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30 Cards in this Set

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which of the following people would NOT be considered universally to be physically attractive

a person with an average size body

mere exposure effect

a culturally universal mechanism whereby the more we are exposed to a stimulus, the more we are attracted to it

similiarity attraction effect

a non-universal mechanism whereby people are attracted to others if they share many similarities

characteristics of HIGH relational mobility

the environment presents numerous opportunities for people to create new social bonds, increased flexibility in deciding who will enter in their ingroup and who they will have relationships with

arranged marriages were more common in cultures with --- whereas love marriages are more likely in----

extended family systems, nuclear family systems

what is an example of the element of sociality of market pricing

spending money on an item and directly receiving it (monetary exchange), tipping a waitress


process by which people immigrate to and learn a culture thats different from theirs

what is the honeymoon period caused by? what is culture shock caused by?

novelty, homesickness

what are 3 factors that may influence individuals' adjustment to new culture

cultural distance (how much cultures differ)

cultural fit (the degree to which one's personality is more similar to the dominant cultural values in the host culture)

acculturation strategy (4, attitude toward host and heritage culture)

liem has recently immigrated to australia from thailand. liem is having a hard time acculturating because he is negative toward his thai and australia culture. liem is using what acculturation strategy?


akiko is a second generation jap-american, and thinks in ways that merger her two cultures. what is this self-concept?


what are two mechanisms causing biological differences among humans across cultures

innate differences (evolution, divergence of human genome, different environments have different selections ie skin color)

acquired differences (cultural experiences that affect biology)

why does the us have a higher obesity rate than france

greater reliance on high calorie foods, surburban/sedentary life style, larger portions

who has higher agreement among medicine practices

doctors/lay people from same country

-doctors from different countries

-laypeople from different countries

doctors/lay people from same country

the most widespread theory of disease among traditional/less educated cultures is what cause

agressive spirits/ghosts

what is the primary explanation for the association between low ses and low health


def of a mental disorder

a mental or behavioral pattern irregularity that causes an impaired ability to function in ordinary life

what is required to have a culture bound disorder

a person must have cultural beliefs associated with the syndrome

difference between psychologization and somatization

psy (symptoms are psychological, depression etc)

som (symptoms are physiological, such as lack of sleep)

what is the major risk factor for suicide in cultures which have experienced westernization

losing connection between one's cultural narrative and modern society

what are the 3 moral ethics proposed by shweder? which is violated by making the grand canyon a landfill

ethic of autonomy, community, and divinity


anita believes that the differences between cultures in their child rearing practices are not true psychological differences. anita has what type of moral judgement


joey gave $5 to a homeless person whereas nat gave it to a girl scout. what fairness principles are they using

j-principle of need

n-principle of equity

what is the dictator game? what are the typical results of the game for those in western cultures

game in which the participants are given $100 which they can keep or share with another anonymous participant, 50% of the time they share the money

what are the primary reasons for why individuals do NOT make rational decisions during the dictator game

great exposure to market integration and religion

what are universally attractive features and what vary on culture

clear complexion, average face, symmetry

weight, height, muscles, hips, tits

what are the benefits of being attractive and are they universal

western culture deems pretty people as better/nicer, "tyranny of beautiful", more opportunities for new interactions, potential partners

low vs high relational mobility

interdependent cultures, less opportunity/flexibility/freedom in relationships, love comes from ingroup vs

independent cultures, more...

4 elements of sociality

communal sharing(common identity, everyone treated same)

authority ranking(hierarchy)

equity ranking(based on balance/reciprocity)

market pricing(direct reciprocity)

social loafing

a persons work input is less when performance is measured on a group level, more likely to occur in individualistic cultures/working with strangers/extrinsic motivation