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80 Cards in this Set

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According to Max Weber, there are three types of legitimate authority. (T/F)


According to Nietzsche, power is the main driving force in humanity. (T/F)


Global health is associated with __________

a) health needs of the people worldwide

b) importance of actors beyond governmental or intergovernmental agencies

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

C (A&B)

What are the key features of globalization?

a) integration of the world economy

b) interdependence between people and places

c) speeding up of interaction and 'shrinking' of space

d) all of the above

e) none of the above


What are the economic characteristics of the post world war period?

a) free trade, unemployment, no state intervention, no control of capital flows and fixed exchange rates

b) free trade, full employment, state intervention, control of capital flows and fixed exchange rates

c) free trade, free capital flows, low unemployment, no state intervention, floating exchange rates

d) none of the above

B (free trade, full employment)

The Washington consensus is characterized by _______ capital flows, ________ trade, _________ national budgets and privatization of _________.

a) increase in, control of, reduction of, health services

b) control of, liberalization of, increase in, governmental enterprises

c) deregulation of, liberalization of, stabilization of, governmental enterprizes

d) none of the above

C (deregulation, liberalization...)

The initial role of the IMF was to stabilize exchange rates and cover for temporary payment imbalances. (T/F)


Globalization brought massive gains in wealth and life expectancy for all. (T/F)


What is the role of the World Bank?

a) providing financial assistance to developing countries

b) providing financial/technical assistance to developing countries

c) none of the above

B (financial & technical assistance)

What is the role of the World Trade Organization?

a) promote free trade and sanction "illegal trade barriers"

b) promote free trade and intellectual property rights

c) promote free trade, intellectual property rights, and sanction "illegal trade barriers"

d) none of the above

C (free trade, property rights, trade barriers)

What major change for spreading of infectious disease did globalization introduce?

a) the modification of the relation between incubation period of the disease and travel time

b) the difficulty to impose quarantine to affected populations

c) all of the above

d) none of the above

C (all of the above)

What do we learn from SARS?

a) connectivity has risen

b) power of nature has been discounted

c) all of the above

d) none of the above

C (all of the above)

____________ is the central tenet of advocates of the current globalization process.

a) trickle down effect

b) equality

c) helping the poor

d) all of the above

e) none of the above

A (trickle down effect)

What are the problems identified with the current globalization process?

a) globalization does not produce as much economic growth as the previous period

b) globalization increases inequalities within and between countries

c) all of the above

d) none of the above

C (all of the above)

In the last decades of growing global market integration, we observed a slow down in health improvements and growing health inequalities. (T/F)


Recurrent debt crises are a reflection of the world's increasing interconnectedness. (T/F)


How many categories of actors provide resources for health?

a) two

b) four

c) five

d) six

B (four)

governments, private foundations, individuals, business/corporate sector

What are the common features of global health initiatives?

a) focus on specific diseases or on selected interventions, commodities, or services

b) relevance to several countries

c) inputs linked to performance

d) all of the above

e) none of the above

D (all of the above)

What is the role of the WHO?

a) the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health

b) ensure disease surveillance and control

c) funding health initiatives

d) provide health expertise to governments

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

g) only a, b, and d

E (all of the above)

Where does most of the WHO budget come from?

a) state members contributions

b) various donors providing funding for vertical programs

c) all of the above

d) none of the above

B (various donors)

What distinguishes a Greek from a Barbarian?

a) freedom

b) equality

c) all of the above

d) none of the above

A (freedom)

According to Locke, 'civil society' has sovereignty over individuals. (T/F)


Dependence theory argues that...

a) there is a core and periphery in the global economy

b) low income countries produce primary products while developed countries produce manufactured products

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

C (A&B)

What are the two complementary forms of control identified by Gramsci?

a) social hegemony

b) free market

c) political government

d) a & b

e) a & c

f) b & c

E (A&C)

What are the three sources of domination according to Weber?

a) tradition, economy, charisma

b) tradition, economy, law

c) tradition, charisma, law

d) economy, charisma, law

C (tradition, charisma, law)

Why does anarchy define relations in the international sphere?

a) because Nation States have different interests

b) because there is no global sovereignty

c) both of the above

d) none of the above

B (no global sovereignty)

According to Waltz, the structure of an anarchic system of international relations is dependent on power relations. (T/F)


The "balance of power" theory argues that states must attend to their own security. (T/F)


Realist view critiques the "balance of power" theory arguing that there are a variety of alternative strategies to counter the most powerful state. (T/F)


What is the central paradigm of the analogy theory of development?

a) each country has its own path to development

b) development is a universal path first followed by the West and that others are following or will follow

c) none of the above

B (development is a universal path)

How does orthodox development discourse operate?

a) by comparing us and the other ("the West" and "the rest")

b) by arguing that low income countries cannot achieve internal order

c) by considering that development is a technical problem

d) a & b

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

E (all of the above)

What is the third dimension of power according to Luke?

a) shaping views and preferences

b) preventing potential issues to emerge

c) decision making

d) imposing one's own interest to others

e) none of the above

A (shaping views/preferences)

Farmer argues for a social analysis of suffering and deprivation. (T/F)


Why is the health policy process different from other types of policy processes?

a) government may be competing with the private sector in providing health services

b) health policy makers must interact with policy makers across a wide range of fields to secure health outcomes

c) asymmetry of information

d) only a&b

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

E (all of the above)

Why are health policy circumstances different in poorer countries?

a) weaker health system oversight

b) more corruption

c) lack of financial resources for the government to influence behavior

d) greater reliance on external support

e) only b, c, and d

f) only a, b, and c

g) all of the above

h) none of the above

G (all of the above)

What are the components of Walt and Gilson's policy triangle?

a) content, process, context

b) content, process, actors

c) content, process, context, actors

d) none of the above

C (content, process, context, actors)

How many stages are in the 'stages heuristic' approach to policy process?

a) two

b) four

c) five

d) six

B (four)

What are the systemic factors influencing a national health policy context?

a) situational factors

b) structural factors

c) cultural factors

d) exogenous factors

e) only a, b, and d

f) all of the above

g) none of the above

F (all of the above)

In John Kingdon's 'Policy Streams Approach' policy formation is described as the result of the flow of three 'streams.' (T/F)


What is/are the differences between a top-down and a bottom-up approach to policy-making?

a) participatory process

b) prescriptive process

c) all of the above

d) none of the above

C (all of the above)

China is the main winner of the globalization process. (T/F)


Since 1955, the volume of the world trade has grown much faster than the world economy as a whole. (T/F)


Countries which aimed at export-led growth, such as Japan, Korea, and China, have benefited from globalization. (T/F)


What explains the shift in trade of manufactured goods from local production to global production with multinational companies outsourcing production in low labor cost countries?

a) fall in cost of transport

b) fall in cost of labor

c) fall in cost of communications

d) a & b

e) a & c

f) b & c

E (A & C)

The richest 10% of households in the world have as much yearly income as the bottom 90%. (T/F)


Economic globalization produces a global homogenous consumer culture in which western models increasingly displace alternative cultural traditions. (T/F)


To what concept does the idea that everyone, everywhere has rights refer to according to Prokhovnik?

a) the concept of entitlements owed to all individuals by virtue of common human features

b) the concept of reciprocity

c) the concept of responsibilities and duties

A (entitlements)

According to Prokhovnik, what is/are the origin(s) of the modern rights movement?

a) the concept of freedom of the Ancient Greek philosophy

b) the medieval concept of natural law

c) the enlightenment ideas of the eighteenth century

d) the social reform movements of the 19th/20th centuries

e) all of the above

f) only A & B

g) only C & D

G (C&D)

What is commutative justice?

a) the distribution of things among a class of individuals

b) the treatment of an individual in a particular transaction

c) the idea that principles of justice should be applied to the political institutions of society

B (treatment of an individual)

Social justice is in the interest of social cohesion. (T/F)


What are the problems with the international rights discourse in the international sphere?

a) it is based on a Western perspective

b) it does not necessarily empower people to take their own decision

c) it can mask another form of hegemonic power, domination and subjection

d) it can reinforce traditional gender roles or applied differently for men and women

e) it is not effective to make accountable non state actors such as multinational corporations or INGOs, militias, etc.

f) all of the above

g) none of the above

F (all of the above)

The states dominate the international area according to communitarianism. (T/F)


The international civil society dominate the international arena according to communitarianism. (T/F)


Rights and justice cannot be applied across borders according to communitarianism. (T/F)


States should respect one another's independence and the UN cannot limit the claims of sovereign states according to communitarianism. (T/F)


Interstate coordination is more efficient than a supranational organization to regulate gloval environment problems or poverty according to communitarianism. (T/F)


Cosmopolitans consider that the exercise of national sovereignty is conditional on respect for human rights. (T/F)


What is the view of international distributive justice according to cosmopolitans?

a) it is an issue at a global level among individuals and not only within or between states

b) global relations should be governed by the principle of rights

c) claims of one's own fellow citizens for redistribution of resources must take priority over the claims of those residing in other countries

d) it should translate into measures to promote subsistence, economic and welfare rights

e) only a, b, c

f) only a, b, d

g) all of the above

h) none of the above

F (A, B, & D)

Cosmopolitans argue in favor of a supranational international court while communitarians consider that there is no basis for claims to universal jurisdiction in matters of international retributive justice. (T/F)


Communitarians are concerned that there is a risk that powerful states use a structure of international institutions for their national interest. (T/F)


WHO is confronted with various major health issues: health inequalities between and within countries but also the spread of new infectious diseases or unhealthy consumption patterns. (T/F)


Among the following, which are global health public goods?

a) global advocacy for health

b) use of human rights

c) disease surveillance

d) supporting multinational pharmaceutical companies

e) only a, b, and c

f) only a, c, and d

g) all of the above

E (A, B & C)

Which of the following are major institutions in global health?



c) World Bank

d) World Trade Organization

e) Only a, b, and c

f) Only a, c, and d

g) all of the above

G (all of the above)

The League of Nations created a health office. (T/F)

TRUE (in the 1920's after colonization/first wave of globalization)

WHO is characterized by both "regular" state members contributions and "extra budgetary" contributions. (T/F)

TRUE (assessed and voluntary)

WHO saw an evolution in its mission emphasis from disease control to support to universal primary healthcare coverage between the 50s and 70s. (T/F)


What was the cause for less support to universal primary healthcare?

a) economic crisis following oil shocks

b) end of support from Communist countries (fall of Berlin wall)

c) lack of US support

d) only a & b

e) all of the above

f) none of the above

E (all of the above)

What major change in global health governance was observed in the 90s?

a) creation of UNAIDS

b) increasing role of the World Bank

c) reduced role of WHO due to internal governance problems

d) only a & b

e) only a & c

f) all of the above

E (all of the above)

Agencies such as the Global Fund, Gates Foundation, and the World Bank contribute more funding to global health than the WHO. (T/F)


Who governs the World Bank system in practice?

a) 185 member countries shareholders

b) major financial contributors

c) US alone

d) none of the above

B (mostly US, Japan, Germany, UK, & France)

In 1975 the World Bank issued a first health policy paper focusing on basic healthcare. (T/F)


In the 1980s, the World Bank together with the IMF promoted structural adjustment programs that

a) resulted in less public resources and weakened public health systems

b) encouraged private healthcare sector development

c) both of the above

d) none of the above

C (all of the above)?

What are the features of the 1990s health sector reform agenda of the World Bank?

a) emphasis on basic package of health services

b) promotion of integration and decentralization of health services

c) support an expanded role of the private sector in provision of healthcare

d) only A & B

e) only B & C

f) all of the above

F (all of the above)

Financially, in a recent year we observe a relative decline of World Bank health interventions. (T/F)


What is the emphasis of the new strategy for health, nutrition, and population of the World Bank?

a) health system strengthening

b) health financing

c) sound macroeconomic and fiscal policy

d) regulatory framework in the health sector

e) drug and treatment options

f) only a, b, c, & e

g) only a, b, c, & d

h) only a, c, & d

i) all of the above

G (a, b, c, & d)

What are the challenges for low income countries to be able to provide universal basic healthcare coverage meeting the MDGs?

a) equitable distribution of wealth

b) good governance in public and health sectors promoting social justice and health system reform

c) taxes to support strong health systems

d) encourage private sector development

e) only b, c, & d

f) only a, b, & c

g) all of the above

F (a, b, & c)

Main powers promote new international health regulations to make sure that communicable diseases do not impede the free flow of international economic activity. (T/F)


International orgs have power in the Weberian sense. (T/F)


Administration and not elected members are powerful in the bureaucratic culture. (T/F)


Lack of global transparent and democratic coordination reduces efficiency to address major global health issues and threats.