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101 Cards in this Set

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the process by which your body digests food, or your ability to digest food

I have always had a good digestion.


to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use

Your stomach contains acid to help you digest your food.


relating to the digestion of food

the digestive process


someone whose job is writing for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio


angry and violent towards another person


angry and violent towards another person


having a sharp taste like a lemon, and not sweet

These plums are a bit sour.


1:having a strong, unpleasant taste

2: angry and upset

3: very cold

4: making you feel very unhappy or angry

5 noun: a type of beer with a bitter taste

2: She is still very bitter about the way she was treated.

4: Failing the test was a bitter disappointment for me.


Filled with smoke

A smoky bar


having a pleasant sharp or spicy taste

a piquant mixture of spices


1: If food is bland, it has no taste.

2: boring and without excitement


Chewy food needs to be chewed a lot before it is swallowed

The meat was tasteless and chewy.


to break food between your teeth as a part of eating


Crunchy food is firm and makes a loud noise when it is eaten

crunchy vegetables


An aeronaut is someone who flies an aircraft: a pilot. Originally, an aeronaut was specifically someone who flew a balloon.


someone who travels into space


1: awake and able to think and notice things

2: done intentionally

1: He’s still conscious, but he’s very badly injured.

2: made a conscious decision to eat more healthily.


the state of being awake and being able to think and notice things



nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you or your actions:

He looked uncomfortable, like a self-conscious adolescent.


a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money

Could I have a receipt?


speed in doing something, especially because you do not have much time

In their haste to escape, they left behind all their belongings.


1: a short piece of writing about a particular subject, done by a student

2: a piece of music that someone has written

1: a 500-word composition


to appear from somewhere or come out of somewhere

A figure emerged from the shadows.


from a very long time ago

ancient Greece

an ancient statue


to become dry, smaller, and covered with lines as if by crushing or folding, or to make something do this

The lack of rain has shrivelled the crops.

You ought to pick that lettuce before it shrivels (up) and dies.


to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their race, religion, or political beliefs, or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone:


to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their race, religion, or political beliefs, or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone:

Religious minorities were persecuted and massacred during the ten-year regime.

His latest film is about the experience of being persecuted for being gay.

Ever since the news broke about her divorce, she has been persecuted by the tabloid press.


1: an ancient story about gods and brave people, often one that explains an event in history or the natural world

2: an idea that is not true but is believed by many people

1: a Greek myth

2: It’s a myth that men are better drivers than women.


a small space with walls or curtains around it, that is separate from the rest of a room and where you can be private when taking clothes off, etc

a shower cubicle

I was getting undressed in one of the cubicles


N: a dirty mark

V: to make something dirty by touching it

1: a smudge of ink

2: Be careful you don’t smudge the drawing.


in a way that shows that you become annoyed very easily

Let her read," someone said irritably.

She sighed, and tapped her fingers irritably on the table.


becoming annoyed very easily:

Be careful what you say - he's rather irritable today.

"Don't disturb me again," she said in an irritable (= angry) voice.


1: a large hole or empty space

2: a feeling of unhappiness because someone or something is missing

1: She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.

Before Einstein, space was regarded as a formless void.

2: They tried to describe their attempts to fill the void left by their son's death.


a person who climbs mountains as a sport or job


1: a question that you ask to get information

2: an official process to try to discover the facts about something bad that has happened

1: The company has received a lot of inquiries about its new service.

2: There will be an official inquiry into the train crash.


a document that describes your education and work experience

V: Resume

If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again.

The talks are due to resume today.


1: the things that happen in a story

2: a plan to do something bad

3: a piece of land

1: I don’t like movies with complicated plots.

2: There was a plot to blow up the embassy.

3: a building plot

V: plot

to plan to do something bad

They plotted to bring down the government.


behaving in a pleasant and polite way

our gracious host


things that you wear to change the way you look so that people cannot recognize you

She usually goes out in disguise to avoid being recognized.

V: disguise

to change the way you look so that people cannot recognize you

He managed to escape by disguising himself as a woman.


1: an event at which a group of people walk or stand together to show that they have a strong opinion about something.

2: an act of showing how to do something

1: They’re taking part in a demonstration against the war.

2: We asked the sales assistant to give us a demonstration.


1: an event at which a group of people walk or stand together to show that they have a strong opinion about something.

2: an act of showing how to do something

1: They’re taking part in a demonstration against the war.

2: We asked the sales assistant to give us a demonstration.


1: to show someone how to do something.

2: to show that something exists or is true

3: to walk or stand with a group of people to show that you have a strong opinion about something

1: She demonstrated how to use the new software.

2: The experiment clearly demonstrates that there are positive benefits.

3: Thousands of people gathered to demonstrate against the new proposals.


1: the area in a railway station where you get on and off the train

2: a high part of a floor for a person to stand on

1: The train for Belfast will depart from platform 12.

2: The speakers all stood on a platform.


something that you have been told to do

I had strict instructions to call them as soon as I arrived home.


giving useful or interesting information


1: to officially tell someone to do something

2: to teach someone about something

1: Staff are instructed not to use the internet for personal use.


1: extremely dangerous and likely to commit murder

2: extremely unpleasant

1:He was a murderous gangster.

She gave me a look of murderous hatred.

2: The traffic was murderous today.


1: to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage

2: to make someone feel very shocked and upset

3: to cause great damage or suffering to something or someone, or to violently destroy a place

3: Waves of corporate downsizing have devastated employee morale.

I was so devastated I was crying constantly.

The town was devastated by a hurricane in 1928.


N: an act of trying to do something

V: to try to do something

N: This is his second attempt at passing the exam.

V: He attempted to escape through a window.


the feeling of being annoyed, especially because you can do nothing to solve a problem

There is growing exasperation within the government at the failure of these policies to reduce unemployment.

After ten hours of fruitless negotiations, he stormed out of the meeting in exasperation.


extremely annoyed


a bird's covering of feathers

Male peacocks have beautiful plumage


the narrow space between a woman's breasts, that is seen when she wears a piece of clothing that does not cover the top of them

Clare was wearing a low-cut dress that showed off her cleavage.


A low-cut piece of women's clothing does not cover her neck and the top part of her chest

a low-cut dress


to make a hiccup

I can’t stop hiccuping – does anyone know a good cure?


a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others

He felt like an impostor among all those intelligent people, as if he had no right to be there.


having or covered with long, rough, and untidy hair, or (of hair) long, rough, and untidy

a shaggy dog/pony

the shaggy coat of a sheep

a shaggy rug


1: to make a bad situation worse

2: to make a disease worse

3: to annoy someone

1: Road repair work has aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.

2: The treatment only aggravated the condition

3: Stop aggravating me, will you!


the feeling that you are sorry for something bad that you have done

He has shown no remorse for his actions


a metal or plastic container with a lid, used for boiling water

Is the kettle boiling yet?

Charlotte put the kettle on to make some tea.


1: a physical feeling, or the ability to physically feel things

2: a lot of excitement and interest

3: a strange feeling or idea that you cannot explain

1: a burning sensation

Three months after the accident she still has no sensation in her right foot.

2:Their affair caused a sensation.

3: I had the odd sensation that someone was following me.


very bad pain

She was in agony after her operation.


impossible to judge as being different when compared to another similar thing

These forgeries are so good that they are more or less indistinguishable from the originals.


1: very important to you

2: very valuable

1: His books are his most precious possessions.

2: a precious metal


someone who attacks ships and steals from them


1: the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job

2: the act of accepting something bad because you cannot change it

1: a letter of resignation

I handed in my resignation yesterday.


to officially tell your employer that you are leaving your job

Mr Aitken has resigned from the company.


1:any of the groups of stars in the sky that seem from earth to form a pattern and have been given names

2: a group of famous or admired people all together in one place

2: At our annual ceremony we had a whole constellation of movie stars and directors.


a building from which scientists can watch the planets, the stars, the weather, etc


the act of watching someone or something carefully

The doctor wants to keep him under observation for a week.


to watch someone or something carefully

Children learn by observing adults.


good or quick at noticing things

He’s very observant.


1: wanting to be successful or powerful

2: An ambitious plan will need a lot of work and will be difficult to achieve.

1: an ambitious young lawyer

2: This is our most ambitious project so far


1: something that you want to do in your life

2: a strong feeling that you want to be successful or powerful

1: My ambition is to become a doctor.

2: He has no ambition


1: to stop doing something for a short time

2: to make a piece of music, video, etc. stop for a short time by pressing a button

N: a short time during which you stop doing something before starting again

1: She paused for a moment and looked around her.

2: Can you pause the movie there, please?

N: There was a short pause before he spoke.


very silly

Your argument is completely absurd.


a weapon, used especially in the past, that shoots a short arrow with great force


1: to stop something happening for a short time

2: to hang something from somewhere

1: The game was suspended because of bad weather.

2: A light bulb was suspended from the ceiling.


1: a line of marks that someone or something leaves behind as they move

2: a path through the countryside

1: a trail of muddy footprints

2: a nature trail


obviously very happy, or very beautiful

He gave a radiant smile when he heard her news.


N: a small, pointed piece of metal that you turn round and round to fasten things together

V: to fasten something with a screw

V: to fasten something by turning it round until it is tight

2v: You need to screw the cabinet to the wall.


1: to close or attach something

2: to attach one thing to another

1: Fasten your seat belts.

2: He fastened the shelf to the wall.


any type of repeated work that is boring and makes you feel tired and seems to have no positive effect and no end

There were days when having kids seemed like an endless treadmill of feeding, washing, and nappy-changing.


the chance of something happening

What are the odds of winning the top prize?


N: an act of causing someone pain

N: a very unpleasant experience

V: to cause someone pain, often in order to make them tell you something

N2: I had to listen to her for hours – it was torture!


N: in grammar, the form of a verb that shows the time at which an action happened. For example, ‘I sing’ is in the present tense and ‘I sang’ is in the past tense.

V: nervous and not able to relax

V: A tense situation makes you feel nervous.

V: If your muscles tense, they become tight and stiff, and if you tense them, you make them do this.

V1: The students looked tense as they waited for their exam results.

V3: Don’t tense your shoulders – just relax.


pale and looking sick or tired


a look that shows you do not approve of someone or something


to write or draw something quickly and without care

She scribbled some notes in her book.


If you are hoarse, your voice sounds rough, often because you are sick.

I was hoarse from shouting.


a large meal, especially to celebrate something special.


adj : expensive and fashionable

adj : complicated or having a lot of decoration

V: to want to have or do something

V: to feel sexually attracted to someone

adj1 : a fancy restaurant

adj2: That dress is too fancy for a little girl.

V1: Do you fancy a drink?

V2: I fancied him the first time I saw him.


a promise to yourself to do something

My New Year’s resolution is to do more exercise.


the way you think about something

Being unemployed has made me see things from a different perspective.


the official group of people who live in a foreign country and represent their government there, or the building where they work.


1: an animal or plant that lives on or in another animal or plant of a different type and feeds from it.

2: a person who is lazy and lives by other people working, giving them money, etc.

1: The older drugs didn't deal effectively with the malaria parasite.

2: Financial speculators are parasites on the national economy.


very interesting

a fascinating story


to interest someone a lot

Science has always fascinated me.