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38 Cards in this Set

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How are different types of bones classified?
By shape.
Name the four different types of bones and give an example.
Long - Femur, Humerus
Short - Carpals, Tarsals
Flat - Ribs, Skull
Irregular - Vertebrae, Pelvis
How many bones in the human skeleton?
The Human Skeleton is divided up into two sections, name them.
Axial Skeleton
Appendicular Skeleton
What is the axial skeletons role?
Support and protection.
What is the midline or axis of the body?
It is an imaginary longitudinal line that runs through the head and down to the space between the feet. Is considered the centre of the human body.
What does the axial skeleton consist of?
Skull, Vertebrael Column, Thoracic Cavity/Cage.
What is the role of the Appendicular skeleton?
Produces most of the body's movement.
What does the appendicular skeleton consist of?
Bones of the upper and lower extremities and the bones(girdles) that anchor them to the axial skeleton.
What bones are interlocked by sutures?
Cranial bones.
What bone articulates with all other cranial bones and forms the anterior base of the skull?
Sphenoid. (pron. spee-noid)
What is the only moveable bone of the skull?
Name the six cranial bones.
Frontal bone, Parietal bones.
Temporal bones, Occipital bone, Sphenoid bone, Ethmoid bone.
What are the smallest bones of the facecalled and what is there function?
Lacrimal bones allow the passage of tear ducts into the nasal cavity.
Name the eight facial bones.
Maxilla, Mandible, Palatine bones, Zygomatic bones, Lacrimal bones, Nasal bones, Inferior Nasal Concha, Vomer.
Name the five sections of the vertebrael column and how many vertebrae are within those sections.
Cervical(7), Thoracic(12), Lumbar(5), Sacrum(1 made up of five fused vertebrae), Coccyx(1 made up of four fused vertebrae).
What are the specialised vertebrae C1 and C2 called?
C1 is called the atlas.
C2 is called the axis.
The atlas rotates on top of the axis.
What bones make up the thoracic cage?
Sternum and Ribs.
The sternum consists of:
Manubrium, Body, Xiphoid Process.
How many ribs are there and what do they all attach to posteriorly?
There are 12 pairs of ribs that attach to the thoracic vertebrae.
There are three different types of ribs, what are they called, how many are there and how do they attach anteriorly?
The first seven ribs are called true ribs and all attach to the sternum. The next three, that is the 8th, 9th and 10th are called false ribs and attach indirectly to the sternum. The next 2, the 11th and 12th, are called floating ribs and do not attach to the sternum. Extra info - The 11th and 12th are there to protect the kidneys.
What are the smallest bones in the body?
The Middle Ear Ossicles.
Name the three bones of the Middle Ear Ossicles and there nicknames.
What is unique about the hyoid bone and where is it located?
The hyoid bone does not articulate with any other bone in the body. It is located in the neck between the mandible and the larynx.
What does the Pectoral Girdle consist of?
The Clavicle and the Scapula.
How does the Pectoral Girdle attach to the axial skeleton?
The clavicle attachs to the sternum (specifically to the manubrium)
What does the upper extremity consist of?
Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges.
On which side do the radius and the ulna sit?
The radius is on the thumb side (lateral) and the ulna on the little finger side(medial).
Name the proximal row of carpals from lateral to medial.
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrium, Pisiform.
Name the distal row of carpals from lateral to medial.
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate.
How is the Pelvic Girdle formed?
The Pelvic Girdle is formed by the union of 2 Ossa Coxae which originally developed as three seperate bones that fuse together as adults.
What does the pelvis girdle consist of?
The Ilium, Ischium and the Pubis.
If you put your hands on your hips what part of the pelvic girdle would you be resting on?
The Ilium.
If you are sitting down what part of the pelvic girdle are you resting on?
The Ischium.
What does the lower extremity consist of?
The Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges.
What is the longest, strongest and heaviest bone of the body?
Out of the Tibia and Fibula which is referred to as a splint bone?
The Fibula.
Name the seven Tarsals.
Talus, Calcaneus, Navicular, and four distal bones, 1st 2nd and 3rd Cuneiform bones and the Cuboid.