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63 Cards in this Set

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A ____ grant is a large grant to a state by the federal government w/ only general spending guidelines.


New federalism favors...

Block Grants

According to the principle of popular sovereignty

The ultimate sources of authority rests with the people.

Politicians are most likely to listen to the concerns of immigrants...

after immigrants become citizens who are eligible to vote.

Proponents of the "devolution evolution" argue that:

The authority of state gov'ts should be expanded.

The constitution ensures that judicial decrees and contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in another..

Full Faith and Credit

The greatest fear of the Anti-Federalists during the constitutional convention and subsequent debate is...

a strong national gov't would infringe on the essential liberties of the people

The type of federalism is characterized by a system of separate but equally powerful state and national gov't is called..


Who favored a strong national gov't and supported the proposed U.S. constitution ?

The Federalists

In a ______ system, local and regional gov'ts derive authority from the national gov't.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the most important decisions were made by...

state legislatures

What was the reason for the separation of powers?

to prevent tyranny by any one branch

The 1960s and 1970s were a time that best exemplifies which type of federalism?


An example of structure of framework..

what gov't does

Jim Crows represented..

the official system of segregation in the South

The ideas that ordinary people want to rule themselves and are capable of doing so is associated with....


What type of gov't is society ruled by the people?


What was the major concern among those who were skeptical of democracy?

The idea that ordinary people might rule themselves.

Direct democracy

means that citizens are able to meet together regularly to debate and decide the issues of the day.

James Madison and other Founders of the American Republic feared that

majority rule would undermine freedom and threaten the rights of the individual.

Which of the following statements best reflects the position taken in Struggle for democracy?

The majority does not seem to be a special or unique threat to liberty.

When the majority abuses their power vis-a-vis a political minority this called

the tyranny of the majority

According to Struggle for Democracy, popular sovereignty, political equality, and political liberty

are vital benchmarks of representative democracy.

According to the text, democracy..

democracy is a useful evaluative standard for judging the political process.

The framework of this textbook is used to

evaluate short-term principles and procedures of politics

Which of the following is a sector of the framework advanced by the authors of your textbook?

gov't action, gov't, political linkage, and structure

According to the Struggle for Democracy, gov't factors include

all public officials and institutions (Congress, the president, the federal bureaucracy, and the Supreme Court) that have formal, legal responsibilities for making public policy for the United States.

By separated powers and checks and balances, the authors of your text mean

that the framers divided executive, legislative, and judicial powers and placed them into separate branches of the national gov't

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Formally amending the U.S. Constitution

typically requires two-thirds support by Congress and support by three-fourths of state legislatures

The Executive power is found in

Article II of the Constitution

Initially, the American Revolution was fought primarily to

preserve the colonists' traditional rights

America's first constitution was the

Articles of Confederation

The Articles of Confederation

established a loose organization of independent states with a weak central gov't.

What was a feature of the Articles of Confederation?

States could only prevent national action with nine out of thirteen states in support.

Laws that helped poor farmers by postponing tax and mortgage payments were known as

stay laws

Shays's Rebellion was a revolt of

farmers in western Massachusetts who took up arms to protest high taxation and foreclosure proceedings

In the 1780's, the creation of popular assemblies in the several states

gave republicans reason to fear a rise of untamed democracy

At the Constitution Convention, there was general consensus and agreement concerning..

a republican form of gov't

Charles Beard's assessment of the intentions of the Framers of the Constitution was that the Framers

were engaged in a conspiracy to protect their immediate and personal economic interests

The ______ Plan favored large states

Virginia Plan

The ______ Plan favored small states

New Jersey Plan

Which plan called for a multi-person executive?

The New Jersey Plan

Today, we would associate the ________ plan with the Senate and the _________ plan with the House of Representatives.

New Jersey plan, Virginia plan

What was approved at the Constitutional Convention with respect to the institution of slavery?

Three-fifths of the state's slave population was used in the calculation of how many representatives a state was entitled to in the House of Representatives.

The U.S. president is elected through..

through the Electoral College

A system of gov't in which powers are divided between states and a central gov't is called..

a federal system.

The elastic clause of the Constitution..

gives Congress broad powers to carry out its responsibilities.

The first ten amendments to the constitution..

are known as the Bill of Rights.

The basic purpose of the Bill of Rights is to...

Limit what gov't may legitimately do

The states hold the dominant power position in a


Concurrent powers

are shared powers between the states and federal gov't.

State to state relations is also known as

horizontal federalism

The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution

is also known as the reservation clause

The Supremacy Clause is found in which section of the US Constitution?

Article VI

Ratification of the Constitution, amending the Constitution, and choosing the president are examples of

roles states play in the national gov't

The privileges and immunities clause

requires states to honor public acts of other states.

Under the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution, the states

must honor the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.

The belief that the framers meant for the states to be coequal with the national gov't is a positon held by

states' rights supporters

Marble cake federalism is synonymous with

cooperative federalism

Layer cake federalism involves the theory that

state and national gov't powers are neatly divided and occupy separate spheres.

Nativists sentiments in the population

have led to many anti-immigrant policies throughout American history.

The American population has experienced a shift from

manufacturing to service occupations; farming to manufacturing occupations