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15 Cards in this Set

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What must be installed before towing the aircraft?

Nose wheel steering pin.

What is the maximum turning radius of the nose wheel?

78 degrees indicated by a red line on the nose landing gear doors.

How would you turn the nose wheel past the78 degrees? Past 90 degrees?

Past 78 degrees, remove torsion link on nose wheel. Past 90 degrees, remove torsion link and disconnect the taxi light assembly on nose wheel.

What must you do before a plane move?

Do a brief and debrief after.

How would you tow a the P8 if wall power is down and you are towing out of the hangar?

Use 2 chock walkers until out of hangar and brakes are charged.

How many personnel are required for a plane move?


Who is the 7th person required if moving a plane into the hangar?

An E6 Safe for flight or any Chief or above.

What is the procedure for a tow bar separation?

The driver will pull off at a 45 degree angle and the director would signal the brake rider to slowly apply brakes.

Why do we the P8 ten feet in a straight line after a turn?

To release torsional loads on main mounts.

What happens when one horn blows?

All horns blow.

What is the correct position for the wing walker?

5 ft aft and outboard of the wingtip. Always face direction of the planes movement.

What is the brake pressure range required for the brake rider?

1800 psi - 3000 psi

Approximately how many brake applications would you get from 1800 psi and 3000 psi?

3 from 1800 psi, 6 from 3000 psi.

What would you do if you were towing the aircraft and Thunderstorm Condition 1 occured?

The director would signal the driver and the brake rider to apply brakes, and everyone would board the plane until T1 has been removed.

When would you tow the P8 from the main landing gear?

If you are towing with two flat tires on one main gear, towing on soft ground, or towing up inclines more than 5 degrees.