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24 Cards in this Set

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Chapter 4 – Provincial America and the Struggle for a Continent

1. In a royal colony, the ____ appointed the governor. In a propriety colony like Maryland and ________, the ____________ picked the governor. In charter colonies, the _________ chose the governor. [L]
In a royal colony, the (King) appointed the governor. In a propriety colony like Maryland and (Delaware), the (Pennsylvania) picked the governor. In charter colonies, the (Colonists) chose the governor. [L]
Ch. 4

2. How did the 13 colonies differ economically, religiously, and ethnically? [L]

a. New England:

b. Middle Atlantic:

c. South:
New England: Farms/fishing; Puritan
Middle Atlantic: Farms/Plantations; Presbyterian/Anglicans
South: Plantations; Anglicans
Ch. 4

3. Freemen elected the ________ throughout the colonies. [138]
Freemen elected the (Assembly) throughout the colonies. [138]
Ch. 4

4. By 1752, __% of the colonists in New England voted. [138]
By 1752, (75)% of the colonists in New England voted. [138]
Ch. 4

5. What was the difference between a “court” and “country” colonial constitution? [138 - 139]

a. Court:

b. Country:
Court: Northern Colonies
Country: Southern Colonies
Ch. 4

B. The Renewal of Imperial Conflict. In 1739 a 3rd dynastic war began. Its repercussions were felt in North America as King George’s War (1740 - 1748). Not all people in the colonies looked to Britain as the symbol of liberty in the wars against Spain and France. Slaves gravitated toward Spanish power; Indians remained divided. The temporary peace of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) set the stage for the final war studies in section “c”.
Ch. 4

1. What were the causes of the global wars of the 18th century? [L]
Ambitions of Louis XIV of France; Ambition of Frederick the Great of Prussia; Great Power Rivalry in New World
Ch. 4

2. What advantages did France and England enjoy against each other in North America?
France: Knowledge of terrain; Control of roads into Canada; Central government
Britain: Outnumbered 15-1; Naval Supremacy; Better credit; Iroquois alliance; Better planning
Ch. 4

3. Indians of the Six Nations of the __________ were tied to Britain by receiving __________ in exchange for __________. French allied Indians were linked to French settlers through _______ and ___________. [140 – 141, 144, L]
Indians of the Six Nations of the (Iroquois) were tied to Britain by receiving (Technology) in exchange for (Furs). French allied Indians were linked to French settlers through (Kinship) and (Catholicism). [140 – 141, 144, L]
Ch. 4

4. Calls from the Spanish governor to slaves in South Carolina to refugee to _______ for freedom triggered a revolt known as the ______ rebellion in 1739. [141, V]
Calls from the Spanish governor to slaves in South Carolina to refugee to (Florida) for freedom triggered a revolt known as the (Stono’s) rebellion in 1739. [141, V]
Ch. 4

5. The city of ___ ____ had the 2nd largest concentration of slaves next only to Charleston, South Carolina. [142 – 143, V]
The city of (New York) had the 2nd largest concentration of slaves next only to Charleston, South Carolina. [142 – 143, V]
Ch. 4

6. What happened in New York in 1741? [142 – 143, V]


(Economic and Physical Insecurities)
A: Stono’s Rebellion
B: Slave work depresses wages of free artisans.
Ch. 4

1. Colonial and British royal forces suffered defeat and won great victories during King George’s War (1740 - 1748). Name one each: [141 & Map 143]

a. Defeat in the Caribbean in 1740 at _________.

b. Victory in Canada in 17__ at Louisburg.
Defeat in the Caribbean in 1740 at (Cartagena).

Victory in Canada in 17(45) at Louisburg.
Ch. 4

8. British and French interests clashed in the ____ Valley and young ______ __________ found himself at the center of a controversy that started the French and Indian War in 1754.
British and French interests clashed in the (Ohio) Valley and young (George Washington) found himself at the center of a controversy that started the French and Indian War in 1754.
Ch. 4

C. The War For North America (French and Indian War, 1754 - 1763). This war between Britain and France was the 1st one that began in North America, not Europe. Its outcome determined the fate of the continent.
Ch. 4

1. The __________ tribe of the Iroquois resented encroachment by land speculators. Chief __________ threatened he could not guarantee his part in the “Sacred __________ Chain” that had protected northern colonies against French Indian raids. These problems and the looming war against France prompted Benjamin Franklin to call for the __________ Congress to convene in 1754. [144]
The (Mohawk) tribe of the Iroquois resented encroachment by land speculators. Chief (Hendrick) threatened he could not guarantee his part in the “Sacred (Covenant) Chain” that had protected northern colonies against French Indian raids. These problems and the looming war against France prompted Benjamin Franklin to call for the (Albany) Congress to convene in 1754. [144]
Ch. 4

2. Prime Minister Thomas Newcastle sent 2 British redcoat regiments to North America to prevent the spread of war. What happened to the 1,400 men under General Edward __________ when they marched on modern day Pittsburgh in 1755? [147]
Prime Minister Thomas Newcastle sent 2 British redcoat regiments to North America to prevent the spread of war. What happened to the 1,400 men under General Edward (Braddock) when they marched on modern day Pittsburgh in 1755? [147]
Ch. 4

3. What 3 types of forces fought in the French and Indian War? [L]



A: Militia 18-50; Local defense; Law loyalty/professional; Contract; Recruit 7,500
B: British Regulars
C: Rangers
Ch. 4

4. Identify these strategic locations:

A. St. Lawrence River [147]

B. Louisbourg [147]

C. Hudson River-Lake Chaplain line [147]

D. Quebec, Ft. Dusquense [147]

E. The Mohawk River. [147]
Ch. 4

5. How did war minister William Pitt shift British strategy in 1758? [L, 152]
Voluntary cooperation; Operations are global-empire war; Domination of America; 1/3 of Navy to America; Commits troops to America; Subsidizes Frederick
Ch. 4

6. Also in 1758, the Treaty of __________ induced the Iroquois and Ohio Indians to openly join the British. The French were forced to abandon Fort __________, ending the war on the Pennsylvania frontier – for a while.
Also in 1758, the Treaty of (Easton) induced the Iroquois and Ohio Indians to openly join the British. The French were forced to abandon Fort (Pitt), ending the war on the Pennsylvania frontier – for a while.
Ch. 4

7. The British won the War at the Battle of __________ in the year __________. Because of his victory, General James __________ is called the “__________ of America.” [155 - 156]
The British won the War at the Battle of (Quebec) in the year (1759). Because of his victory, General James (Wolfe) is called the “(Grandfather) of America.” [155 - 156]
Ch. 4

8. How does historian Paul Kennedy and Bishop Berkeley explain England’s victory? [L]
France (bond market) is the strength of Britain borrowing; Amsterdam/London became major lending centers.
Ch. 4

9. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris, 1763? [156]




A: France cedes all land (Canada and Ohio Valley) to Great Britain.
B: France retains fishing rights and Caribbean Islands.
C: France cedes New Orleans to Spain.
D: Spain hands Florida to Great Britain.