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15 Cards in this Set

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research (n) on/into TOPIC

a survey has been done on TOPIC

a more recent survey showed that......

bài nghiên cứu về chủ đề gì

nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện về chủ đề gì


(n) Đạo văn

come out

If something comes out, it becomes known publicly after it has been kept secret

Sự việc gì đó bị lộ tẩy

tough (adj) on sb

/tʌf/ Khó khăn với ai đó

They were being a bit tough on him

academic circles

Giới học thuật

intellectual theft

(NP) Đánh cắp trí tuệ/chất xám

It seems to have become much more common recently

/ˈkɑː.mən/Cái gì đó trở nên phổ biến

N(NP) + had risen to % + in 200X

So sánh: Cái gì đó đã tăng đến .... ( cùng so sánh 2 sự việc trong quá khứ)

Back in 1969, 58% of school students let others copy their work, but it had risen to 97% in 1989

take/cary + skill/habit with sb

Mang/trang bị cái gì đó ( thường là skill) cùng với bản thân

They take their bad habits with them when they go on to uni

More + V + happens now among + N ( so sánh 1) than + N (so sánh 2)

Cái S1 xảy ra nhiều hơn S2

More cheating happens now among undergraduate students than high school students.

There are even instances of + N ( đối tượng) doing it, though it involves a much smaller proportion of them

Cái gì đó cũng xáy ra với đối tượng nào đó, mặc dù xáy ra với tỉ lệ nhỏ hơn.

There are even instances of postgraduate students doing it, though it involves a much smaller proportion of them.

take longer/ take a lot longer

Mất nhiều thời gian hơn

Come down to + N ( vấn đề gì )

to have a particular thing as the most important matter ( vấn đề quan trọng ở đây là...)

It all comes down to money in the ends.

What it really comes down to is that the internet is so huge .

Be beyond sb

If something is beyond you, you are unable to understand it (Không thể, không có khả năng)

It's beyond the capacity of anyone to have an overview of the internet.

Come to about (money)

Nói về thứ gì đó chỉ khoảng bao nhiêu tiền

It only comes about 50c a student