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cornice can be any horizontal decorative trim located at the top of any building or architectural element. The term cornice comes from the Italian cornice, meaning “ledge.” A cornice usually refers to the horizontal decorative trim at the top of an exterior wall and below the roof edge of a building, but a cornice can be over a door or window.The function of the projecting cornice is to throw rainwater free of a building’s walls. At a residential home, this function is handled by projecting gable ends, roof eaves and gutters. The cornice may include decorative trim. Highly decorative trim is often called an entablature.


entablature is a major element of classical architecture. It can refer to the structure of moldings and bands located horizontally above columns. It can be divided into the architrave (the supporting member), the frieze (a strip that may or may not be ornamented), and the cornice (the projecting member).


pediment is a classical architectural element consisting of the triangular space found above the horizontal structure (entablature) or columns. Pediments can be found over doors and entries. They can be straight, curved or broken. A pediment is typically found at a porch roof or above an exterior door at a residential house. Take a look at the Door Details illustration above.