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125 Cards in this Set

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What statement is true?
a. When you lose weight you lose fat cells
b. when you lose weight your fat cells shrink
According to Maslow, our need for_____ must be met before we are preoccupied with satisfying our need for_______.
Adequate clothing;self-esteem
Maslow referred to the needs for purpose and meaning that lie beyond the self as________.
self-actualization needs
Some who is normal weight or overweight, engages in episodes of overeating, usually of high calorie foods, followed by vomiting, laxative use, fasting, or excessive exercise is suffering from__________.
Bulimia Nervosa
The World Health Organization identifies obesity as a high
Body mass index
A physiological need creates an aroused tension state that motivates an orgasism to satisfy the need. We call this the _______ theory.
Drive reduction
Unlike those with bulimia nervosa, those with binge-eating disorders are not likely to_____ following binge eating.
engage in excessive exercise
Both religious activity and participation in service learning program are predictors of_____.
teen sexual abstinence
Which profession is most likely to be concerned with the effect of supervisors' management styles on worker motivation and productivity?
industrial-organizational psychology
Matching people with existing jobs is to ______psychology as modifying jobs and supervision is to ________ psychology.
According to the Cannon- Bard theory, the experience of an emotion
occurs simultaneously with physiological arousal
The sympathetic nervous system is to the parasympathetic nervous system as ______is to________.
increasing heart rate; decreasing heart rate
When Mrs. Van Dyke first acquired a new luxury car, she was ecstatic. After several months, however, she took the car for granted and it gave her little sense of emotional excitement. This change in her felling can best be explained in terms of _______.
the adaptation-level phenomenon
Projection refers to the process by which people
disguise unacceptable, unconscious impulses by attributing them to others
Veena gets poor grades no matter how hard she studies, so she has simply given up studying. Veena's behavior most clearly reflects
learned helplessness
When professor McKay nervously began teaching a university class for the first time, he overestimated the extent to which his students would notice that he was anxious. His reaction best illustrates _________.
the spotlight effect
Episodes of intense dread that last for several minutes and are accompanies by shortness of breath, trembling, dizziness, or heart palpitations are most characteristic of __________.
panic disorder
Masters and Johnson described 4 stages of sexual response. What is the correct order?
Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution
All below are types of weight loss surgery procedures except?
roux-en y, lap band, gastric bypass, set point
set point
The refractory period is the ______________.
time span after orgasm during which a male cannot be aroused to another orgasm
When a manager believes that they are good at choosing the right candidate for the job, this is called the_________. and true of false? The manager is correct, he is good at it.
interviewer allusion, false
The __________ theory proposed that physiological activity precedes the emotional experience.
True or False: Izard(1977) has isolated 10 emotions. Most of them are present in infancy, excluding contempt, shame and guilt.
Word salad and Clang are seen in which disorder?
Venting anger through action or fantasy achieves emotional release. This is the _______hypothesis. Is the hypothesis correct?
Catharsis; no
__________ believed that the mind is like an iceberg. Mostly hidden and below the surface lies the unconscious mind
The _______ functions as the "executive" and mediates the demands of the other two.
Which is not a personality disorder?
antisocial, sociopathic, borderline, schizotypal
___________inventories are questionnaires(often with true-false or agree-disagree items) designed to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors assessing several traits at once.
Which is not one of the Big 5 personality traits
Neuroticism, openness, likeableness, agreeableness
True or false:When culturally diverse people were shown basic facial expressions, they were able to recognize expressions in their own culture, but had trouble recognizing expressions from other cultures.
__________ locus of control refers to the perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate.
The Thematic Apperception test is a
projection test
Psychiatrists and psychologists label behavior as disordered when it is
deviant, distressful and dysfunctional
A fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that the labels often__________.
bias our perceptions of the labeled person
Persistence of unwanted thoughts and urge to engage in senseless rituals that cause distress is called_______.
obsessive-compulsive disorder
These two statements: role playing by people open to a therapist's suggestion and Learned response that reinforces reduction in anxiety are critics arguments for which disorder?
dissociative identity disorder
The presence of inappropriate behaviors (hallucinations, disorganized, or delusional talking) are _______symptoms of schizophrenia
______disorders are characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning. Usually without anxiety, depression, or delusions
_______lies between blue mood and major depressive disorder
Which personality type is the least likely to develop coronary heart disease.
Type B
True or False: Stress does not create cancer cells. Researchers disagree on whether stress influences the progression of cancer. However, they do agree that avoiding stress and having hopeful attitude cannot reverse advanced cancer.
Believing that you have tiger blood or Adonis DNA are examples of _________.
Delusions of grandure
Freud asked patients to say whatever came to their minds in order to tap the unconscious. He call this technique_________.
free association
Researchers found that patients with schizophrenia express higher levels of ______ receptors in the brain.
Based on behavioral experiments, Helmholtz suggest that retina should contain three receptors sensitive to red, blue, and green colors. This is the ______.
Trichromatic theory
The sense of our body parts' position and movement is called_____.
The _______ sense monitors the head (and body's) position
An example of classical conditioning is _______.
Pavlov's salivating dogs
Which is an example of Operant conditioning? Skinner's pigeons, Pavlov's salivating dogs, and thorndike's law of effect
Skinner's pigeons
Which is the most difficult to extinguish because of unpredictability?
Variable- interval schedule
Removing a dirty diaper from a crying baby is an example of?
positive reinforcement
When your recall is better for first and last items, but poor for middle items on a list, this is called
Serial Position Effect
ROY G. BIV=Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet is an example of a _______.
_______ has limited capacity (7+_2). Ex:Sir George Hamilton observed that he could remember up to 7 beans thrown on the floor accurately. If there were more beans he resorted to guessing.
working memory
To answer this multiple choice question you will use the technique of
If you study in your apartment, you will better remember the material in your apartment rather in a classroom. This is an example of a ______.
context effect
The process of getting information into memory is called______.
If a fly lands on you, but you do not notice it, the pressure of the fly is not meeting your_______.
absolute threshold
Placing sun glasses on your head and later needing to reach up to check if they are still on your head is an example of _________.
sensory adaptation
A chess-playing computer program that routinely calculates all possible outcomes of all possible game moves best illustrates problem solving by means of_______.
an algorithm
After losing his hippocampus in surgery, patient Henry M. remembered everything before the operation but cannot make new memories. We call this_____.
retrograde amnesia
A tendency to search for information that confirms a personal bias.
confirmation bias
Over time intelligence scores continue to rise. This is called the________.
Flynn effect
______ is the tendency to cling to our beliefs in the face of contrary evidence.
belief perseverance
True or False: Children never exposed to any language( spoken or signed) by about age 7 gradually lose their ability to master any language.
Howard Gardner is most likely to agree that the concept of intelligence includes ____.
partially analyzing visual input
If a test is standardized, this means that________.
a person's test performance can be compared with that of a representative pretested group.
We form some concepts with definitions. For example, a triangle has three sides. Mostly, we form concepts with mental images or typical examples. Cognitive psychologists call this a
______are simple, thinking strategies that allow us to make judgements and solve problems efficiently.
Someone who requires constant aid and supervision is likely going to have an IQ score that indicates______retardation
David Wechsler created tests such as the WIAS. What was he attempting to measure?
overall intelligence
This phenomenon appears in some instances in intelligence testing among African-Americans and among women of all colors.
Stereotype threat
Experiencing an apple as being red is to_____ as recognizing an apple as being a fruit is to ______.
The absolute threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation that a person needs to detect a stimulus
50 percent of the time
Experiencing a green afterimage of red object is most easily explained by _______
the opponent-process theory
With her eyes closed, Sierra can accurately touch her mouth, nose, and chin with her index finger. Sierra's accuracy illustrates the importance of______.
On the day she is to be interviewed for an important new position, Rachel awakens with a severe toothache. During the interview she feels no pain; not until 30 minutes later does she become aware again of the troublesome toothache. Rachel's experience is best explained by
the gatecontrol theory
In pavlov's experiments, the dog's salivation triggered by the sound of the tone was a _____
unconditioned response
Spontaneous recovery refers to the_____.
reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.
Toddlers taught to fear speeding cars may also begin to fear speeding trucks and motorcycles. This best illustrates ________.
In which form of learning is behavior said to be influenced by its consequences?
operant conditioning
A skinner box is a
chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reward.
Mason, a stockbroker, runs two miles every day after work because it reduces his level of stress. Mason's running habit is maintained by a ______reinforcer.
An executive in a computer software firm works with his office door closed. At the same time every hour he opens the door to see what his employees are doing. The employees have learned to work especially hard during the five minute before and while the door is open. Their work pattern is typical of responses that are reinforced on a _____schedule.
A prototype is a
best example of a particular category
marlene forgot to bring a pillow on the camping trip, so she spent a very uncomfortable and restless night. Unfortunately, she never thought of using her down-filled jacket as a pillow. Marlene's oversight best illustrates ____
functional fixedness
A test that measures or predicts what it is supposed to is said to have a high degree of
Explicit memories, or information that you would learn in school is processed by the ______
an impaired use of language is known as______
A Psychologist most likely has a _____, while a psychiatrist has a __________.
The flight-or-flight response is discussed in relation to the....
sympathetic nervous system
Parents conceive children after adoption is an example of_______.
Illusory Correlation
The "I knew it all along" phenomenon is referred to as_______.
hindsight bias
Dendrites are branching extensions of _________.
Simons and Chabris (1999) showed that half of the observers failed to see the gorilla-suited assistant in a ball passing game. This phenomenon is called?
inattentional blindness
When does REM stand for?
Rapid Eye Movement
Sudden arousal from stage 4 sleep with intense fear is called?
night terrors
Failure to breathe when asleep is called?
sleep apnea
True or False: Hypnosis can enhance recall of forgotten events?
True or False: Identical twins can sometimes be opposite sex.
Physical pain and intense craving indicate________.
Physical dependence
Although Max never experiences caffeine withdrawal symptoms, he feels that he needs coffee every morning as part of his daily routine. Max best illustrates
Psychological dependence
____ studies behavior and mind using principles of natural selection.
evolutionary psychology
True or False: You find more differences within groups than between groups.
Which of the following influences how an individual behaves.
peers, parents, culture
all of the above
The undersupply of this neurotransmitter is linked to depression?
Sensorimotor pre operational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages are part of _____'s stages of cognitive development.
Jean Piaget
True or False: A 1 year old child understands object permanence.
Trust vs. mistrust, identity vs. role confusion, etc are _____'s stages of psychosocial development
Erik Erikson
During the pre operational stage of development if a child is given the conservation of mass task he will say that....
The taller cup has more water
Piaget concluded that preschool children are_______. They cannot perceive things from another's point of view.
Harlow's Monkey study showed that infants bond with surrogate mothers mostly because of_______.
bodily contact
Which is thought to be the best type of parenting?
In the "Strange Situation" experiment, children who explored their environment in the presence of their mothers and showed brief distress when their mother left the room were described as having a ______attachment style.
Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of _____.
natural selection
Circadian rhythm refers to _________.
a pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24 hour cycle.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to
diminish immunity to disease
Hypnosis involves a state of _________.
heightened openness to suggestion.
The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug in order to experience its effects in an indication of _________.
At about 8 months, children become increasingly likely to react to newcomers with tears and distress. This best illustrates____________.
stranger anxiety
According to Erikson, achieving a sense of identity is the special task of the ________.
Most 20-year-olds outperform most 70 year olds on video games due to age-related differences in ___________.
information-processing speed
Our tendency to believe we know more than we do illustrates________.
Suppose that people who watch a lot of violence on TV are also particularly likely to behave aggressively. The relationship would not necessarily indicate that watching violence influences aggressive behavior because_______.
correlation does not prove causation