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32 Cards in this Set

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The work of Eli Whitney:
A. improved transportation in the South.
B. suprised the industrial revolution in the American SOuth.
C. Made the South a major textile-producing region.
D. Led to the decline of slavery, for fewer workers were needed to process the cotton.
E. Led to the expansion of cotton culture and slavery in the South
E. Led to the expansion of cotton culture and slavery in the South
Not his original idea.
He hoped that the cotton gin would limit slavery.
The profits from cotton were mostly used in the Old South to:
A. Industrialize southern cities
B. Bankroll arms manufacture
C. Support plantations and buy more slaves and land.
D. slowly phase out slavery.
E. Diversify southern agriculture
C. Support plantations and buy more slaves and land.
What did plantation owners want to do/ keep doing? Why would they want that?
When the new republic of Texas requested annexation by the United States:
A. the American government quickly agreed.
B. Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large slave territory.
C. Southerners, led by President Jackson, pushed for annexation.
D. Mexico gave all claims to Texas.
E. Everyone decided not to mess with Texas
B. Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large slave territory.
What was the North's position on slavery? Would annexing Texas help their cause?
The Missouri Compromise:
A. ended the growing North/South struggle for power.
B. Gave the slave-holding states control of the Senate.
C. Forced the slave-holding states to give up control of the Senate.
D. Showed the controversial nature of slavery was already growing difficult to deal with.
D. Showed the controversial nature of slavery was already growing difficult to deal with.
Which territory did the United States acquire as a result of the Mexican - American war?
A. Missouri
B. Montana
C. California
D. Iowa
E. Oregon
C. California
California is very spanish/ m
The passage of the Wilmot Porviso of 1846 would have:
A. Allowed the expansion of slavery into any territory from the Mexican War.
B. extended slavery in any territory acquired as a result of the Mexican War.
C. Prohibited slavery in any territory
Which of the following was invented in the period from 1860 - 1900?
A. The telegraph
B. The steam engine
C. The telephone
D. Model T
E. The airplane
C. Telephone
phone a friend
A major result of the Civil War was that the:
A. No more slavery
B. Federal Government’s power over the states was strengthened
C. Better economy
D. Everything is good in the hood
B. Federal Government’s power over the states was strengthened
The other ones are ridiculous, all but one that is.
What did John Brown hope to accomplish by the seizing arsenals at Harpers Ferry?
A. Kill all racists
B. End slavery
C. To obtain weapons to distrubute to slaves
D. Create an equal life for everyone, everywhere
E. To create peace
D. To obtain weapons to distrubute to slaves
John Brown is against slavery and wanted it abolished.
Sherman’s march through Georgia was designed to:
A. Ruin the south
B. Help the North
C. Break the will of the Southern people
D. Break the will of the Northern people.
C. Break the will of the Southern people
Think about it, it's an easy question!
Which of the following was an advantage that the Confederacy possessed at the outset if the Civil War?
A. Trained assasins
B. Skilled military leaders
C. Women and children
D. ANyone who wanted to
C. Skilled military leaders.
Which one of the following states was a “Border State”. And did not secede from the Union after the firing on Ft. Sumner.
A. Kentucky
B. California
C. New York
D. Texas
E. Georgia
A. Kentucky
Kentucky fried chicken
The first military action of the Civil War took place in which state?
A.South Carolina
B. Kentucky
C. Texas
D. New York
E. North Carolina
A. South Carolina
Which one of the following was NOT a feature of the election of 1860?
A. I have no idea
B.The Republican party was divided over the issue of slavery in the territories.
C. Struggling to find other options
B.The Republican party was divided over the issue of slavery in the territories.
Before the Civil War, the principle of "popular sovereignty" was proposed as a means of:
A. Deciding slavery was illegal
B. Deciding the legality of slavery in a new state.
C. _
D. _
B. Deciding the legality of slavery in a new state.
When the New Republic of Texas requested annexation by the U.S...
A. No one wanted texas to be annexed.
B. Americans in the South opposed acquiring a large new state.
C.Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large new slave territory.
D. Texas was immediatly annexed and became a slave state.
C.Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large new slave territory.
Which one of the following was NOT a feature of the election of 1860?
B. The Republican party was divided over the issue of slavery in the territories.
B. The Republican party was divided over the issue of slavery in the territories.
The Dred Scott decision:
A. Affirmed the South’s argument that the Constitution guaranteed the existence of slavery.
A. Affirmed the South’s argument that the Constitution guaranteed the existence of slavery.
what is the anaconda plan
a series of blockades
o the north had more people
o They stoped things from coming in or out.
o they conquered the mississippi river
o total war
What is total war?
the idea that since the population is the one supporting the war, you can ruin everything.
What is the Kansas Nebraska act?
popular soverneighty
sets off bleeding Kansas.
Missouri Compromise
compromise over slavery
sets stage for later tensions.
U.S. Constitution
talked around but included slavery, sets stage for later tensions.
Mexican American War
seen by north as southern land grab.
Wilmot proviso and sport resolution
The case of Dred Scott v. Sanford
Protects slavery and angers northerners
Election of 1860
4 candidates, Lincoln wins the election with out southerners. Southern states secede.
Bleeding Kansas
low level civil wars
uncle tom's cabin
written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
shows terror of slavery in the north
huge bestseller
the nly book that sold more was the bible.
John Brown's Raid
terrifies southerners, grows southern militia
Eli Whitney
invents the cotton gin
^promotes slavery
makes cotton pay
King Cotton
the southern economy was totally based on cotton.
Schenk v. the United state
What it’s about: Anti- draft pamphlets during WWI, convicted for “impeding the draft”.

Decision: Court decides against Scheck. Fewer rights during wartime. You have the right to free speech depends on wether or not someone is endangered. Shenck was convicted guilty, could be punished for speech.

Precedent: Rights have limits, limits change based on context “no yelling fire in a crowded theater”.
* it is possible to get shenked during war