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36 Cards in this Set

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Caries management by risk assessment


Infection disease process of tooth decay

Caries Risk Test (CRT)

Test for cariogenic bacteria


Science and study of dental caries

Carious lesion

White spots,brown spots, and decay on tooth surfaces.


Formation of a cavity or hole


Loss of minerals from the tooth

Early childhood caries

Decay in primary teeth

Evidence based

Info based on documented evidence from critically reviewed research

Fermentable Carbohydrates

Simple carbs such as surprise, fructose,lactose, and glucose.


Mineral to make teeth more resident to decay

Incipient Caries

Tooth decay that is beginning to form or become apparent


Bacteria that produce lactic acid from carbs associated with causing dental caries

Mutans streptococci

Type of bacteria that is primarily responsible for dental caries

Oral biofilm

Also called plaque a highly organized complex of microorganisms that adheres to surfaces where moisture and nutrients are available.


Thin film coating a salivary materials deposited on tooth surfaces


Soft deposit on teeth that consists of organized complex of bacteria and bacterial by products

Rampant caries

Decay that develops rapidly and is wide spread throughout the mouth


Replacement of minerals in the tooth

Root caries

Decay on the root surface of teeth that have gingival recession

Saliva slow rate test

Determines flow rate of saliva in mil per minute


Dryness of the mouth cause by reduction of saliva


Ingredient in chewing gum that has an antibacterial effect against decay causing bacteria

Caries development

First stage - incipient caries or incipient lesion occurs when caries begin to demineralize the enamel

Second stage- Cavitation which is the development of a cavity or a hole

Carious lesions can occur in four general areas

1. Pit and fissure caries

2. Smooth surfaces

3. Root surfaces

4. Secondary caries

How to control tooth decay



Remove plaque


Antibacterial mouth rinse

Dental sealants

Secondary caries

Recurrent carries

Risk factors for early childhood carries

Low income families, ethnic groups, limited access to care, lack of water fluoridation.

3 importance of Saliva

Physical, chemical, antibacterial

Saliva benefits

Provides calcium and phosphate remineralization, carries fluoride around the mouth, neutralizes organic acids produced in plaque biofilm, discourages the growth of bacteria, recycled ingested fluoride in the mouth, protects mouth from drying, facilitates chewing and swallowing, speeds oral clearance of food

Ways to diagnosis caries

Dental explorer, radiographs, visual, indicator drops, deception devices, laser

CAMBRA techniques

Risk assessment, fluoride application, diet counselling, application of dental sealants, fluoride water, xylitol gum, calcium phosphate products, professionally applied fluoride foams

Dental assistants role in caries risk test

Assessment is easily done, in office testing is cost friendly, RDA can preform assessments, plans for prevention, motivate patients

Risk factors for future dental caries

History of dental caries, presence of white spot or lesions, poor oral hygiene, high mutans streptoccocci count, lower socioeconomic status, high intake of sucrose

Who should be tested for caries risk?

New patients with signs, pregnancy, increase in caries, medications, xerostomia, chemo, disease of immune system, sugary diets

Caries process

1. Susceptible tooth

2. A diet rich in fermentable carbs

3. Specific bacteria