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40 Cards in this Set

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The role of repressed childhood conflicts in personality disorders is most clearly emphasized by the ________ perspective.






Jaydon doesn't realize that his alcohol abuse and neglect of his family are leading to the destruction of both his family and career. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Jaydon shows signs of a

strong ego. weak id. strong superego. weak ego.

weak ego.

Freud suggested that adults with a passive personality marked by a childlike dependency demonstrate signs of

an oral fixation. an inferiority complex. reaction formation. an Oedipus complex.

an oral fixation.

Freud indicated that defense mechanisms

increase anxiety by consciously distorting reality. reduce anxiety by consciously distorting reality. increase anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality. reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.

Bryce often acts so daring and overconfident that few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Bryce best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as

regression. projection. displacement. reaction formation.

reaction formation.

Carl Jung emphasized the importance of ________ in personality functioning.

inferiority feelings

psychosexual stages

the collective unconscious

defense mechanisms

the collective unconscious

Hermann Rorschach introduced what has become the most widely used ________ test.

epigenetic. self-esteem. regression. projective.


Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by others' opinions illustrate

extraversion. unconditional positive regard. self-actualization. conscientiousness.


Humanistic psychology has been most closely associated with an emphasis on the importance of

erogenous zones. unconscious motives. a positive self-concept. defense mechanisms.

a positive self-concept

Critics have most frequently objected to the emphasis on individualism offered by the

trait perspective. humanistic perspective. psychodynamic perspective. social-cognitive perspective.

psychodynamic perspective.

Which technique would psychologists use to assess whether a cluster of characteristics that includes ambition, determination, persistence, and self-reliance reflects a single personality trait?

priming. factor analysis. empirically derived testing. interviews.

factor analysis.

A personality inventory that utilizes only those items that have been shown to differentiate particular groups of people is a(n) _________ test.

factor analytic. self-esteem. reciprocal determinism. empirically derived.

empirically derived.

One of the Big Five personality factors is

emotional stability. self-image. agreeableness. self-esteem.


Joanna is very serious about her work as a teacher. She rarely misses work, attends every meeting prepared to make a contribution, and is never behind in grading her students' work. Which Big Five trait is Joanna illustrating?

neuroticism. extraversion. conscientiousness. agreeableness.


Which perspective most clearly emphasizes that the development of personality is partially learned through conditioning and imitating the behavior of others?

the psychoanalytic perspective. the trait perspective. the humanistic perspective. the social-cognitive perspective

the social-cognitive perspective

Sarah's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This best illustrates

self-serving bias. reciprocal determinism. the maturity principle. the spotlight effect.

reciprocal determinism.

When Vanessa noticed that she was wearing mismatched socks, she overestimated the extent to which others would also notice. Her reaction best illustrates the

spotlight effect. defensive self-esteem. reciprocal determinism. self-efficacy.

spotlight effect

Most college students perceive themselves as above average compared to their classmates. This best illustrates

defensive self-esteem. the spotlight effect. self-serving bias. narcissism.

self-serving bias

People who are more likely to avoid romantic commitments

have a sense of self-efficacy. are narcissistic. are empathic. experience the spotlight effect.

are narcissistic

Displays of humility are most characteristic of those who value

individualism. extraversion. collectivism. narcissism.


Although Alex has frequently been caught stealing money and other valuables from friends as well as strangers, he does not feel guilty or remorseful about robbing these people. According to Freud, Alex most clearly demonstrates

an inferiority complex. free association. a weak superego. the reality principle.

a weak superego.

Freud thought that the part of a dream we remember is a censored version of

the Oedipus complex. the reality principle. unconscious wishes. the pleasure principle.

unconscious wishes.

Bonnie is afraid to express anger at her overbearing and irritating supervisor at work, so she is critical of her children instead. A psychoanalyst would suggest that Bonnie's reaction to her children illustrates

identification. reaction formation. displacement. projection.


According to Freud, the conscious memory of dream content is the

manifest content. latent content. unconscious content. Oedipal content.

manifest content.

Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, and Carl Jung were

trait theorists. neo-Freudians. social-cognitive theorists. behaviorists.


The Rorschach inkblot test has ________ reliability and ________ validity.

high; high. high; low. low; high. low; low.

low; low

Children who have witnessed a parent's murder report memories that most clearly challenge Freud's concept of

erogenous zones. an inferiority complex. free association. repression.


According to Maslow, the desire for identity, meaning, and purpose beyond the self refers to the motive for

self-actualization. acceptance. self-transcendence. unconditional positive regard.


Who emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard in healthy personality development?

Sigmund Freud. Carl Jung. Carl Rogers. Karen Horney.

Carl Rogers

The MMPI was originally developed to identify

defensive self-esteem. the Big Five. self-esteem. emotional disorders.

emotional disorders.

Around the world, people describe others' personality traits in terms that are consistent with a set of factors called

humanistic psychology. the MMPI. emotional stability. the Big Five.

the Big Five.

The stability of personality during adulthood best illustrates the value of

the person-situation controversy. a positive self-concept. factor analysis. trait theories.

trait theories.

We can better predict drivers' behavior at traffic lights from knowing the color of the lights than from knowing the drivers' personalities. This best illustrates the importance of

individualism. trait heritability. self-efficacy. situational influences

situational influences.

The social-cognitive perspective highlights the interaction of personal traits with our environment, a process that Albert Bandura called

narcissism. self-image. reciprocal determinism. the spotlight effect.

reciprocal determinism.

Jackson can see himself becoming just like his father—overweight, unhealthy, and depressed. To prevent that from happening, Jackson carefully monitors his food intake and engages in a regular program of exercise with a group of supportive friends. Jackson's healthy lifestyle best illustrates the motivational impact of

reciprocal determinism. possible selves. the spotlight effect. defensive self-esteem.

possible selves.

People with high self-esteem are LESS likely than those with low self-esteem to

be persistent at difficult tasks. overestimate the accuracy of their beliefs. manifest self-serving bias. give in to conformity pressures.

give in to conformity pressures.

Efforts to boost someone's self-esteem with random expressions of praise in the absence of good performance is most likely to promote

the spotlight effect. the possible selves. self-efficacy. helplessness.


Bethany has sense of competence and effectiveness in her profession. She does not back down from any professional challenge because she believes she can meet any challenge. According to the social-cognitive perspective, Bethany's belief in herself illustrates

self-efficacy. defensive self-esteem. self-serving bias. collectivism.


Card players who attribute their wins to their own skill and their losses to bad luck best illustrate

defensive self-esteem. reciprocal determinism. the spotlight effect. self-serving bias.

self-serving bias.

Defining one's identity in terms of one's extended family or work group is most closely associated with

culture shock. brain plasticity. extraversion. collectivism.
