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30 Cards in this Set

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BCE and CE
Before the Common Era and Common Era--the way we name the years before and after the birth of Jesus
the study of the past by digging up remains of ancient civilizations
Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim--the three parts of the Hebrew Bible
The land between two rivers--now Iraq
worshipping statues as gods
a promise with a holy purpose that lasts forever
the land promised to Abraham and his descendants in Genesis
Leaving Egypt (and a book of the Torah)
Ten Commandments
the tablets of the law Moses brought back from Mount Sinai that form the basis of our covenant
the traveling tabernacle the People carried with them in the desert that protected the tablets of the law
Twelve Tribes
the groups the People divided themselves into that were named after the sons of Jacob/Israel
Saul, David and Solomon
the first three kings of Israel
Prophets: For example, Jeremiah, Micah and Amos
the people who spoke for G-d who warned and comforted the People
the tribe of Levites who took care of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
Holy Temple in Jerusalem
the main gathering place for the People to worship and bring sacrifices
militant neighbors who conquered Israel (the northern kingdom)
militant neighbors who conquered Judah (the southern kingdom)
Exile (and Return)
sent away by the Assyrians and Babylonians and started a new community--sent back home by King Cyrus of Persia
King Cyrus of Persia
conquered the Babylonians and helped the People who wanted to go home to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple
Greeks / Hellenism
Led by Alexander the Great, they took over and wanted us to give up our rituals.
Judah Maccabee
Fought the Greeks and WON.
Herod the Great
King of Judea appointed by Rome who was a great builder--helped us refurbish the second temple.
the highest court of justice in Ancient Israel
Rabbis Hillel and Shammai
Leaders of the Sanhedrin
during the second temple period, those who believed Moses received an oral law with the written law which should be used to interpret the laws more liberally. They were our first rabbis.
during the second temple period, the priests believed that the written law should be followed strictly and the temple practices should be kept pure
during the seond temple period, a group of people who believed the Jews should fight against the Romans and never give in
Those who left Jerusalem and moved to caves around the Dead sea to study, pray and copy the law and hide it in clay pots.
Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai
Saved Judaism by being smuggled out of Jerusalem to start an academy at Yavneh
body of literature written over generations