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24 Cards in this Set

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The distinction between mores and folkways is not always clear.


Tamra is a food service worker in Michigan who has been bed-bound with the flu for several days. Which of the following behaviors would not be acceptable as she assumes the sick role?

She tells her friend that she is grateful for a day off at home.

In Navajo culture, what is a nadle?

A masculine and feminine gender status

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the school day and observing the Fourth of July are displays of:

Cultural loyalty

The library building on the Norwich University campus is an example of:

Material culture

Which of the following examples illustrates the heteronormative culture of American society?

The flood of advertising depicting men and women romantically linked

The invention and development of cellular technology was the result of our demand for constant access.


In Afghanistan, the thumbs-up gesture is often used to signal approval.


When a pattern of behavior becomes widely accepted within a social institution and becomes taken for granted in society, it is referred to as a(n) _____ norm.


A sexual dichotomy is a fundamental element of American culture.


Which of the following statements is a definition of mores?

Highly codified and formal norms that result in severe punishment when violated

The distinction between mores and folkways is not always clear.


What are culture smart cards?

Cards carried by U.S. military personnel that instructs them on appropriate behavior in foreign countries.

What was Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo's ethnocentric assumption in their study of poor families in 13 different countries?

Poor families should spend their money on food, clothing and other basic necessities

Culture cannot exist without people.


Americans often refer to the United States as the "greatest country on earth," while Germans tout the superiority of "German engineering." Both are examples of:


Which culture listed below only recognizes two distinct sexes?


In which situation would an American sociologist find it most difficult to maintain cultural relativism?

Studying genital mutilation of young girls in Africa and the Middle East

In Afghanistan, the thumbs-up gesture is often used to signal approval.


According to the text, why was opium use outlawed in the United States in the early 20th century?

Because its use was associated with Chinese immigrants

Which statement is most accurate about culture?

Culture is most effective when it is unnoticed

The tendency to evaluate other cultures using the standards of one's own is referred to as:


At which point in the lifespan is female genital mutilation/cutting usually performed?

Between infancy and age 15

Which term most accurately describes the American approach to medicine?
