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35 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of Microbiology?
The study of very small organisms
What is another name for Microorganisms?
What do you call a group of Microbes?
Colonial Microbes
What life processes are microorganisms generally able to carry out independently of other cells?
Growth, Reproduction and Energy generation
What are the major reasons to study microbiology?
Provides research tools used in many different disciplines and microbes play an important role in Medicine, Agriculture and Industry
What are the major groups of Microbes?
Bacteria, Archea, Fungi, Protozoa, Algae, Viruses and Worms.
Bacteriology is the study of?
Characteristics of Bacteria
Prokaryotic-do not have nucleus. Best studied group of microbes.
Examples of diseases caused by Bacteria
Diptheria, Tuberculosis, bubonic plague and E Coli
What is the definition of a plague?
Any disease that spreads quickly
Characteristics of Archea
Ancient organisms, Prokaryotic, extremonphiles and do not cause disease
Mycology is the study of?
Charcteristics of Fungi
Eukaryotes yeasts and molds
Examples of Fungi
Ringworm and skin and nail infections
Protozoology is the study of?
Characteristics of Protozoa
Primitive animal critters Eukaryotes
Examples of Protozoa diseases
Amoebic dysentary and Malaria
Phycology is the study of?
Characteristics of Algae
Eukaryotes, Photosynthetic, important food source for other organisms. Not medically important
Virology is the study of?
Characteristics of Viruses
Acellular-composed of nucleic acid with protein coating. Obligate Intracellular parasites-must live inside other organisms
Examples of Viruses
Aids, Colds, Flu Chicken Pox Polio
Other Microbes?
Worms, Arthropods
examples Intestinal pathogens and trichinosis
Classifications of Microorganisms
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya
What was Antoni van Leeuwenhoek known for?
First to see small microbes and developed the first microscope
What was Louis Pasteur known for?
Disproved theory of spontaneous generation, Pasteuration and Fermintation. Father of Microbiology
What is Alexandar Fleming known for?
Discovered Penicillin
What is Frederick Griffith known for?
Transformation in Bacteria. During the course of his experiment, a living organism (bacteria) had changed in physical form.
What is Watson and Crick known for?
Identified the physical structure of DNA
Whats is Jacob and Monod known for?
Described how protein synthesis is regulated in bacteria.
What are the Koch postulates?
1 Organism is constantly present in diseased animals. 2 Organism is cultivated in pure culture. 3 Cultivated organisms are inoculated into health animals, who become sick. 4 Organism is then isolated from this animal and shown to be the orginal organism
What is Robert Koch known for?
Koch's postulates 4 ideas for proving a particular microorganism causes a particular disease. laid the groundwork for the "Germ theory of Disease"
What is a Pure Culture?
Only one type of microorganism present. Solid media allows isolation of single colonies. Each colony comes from a single bacteria cell. Mass must be large enough to be seen by naked eye.
What is chemotherapy?
Chemical treatment of disease
What is an EID?
Emerging infectious disease a new or changing desease showing and increasein incidence in the recent past or a potential to increase in the near future.