function bump(a) { var x = 1 / (.1 + Math.random()), y = 2 * Math.random() - .5, z = 10 / (.1 + Math.random()); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var w = (i / n - y) * z; a[i] += x * Math.exp(-w * w); } } var a = [], i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) a[i] = o + o * Math.random(); for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) bump(a); return a.map(function(d, i) { return {x: i, y: Math.max(0, d)}; }); }

What is the general d3-pattern look like?

var circles = svg.selectAll(“circle”) .data(data)


What is .exit() doing?

returns the elements without data, in case there wash´t enough

What is .enter() doing?

creates placeholders for the elements that will get elements appended to in the future => they are empty selections (if the .enter() is undefined the elements needed are already created)

How do you update data?

To update you need to add the new data and then attribute the new data to create the elements

How do you remove elements for which no data exists?


What type are selections?

Selections are arrays, so the data that gets added to them should be arranged in arrays, too.

What´s a key-function for?

To keep objects constant even when they are updated it´s important, that they have unique identifiers for example if the datasets have different amounts of elements or the order changes

d3.selection.data(x, function(d,i){…});

Why do you have to do clearInterval(id);?

Because each time you set and interval and ID is being returned.

How do you get the currentTime?

var currentTime = new Date();

How do you get the minutes?

var currentTime = new Date();

var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes();

What type is the scale?

The linear scale is both and object and a function, because the domain and range are methods of the object/ the axis: (meaning we can redefine the scale object, when the data is changing).

How to upate an axis?

After changing a scale you also have to pass in the new scale to the axis and then call the axis again.

How to transtion between an old and a new axis?

d3.select(“#x-axis”) .transition() .call(myXAxis);

What are the steps to redraw graph?

How to append a button with d3.js

var originalButton = d3.select("body").append("input").attr("type", "button").attr("value", "original").attr("id", "button_original")

.style("font-size", "2em");

What are you affecting to allow zoom-behavior?

To allow zoom behaviour you change the input-domain to show another range of values.

Meaning if we zoom in it will have influence on the axis function and has to be called again.

What is the zoom function doing exactly?

var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().x(xAxisScale).y(yAxisScale)

Build-in function takes care of changes the axis scale

What is zoom.scale([scale]) returning?

Will return the zoom which is neccesairy to redraw the chart (by default it´s set to 1).

How can you limit the zoom?


Where does the zoombehavior get called?

The zoom behaviour gets called on the innerDrawingspace.

How you make empty space zoomable?

Fill it with a white rectangle.

Whats the difference between an initial drawing and the redrawing regarding a zoom?

When you redraw you only set the attributes again.Example: circles.attr("cx", function(d, i) { return xAxisScale(d.cx); }).attr("cy", function(d, i) { return yAxisScale(d.cy); }).attr("r", function(d, i) { return (d.radius * scaleMultiplier); }); Initial drawing looks like that: var circle = innerSpace.selectAll("circle").data(data).enter().append("circle").attr("cx", function(d) { return xAxisScale(d.cx); }).attr("cy", function(d) { return yAxisScale(d.cy); }).attr("r", function(d) { return d.radius; })

.style("fill", "green");

Whats the difference between a line chart and a area chart regarding the code?

Area chart has an additional y0-value.

Whats the difference between a line chart and a area chart regarding the code?

There are almost being drawn the same but the area chart has an aditional y value for where the area starts being filled:

How to first construct a paths and then append it?

What is d3.event.translate?

A vector with to values.var panVector = d3.event.translate;var panX = panVector[0];

var panY = panVector[1];

What if you want to zoom into an svg-path that is already drawn?

You can calculate the multiplication-factor using the scale.

d3.select("path") .attr("transform", "translate(" + panVector + ") scale(" + scaleMultiplier + ")");

How to append a custom svg???? (finally)

innerSpace.append("path").attr("d", "M10 315 L 110 215 A 30 50 0 0 1 162.55 162.45 L 172.55 152.45 A 30 50 -45 0 1 215.1 109.9 L 315 10").attr("stroke", "black").attr("fill", "green").attr("stroke-width", "2")

.attr("fill-opacity", "0.5");

- before optimise SVG with svgo filename in Terminal

How to you set a color range for example?

var colorScale= d3.scale.linear().domain([0,31]).range(["white","blue"]);

How to arrange elements?

.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + i * 20 + ")"; });

What does a barchart look like when I do that on the y scale?

.rangeRoundBands([0, height]);

The bars are touching.

To get an array of keys from Json you can do?

var intelligence = d3.keys(data[0])


return key !== "time"; })

data[0] because it´s enough to get the keys from the first object.

Where to the tickvalues normally come from?

d3.svg.axis() creates them by default!

What´s .rangeRoundBands() and .rangeBand doing? Difference?

With .rangeRoundBands your set the range within the single bands will be created. With .rangeBand you create one band!

What is

d3.extent(data ,function(d){ return d.date; }


It´s making a range of the minimum and maximum values of the data.

How do yo limit a drag-movement?

d.x = Math.max(smallside, Math.min(width - smallside, d3.event.x))

d.y = Math.max(bigside, Math.min(height - bigside, d3.event.y))

.enter, .exit are what?


If you want to have an .exit()-selection, where to do it?

On the same element where you add the data.

var addNew = svg.selectAll(".layer").data(slicedData)exit();

What is a closure?

when an inner function is made accessible from an outer function.

function add(value1) { return function doAdd(value2) { return value1 + value2; };}var increment = add(1);var foo = increment(2);// foo equals 3


This causes the following script to load and execute already while this one might not be done yet.

What is JSONP doing?

It´s a return a callback from a foreign server, you can only get the complete one and not stream. The callback get attached as a script-tag, that´s why it´s risky.

What´s the difference between .call and .apply?

The difference is that apply lets you invoke the function with arguments as an array; callrequires the parameters be listed explicitly.