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30 Cards in this Set

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In cases of divorce, the relationship that children have with their noncustodial parent tends to _____ over time.


Which of the following statements reflects current perceptions of divorce in the U.S.?

It is part of American family life

All of these are benefits which can be legally denied to people because of their family status except:

eligibility for certain jobs

A romantic relationship between two people who live on the same floor of a college dorm is referred to as:


Which statement is most accurately reflects U.S. trends with respect to divorce?

In the century before World War II, the divorce rate had been steadily increasing

The practice of being married to only one person at a time is known as:


According to the text, wife-beating occurs in ___% of societies.


The U.S. has one of the most generous family leave policies of all industrialized countries.


The family is a social institution found in every society.


Which of the following is a concern with social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter?

There is more opportunity for deceit in


According to the textbook, what is the definition of exogamy?

Marriage outside one's social group

A single father living with his two children is an example of a nuclear family.


Which of the following statements regarding interracial and interethnic marriages in the U.S. is the most accurate?

The number of interracial and interethnic marriages has increased since 1980

Whether social media sites enhance and strengthen our interpersonal relationships weaken and degrade our relationships is a matter that is being debated amongst both laypeople and scholars.


Although U.S. divorce rates were lower in the past, married people still split up. Which of the following was a "functional equivalent" of divorce for U.S. couples?

Desertion and abandonment

Domestic violence is found in families of every race, class, and religious group.


Women are either the primary breadwinner or co-breadwinners in _____ of families with children in the U.S.


According to the text, wife-beating occurs in ___% of societies.


Interracial marriage is illegal in the state of Texas.


William J. Goode contended that:

the idealized traditional family never existed

When couples are disappointed with how much money they have, they are likely to:

find other aspects of their relationship


It is common in many Arab societies for a woman to move in with and become a part of her husbands' household. This is an example of which kind of living arrangement?


Today, children in the U.S. are more likely to live in a single-parent home than 19th century U.S. children.


Which of the following traits is most desirable in China?


Sociologists have found that over the past several decades, Americans have:

decreased their memberships in community


By what standard do many of us judge the quality of our lives?

Our relationships with other

Which of the following statements reflects current perceptions of divorce in the U.S.?

It is part of American family life

Unlike many other societies, newly formed families in the U.S. tend to be:


Which region in the United States has the highest divorce rates?

The South

Which statement is most accurately reflects U.S. trends with respect to divorce?

In the century before World War II, the divorce rate had been steadily increasing