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29 Cards in this Set

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What was the most important reason that President McKinley asked Congress to declare was on Spain?
The American public, influenced by the yellow press, and many leading Republicans demanded war in the aftermath of the sinking of the Maine.
A policy of extending a nations territory by acquisition of territory is called
Which of the following was NOT one of the prerequisites for sea power mentioned by Alfred Thayer Mahan?
Colonies to provide markets
Which of the following people wrote an article in Harper's Magazine stating the Americans were "destined to go one" and take over other parts of the world?
John Fiske
Americans wanted Hawaii for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
To get involved in their political life
The first king of Hawaii was
Kamaehameha I
Which of the following statements describes the Cuban revolt?
The Spanish were led by Admiral Cervera
Yellow Journalism
Tried to evoke emotion and sympathy from its readers
The one factor that helped the United States gain control over many islands
The islands became economically dependent on the United States
Roosevelt led the
Rough RIders
Who was the President of the United States when they began the "Splendid Little War"?
What group had thoughts reflecting jingoism?
The armistice ending the Spanish American War was signed on
August 12, 1898
Commodore George Dewey was instructed to invade Manila Bay when
Congress declared war on Spain
the economic theory that is similar to the reasons for American imperialism during the 1890s is
The Spanish general that confined civilians to concentration camps was
Which of the following did contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War?
The de Lome Letter, the explosion of the the Maine, Yellow Journaism
During this time, ROosevelt was Secretary of...
What problems faced the American war effort were
Heavy uniform, Shortage of rifles, Poor food
During the "Splendid Little War", ________ was in charge of the campaign in the Philippines and _________ was in charge of invading Cuba.
Dewey; Roosevelt
Which two U.S. presidents were in office while the Cubans were revolting against Spain?
Cleveland and Mckinley
Put the following U.S. territories in chronological order according to the date they became territories. (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico)
Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto RIco
America made which of the following improvements to Cube?
Built schools, Improved roads, Built hospitals
The Platt Amendment did all of the following EXCEPT
Prevented America from having naval base on the island
All of the following statements are true EXCEPT
American troops were not allowed to kill civilians- People who were not engaged in fighting
During which decade did the Philippines gain their independence?
The Open Door Notes were delivered to France, Britain, Russia, japan, and Germany by U,S, Secretary of State
Which of the following stated that the United States would still have influence in Cuba
Platt Amendment
What was the nickname of the Spanish general in Cuba?