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58 Cards in this Set

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How did nationalism rise within the Napoleonic era and the Romantic era?

Napoleon opened the door to Nationalism and the idea of "fatherland" became the new religion.

How was Italy forged into a nation?

the Revolutionaries set Italy free from outside influence (Austria), local aristocrats (Dukes), and Papacy (Papal States).

Cavour provided a model constitution adopted by Italy (efficient and economically progressive)

Garibaldi was the leader of the Red Shirts, guerrilla military,

Uprisings to Unity - 1850-1861

How did Germany become a nation?

after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War, the various princes of the German states united and proclaimed Wilhelm of Prussia as emperor of the German Empire with Bismark as Chancellor

Who was Bismark and what role did he play?

Bismark was a conservative, Nationalist minister under King Wilhelm I in support of monarchy and Aristocracy. Successful in foreign affairs

What is "realpolitik"

a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations

When was the Crimean War?


What is the "Charge of the Light Brigade?"

a charge of British light cavalry against Russian forces in 1854 during the Crimean War

Where did the Charge of the Light Brigade happen?


Which nations fought on each side of the Crimean War

Russia vs. Ottomans, Austria, France, Britain

Who won the Crimean War

Not Russia!

Second War of Russia vs Ottomans was when?


Who were the allies in the 2nd War of Russia vs. Ottomans?

Russia, France, Prussia vs. Ottomans and Britain

Who won the Second War of Russia and what were the results?

Russia won, the alliances were reshaped: France & Prussia

Why did Britain side with the Muslim Ottomans?

Britain wanted cooperation with the Turks in the Middle East - Egypt and Suez Canal.

When was the Third War of the Balkans vs. Ottomans?


Which war finished the expulsion of the Ottomans from Europe except for Istanbul/Constantinople?

The Third War of the Balkans vs. Ottomans

When was World War I?


Turkey allied with who in WWI?

Germany and Austria

Why is the material for the Ottoman Empire Map important?

It shows the previous penetration of Islam into central Europe and its sudden expulsion over a 50 year period. Explains wars under Clinton to allow the Bosnian-Serb Muslims to form their own country. It explains Bush's war to allow Islamic Kosovo to become independent of Serbia in 2008

It prepares the ground for WWI when Turkey joins with the Germans/Austrians, loses, and out of its previous empire, the modern warring nations of the Middle East were created

What was a driving force for the strife in the Balkans?


At the end of 1913, Turkey was driven from all of Europe except...

the area around Istanbul (Constantinople)

Who were the two great prime ministers of the period from the English Reform, names and platforms?

pg. 181 ff

How did change in England differ from change in the continental countries?

It wasn't easy, but it was organic, not revolutionary.

What was the Irish Question?

p. 185

What was the director of the documentary "Third Jihad" trying to say?

There are a lot of Islamic radicals trying to destroy the democratic institutions of the West, moderate Muslims need to speak out strongly but they don't, and Saudi fundamentals fund university programs and mosques in the West and push extreme Wahabi interpretations of Islam

What percentage of mosques in the U.S. are funded by Wahabists?


What was a surprising factor in Ayatollah's response to the Kite Runner?

There is no fun/joy in Islam, and kite flying was banned.

What percentage of the capital of Belgium, Brussels, is Muslim?


Obvious instances of taqqiya?

"only 60 cases of amputation in the last thousand years

List 8 good aspects of Islam as stated in lecture:

1. Modesty 2. Fornication and loose living are haram; 3) Usury haram; 4) Hospitality 5) Alcohol and Drugs haram; 6) Gambling haram; 7) Charity commanded 2.5%; 8)Religion is central in their lives

Muslims accept the original unaltered Torah and the original Bible since they were revealed by God, however....

none of these original scriptures are in existence today, in their entirety

What do Muslims say about the Bible?

most of it is altered from original

Muslims do not believe in the concept of _____ ______, but rather believe in the ____ ___ ______ _______.

vicarious atonement, law of personal responsibility

Islam is a religion of ______


Islam was not spread by the ______, it was spread by the ______.

sword, word (Islamic teachings)

Islam teaches there is no _________ in religion if you accept ______.

compulsion, dhimmitude

Who says "God is dead"?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who says "Christianity is a religion of the weak"?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Which philosopher says there are two moralities: Slave/herd and superman?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who says most people are docile slaves and accept what they're told?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who says history moves only through the action of supermen?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Who says supermen through action/will to power impose their morality on society?

Friedrich Nietzsche

Supermen are viewed as ______ from the herd, but once they gain power, they are heralded as _______. Their morality becomes the standard

criminals, visionaries

Who says there is no such thing as objective morality?

Friedrich Nietsche

Know Russian Realism novels that deal with Nihilism/their authors and the summaries.

Slide 61 in review

Know Raskolnikov's theory in Crime and Punishment

Assumes there's no real Morality; what the mass of humans think of as being moral is really only the morality imposed by them by previous "Great Men".

2) Great leaders are always perceived as being criminals

3) they break the laws that stifle their creativity

4) if they succeed they impose their ideas upon society which then realizes that they were really not criminals at all

5) if they fail, they weren't Great Men after all

6) He's not talking about politicians/businessmen who lie, cheat, steal, to get ahead, these people just abuse them

Worldview of the Impressionists:

Untethered from tradition, individualistic and introspective, liberal, free, revolutionary, Empirical Truth is the only objective truth, all we know is what we experience ourselves, we assume our perceptions are of a Real World

Austrian Empire was made up of _____ and _____, and was considered a _________ in 1867

Austria and Hungary, Dual monarchy

How did the ethnic groups in Austrian Empire feel?

they united but they longed for their own nation

What were the results of the 1870 German War with France?

Germany won, took Alsace & Lorraine provinces, and France became a 3rd Republic

Catherine the Great was....

an "Enlightenment" fan

What ideas did Alexander I bring back from Paris?

Liberal ones

What revolt failed and pushed Nicholas I to clamp down?

Decembrist Revolt

What did Alexandra II do?

Reformed, freed the serfs in 1861, and sold Alaska to the U.S.

Who wasn't satisfied with Russian changes in the 19th Century?

The Liberals and Nihilists

When was the Greek war of Independence?


The impressionists ignored the real world and focused on their ______ interpretation


Which style of art was "Art with a purpose" or "Art for Art's sake"
