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145 Cards in this Set

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OPT template : phase 1 stabilization endurance :

Back (Definition)

A properly designed court training program helps an individual gain

Neuromuscular control, stability, muscular endurance, strength, & power of the core.


The structures that make up the LPHC, including the lumbar spine, the pelvic girdle, abdomen, & hip joint.

Center of gravity (COG)What three things in the muscles of the LPHC establish neuromuscular efficiency throughout the entire H is

Located where all the movements originate in the core.

What 3 things in the muscles of the LPHC establish neuromuscular efficiency throughout the entire HMS?Optimal

Optimal length (length tension relationships)

Recruitment patterns (force couple relationships)

Joint motions (arthrokinematics)

Optimal length (length tension relationships), recruitment patterns (force couple relationships), and joy emotions (Arthrokinematics) allow for efficient

Acceleration, deceleration, and stabilization during dynamic movements.

Prevention of possible injuries.

The core musculature has been divided into what 3 systems?

Global stabilization system

Local stabilization system

The movement system

The Local core stabilizers are muscles that

Attached directly to the vertebrae, primarily type 1 (slow twitch) muscle fibers with a high density of muscle spindles.

Course stabilizing muscles are primarily responsible for

Intervertebral & intersegmental stability, working to limit excessive compressive, sheer, and rotational forces between.

A High density of muscle spindles help to aid in

proprioception & postural control.

The primary muscles that make up the local stabilization systems include the


Pelvic floor muscles


Transverse abdominis

Internal obliques

There are 5

The primary muscles that make up the local stabilization system contribute to what kind of stability & how?

Segmental spinal

Increasing intra-abdominal pressure (pressure within the abdominal cavity)

Generating tension in the thoracolumbar fascia (connective tissue of the low back)

Increasing spinal stiffness for improved intersegmental neuromuscular control

Human movement efficiency

Back (Definition)

Muscles of the core : local stabilization, global stabilization, & movement systems

Back (Definition)

Core musculature pictured :

Back (Definition)

The muscles of the global stabilization attach from

The pelvis to the spine

The muscles of the global stabilization system act to

Transfer loads between upper & lower extremity

Provide stability between the pelvis & spine

Provide stabilization & eccentric control of the core during functional movements

There are 3

The primary muscles that make up the global stabilization system include the

Quadratus lumborum

Psoas major

External obliques

Portions of the internal obliques

Gluteus medius

Adductor complex

Rectus abdominis

There are 7

The movement system includes muscles that

Attach the spine &/or pelvis to the extremities.

The movement system muscles are primarily responsible for

Concentric force production

Eccentric deceleration during dynamic activities.

The primary muscles that make up the movement system are

Latissimus dorsi

Hamstring complex

Hip flexors


There are 4

Muscles of the core : local stabilization, global stabilization, & movement systems :

Back (Definition)

Collectively all of the muscles within each system (local, global, movement) provide

Provide dynamic Stabilization & neuromuscular control of the entire core LPHC.

The muscles of the local, global, & movement systems do what?

Produce force (concentric contractions)

Reduce force (eccentric contractions)

Provide dynamic stabilization in all planes of movement during functional activities

There are 3

Produce, reduce, provide

The muscles of the local, global, &The bodies course stabilization system Hass to be operating with maximal efficiency to movement systems enhanced ability in your muscular control through their

Synergistic interdependent functioning.

The bodies core stabilization system Hass to be operating with maximal efficiency to effectively use the

Strength, power, & endurance that has been developed in the prime movers.

Performing a lunch, squat, or OH press with excess a spinal extension is an example of

Compensation, synergistic dominance, & inefficient movements.



Those with chronic LBP have decreased activation ofThose with chronic LBP since I have

Certain muscles or muscle groups

Including the transverse of dominoes, internal obliques, pelvic floor muscles, multi fighters, diaphragm, erector spinae.

Those with chronic LBP tend to have weaker

Back extensor muscles & decreased muscular endurance.

What is an independent risk factor for developing LBP?Course

Trunk muscle weakness.

Core stabilization exercises restore what in individuals with LBP?

Size, activation, and endurance of the multifidus (deep spine muscle)

Clients & athletes with lower extremity pain, long-standing adductor (inner thigh) pain, hamstring strain, IT-band syndrome (runners knee), and LBP have a decreased chance of

Injury, less recurrence of injury, & improved performance measures after active rehabilitation program aimed at improving strength in neuromuscular control of the core (LPHC) muscles.

Drawing-in maneuver

Used to recruit the local core stabilizers by drawing the naval in toward the spine.


Contracting both of the abdominal, lower back, and buttock muscles simultaneously.

Low back hyper extension exercises without proper LPH stabilization have been shown to increase

Pressure on the disks to dangerous levels, causing damage to the ligaments supporting the vertebrae.

Muscular endurance of the global & local musculature when contracted together, create the most benefit for

Those with LBP compared with traditional LBP training methods.

Bracing focuses on global trunk stability, not on segmental vertebral stability, meaning that

The global muscles, given the proper endurance training, will work to stabilize the spine.

The drawing in maneuver focuses on the

Local stabilization system.

Bracing focuses on the

Global stabilization system.

A comprehensive core training program should be



Produce force concentric

Reduce force eccentric

Dynamic stabilization isometric

And emphasize the entire muscle action spectrum.

There are 6

Core training parameters

Back (Definition)

A core training program should regularly manipulate

Playing of motion


Modalities (tubing, stability ball, medicine bar, both super, airex pad)

Body position

Amount of control

Speed of execution

Amount of feedback

Specific acute training variables (sets, reps, intensity, tempo, frequency)

There are 8

When designing a core training program first create a

Proprioceptively enriched (controlled yet unstable training environment), selecting the appropriate exercises to elicit a maximal training response.

Core exercises performed in an unstable environment such as with the stability ball have been demonstrated to increase

Activation of the local and global stabilization systems.

The bola for training is to develop optimal levels of

Neuromuscular efficiency

Stability (intervertebral Lumbopelvic stability local & global stabilization systems)

Functional strength (movement system)

There are 3

The systems

Damage to the ligaments supporting the vertebrae may lead to

A narrowing of openings in the vertebrae that spinal nerves pass through.

Increasing proprioceptive demand by using a multisensory environment & multiple modalities is

More important than increasing external resistance.

The focus of the program should be ___ & quality of ___ should be stressed over ___.

Focus should be on function

Quality of movement

Over quantity

1. Intervertebral stability

2. Lumbopelvic stability

3. Movement efficiency

1. Intervertebral stability

2. Lumbopelvic stability

3. Movement efficiency

Core training parameters

Back (Definition)

The client made progress through the program once they

Mastered the exercises that were performed in the previous level, while demonstrating intervertebral stability & Lumbopelvic stability.

A client has appropriate intervertebral stability when able to maintain the

Drawing-in position while performing various exercises.

The client has appropriate lumbopelvic stability when able to performWhat

Functional movement patterns (squats, lunges, step ups, single leg movements, pressing, pushing) without excessive spinal motion (flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation, singly or in combination)

What are the 3 levels of the OPT model?




During core-stabilization training (phase 1), exercise involves

Little to no movement in the spine & pelvis.

Core stabilization training Is designed to improve

Neuromuscular efficiency & intervertebral stability.

Electromyogram EMG activity is increased during

Pelvic stabilization & transverse abdominis activation when the drawing-in maneuver is initiated before activity.

Core-stabilization training focuses on

Drawing-in & then bracing during the exercises.

How long will the client typically spend in core-stabilization training?

4 weeks

Sample exercises for core stabilization training are :


Floor bridge

Floor prone cobra

Prone iso ab

There are 4

They are all done on the back or stomach

Core-stabilization : exercises marching :

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : 2 leg floor bridge

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : floor prone cobra :

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : prone iso abs (plank) :

Back (Definition)

In the core-strength training (phases 2, 3 & 4) exercises involve more

Dynamic, eccentric, & concentric movements of the spine throughout a full ROM

Clients perform the activation techniques learned in corestabilization training (drawing-in & bracing).

What is progressed during core-strength training?

Specificity, speed, & neural demands.

How long do clients typically spend in the course strength training?

4 weeks

Core-stabilization : exercises marching :

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : 2 leg floor bridge

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : floor prone cobra :

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : prone iso abs (plank) :

Back (Definition)

Core training exercises : back extension :

Back (Definition)

Core strength exercises : reverse crunch :

Back (Definition)

Core-strength exercises : cable rotation :

Back (Definition)

In core-power training (phase 5), exercises are designed to improve

Rate of force production of the core musculature.

Core strength training exercises prepare an individual to

Dynamically stabilize & generate force at more functionally applicable speeds.

Core-strength exercises : ball crunch :

Back (Definition)

Core training exercises : back extension :

Back (Definition)

Core strength exercises : reverse crunch :

Back (Definition)

Core-strength exercises : cable rotation :

Back (Definition)

Core power exercises : front MB oblique throw :

Back (Definition)

Core power exercises : soccer throw :

Back (Definition)

Core training program design :

Back (Definition)

Core-power exercises : rotation chest pass :

Back (Definition)

If a forward protruding head is noticed during the drawing in maneuver what muscle is preferentially recruited?

The sternocleidomastoid (large muscle)

When the sternocleidomastoid is preferentially recruited during the draw-in maneuver what happens?

Compressive forces in the cervical spine are increased, leading to pelvic instability & muscle imbalances as a result of the pelvo-ocular reflex.

Because of the pelvo-ocular reflex it is important to

Maintain level eyes during movement.

If the sternocleidomastoid muscle is hyperactive & extends the upper cervical spine, the pelvis

Anteriorly rotates to realign the eyes.

Bracing is also commonly referred to as

Bearing down or tightening.

Low back hyper extension exercises without proper LPH stabilization have been shown to increase

Pressure on the disks to dangerous levels, causing damage to the ligaments supporting the vertebrae.

Muscular endurance of the global & local musculature when contracted together, create the most benefit for

Those with LBP compared with traditional LBP training methods.

Bracing focuses on global trunk stability, not on segmental vertebral stability, meaning that

The global muscles, given the proper endurance training, will work to stabilize the spine.

The drawing in maneuver focuses on the

Local stabilization system.

Bracing focuses on the

Global stabilization system.

A comprehensive core training program should be



Produce force concentric

Reduce force eccentric

Dynamic stabilization isometric

And emphasize the entire muscle action spectrum.

There are 6

Core training parameters

Back (Definition)

A core training program should regularly manipulate

Playing of motion


Modalities (tubing, stability ball, medicine bar, both super, airex pad)

Body position

Amount of control

Speed of execution

Amount of feedback

Specific acute training variables (sets, reps, intensity, tempo, frequency)

There are 8

When designing a core training program first create a

Proprioceptively enriched (controlled yet unstable training environment), selecting the appropriate exercises to elicit a maximal training response.

Core exercises performed in an unstable environment such as with the stability ball have been demonstrated to increase

Activation of the local and global stabilization systems.

The bola for training is to develop optimal levels of

Neuromuscular efficiency

Stability (intervertebral Lumbopelvic stability local & global stabilization systems)

Functional strength (movement system)

There are 3

The systems

Damage to the ligaments supporting the vertebrae may lead to

A narrowing of openings in the vertebrae that spinal nerves pass through.

Increasing proprioceptive demand by using a multisensory environment & multiple modalities is

More important than increasing external resistance.

The focus of the program should be ___ & quality of ___ should be stressed over ___.

Focus should be on function

Quality of movement

Over quantity

1. Intervertebral stability

2. Lumbopelvic stability

3. Movement efficiency

1. Intervertebral stability

2. Lumbopelvic stability

3. Movement efficiency

During an integrated core training program the client begins at what level?

The highest level at which they can maintain stability & optimal neuromuscular control (coordinated movement).

The client made progress through the program once they

Mastered the exercises that were performed in the previous level, while demonstrating intervertebral stability & Lumbopelvic stability.

A client has appropriate intervertebral stability when able to maintain the

Drawing-in position while performing various exercises.

The client has appropriate lumbopelvic stability when able to performWhat

Functional movement patterns (squats, lunges, step ups, single leg movements, pressing, pushing) without excessive spinal motion (flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation, singly or in combination)

What are the 3 levels of the OPT model?




During core-stabilization training (phase 1), exercise involves

Little to no movement in the spine & pelvis.

Core stabilization training Is designed to improve

Neuromuscular efficiency & intervertebral stability.

Electromyogram EMG activity is increased during

Pelvic stabilization & transverse abdominis activation when the drawing-in maneuver is initiated before activity.

Core-stabilization training focuses on

Drawing-in & then bracing during the exercises.

How long will the client typically spend in core-stabilization training?

4 weeks

Sample exercises for core stabilization training are :


Floor bridge

Floor prone cobra

Prone iso ab

There are 4

They are all done on the back or stomach

Core-stabilization : exercises marching :

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : 2 leg floor bridge

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : floor prone cobra :

Back (Definition)

Core-stabilization exercises : prone iso abs (plank) :

Back (Definition)

In the core-strength training (phases 2, 3 & 4) exercises involve more

Dynamic, eccentric, & concentric movements of the spine throughout a full ROM

Clients perform the activation techniques learned in corestabilization training (drawing-in & bracing).

What is progressed during core-strength training?

Specificity, speed, & neural demands.

How long do clients typically spend in the course strength training?

4 weeks

The transverse abdominis Creates tension in the ___, contributing to ___, & compresses the ___ increasing ___.

Creates tension in the thoracolumbar fascia

Contributing to spinal stiffness

Compressing the sacroiliac joint

Increasing stability

The exercises involved in core-strength training are designed to improve

Concentric strength (force production), eccentric strength (force reduction), & neuromuscular efficiency of the entire kinetic chain.

Exercises in the core strength training level include :

Ball crunch

Back extensions

Reverse crunch

Cable rotations

Core-strength exercises : ball crunch :

Back (Definition)

Core training exercises : back extension :

Back (Definition)

Core strength exercises : reverse crunch :

Back (Definition)

Core-strength exercises : cable rotation :

Back (Definition)

In core-power training (phase 5), exercises are designed to improve

Rate of force production of the core musculature.

Core strength training exercises prepare an individual to

Dynamically stabilize & generate force at more functionally applicable speeds.

Exercises in the core-power training level include :

Rotation chest pass

Ball medicine ball (MB) pull over throw

Front MB oblique throw

Soccer throw

All of the exercises use a medicine ball or stability ball.

Core-power exercises : rotation chest pass :

Back (Definition)

Maintaining a neutral spine during core training helps to improve

Posture, stabilization, & muscle balance.

Core power exercises : ball MB Pullover throw :

Back (Definition)

Core power exercises : front MB oblique throw :

Back (Definition)

Core power exercises : soccer throw :

Back (Definition)

Core training program design :

Back (Definition)

OPT template : phase 1 stabilization endurance :

Back (Definition)

If a forward protruding head is noticed during the drawing in maneuver what muscle is preferentially recruited?

The sternocleidomastoid (large muscle)

When the sternocleidomastoid is preferentially recruited during the draw-in maneuver what happens?

Compressive forces in the cervical spine are increased, leading to pelvic instability & muscle imbalances as a result of the pelvo-ocular reflex.

Because of the pelvo-ocular reflex it is important to

Maintain level eyes during movement.

If the sternocleidomastoid muscle is hyperactive & extends the upper cervical spine, the pelvis

Anteriorly rotates to realign the eyes.

Bracing is also commonly referred to as

Bearing down or tightening.