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50 Cards in this Set

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Define and list 7 characteristics of culture

1. Humans create culture
2. Culture consists of ways of doing things
3. Culture is public
4. Culture arises from tradition
5. Culture is made up of rule-governed actions
6. Culture becomes established in institutions
7. Culture gives us our identity

What is Culture
Culture is the set of meanings, beliefs, values and rules for living shared by groups and socities as the source of their identity.
What are the symbols, rituals, and name of rite for birth?
- Touch
- signing of cross
- rite of welcome
What are the symbols, rituals, and name of rite for marriage?
- Ring/ embrace
- Exchange of promises / sexual expression
- Marriage rite
What are the symbols, rituals, and name of rite for death?
- Burial
- Invocation of baptism and death of jesus
- Funeral rite
4 characteristics of ritual
1) Passes on a tradition
2) Needs our bodies
3) Accompanied by words
4) Forms a community
What are some of the dangers and consequences of the privatization of religion?
- Institutions are part of a helthy society and can weaken or die
- Shifting of the search for religious norms and values away from the church to a more individual and private
- Taking Christ out of culture
- More and more a personal decision to participate
T/F Does culture have the potential to harm us?
T/F Humans create culture?
T/F Without culture there would be chaos in society?
T/F Not killing or stealing is a common value amongst cultures?
T/F Rituals have a bodily component
T/F Cultural life evovled from Africa
T/F Western Culture is becoming more secularized
T/F The liturgy is the official act of worship of the church
T/F Females tend to believe in God more than males do
T/F Culture is necessary to form our identity
TRUE - Individuals are formed from a culture
T/F Symbols are very different from signs
T/F Symbols on their own do very little and you have to bring meaning to the symbol
T/F Ritual has to do with words being expressed and gestures
T/F In the animal world ritual is a used for social needs and biological needs
T/F Advertising bombards us and there is a strategy to persuade someone to buy stuff
T/F Secularization is the emptying out of the credibility of religious values in the public sector
T/F Religion is becoming more privatized
T/F Culture has a private component to it and its not just public
T/F Ritual passes on tradition
T/F Humans are linked to the sacred
T/F Every society is religious
What sacrements use oil?
- Ordination
- Last rites/ annointing of the sick
- Confirmation
T/F Symbols on their own do very little
Father Coady
Established a co-op involvement in Nova Scotia helping to provide jobs
What is part of our culture
- How we greet each other
- Elect governments
- Celebrate christmas
Symbol means
Thrown together
Who are sumbols meaningful to
Large group of people, one person, and family
During which rite is water the most important symbol
Oil is used for which 3 different sacraments
- Ordination
- Confirmation
- Sacrement of the sick
Rituals are
Gestures and words
When God is beyond our physical experience
Culture consists...
In ways of doing things, which means its about HOW we do things
U.S. is a cultural melting pot Canada is..
A cultural mosiac
What is an institution
A way of doing something in a society that is a formalized system
What objects/ gestures express specific meaning
Signs -> Objects/ gestures that have one specific meaning
They believed in nature that circles are a sacred symbol
A breach of our relationship with God and creation
Result of being connected to God as branches to a vine
Letters written by the Pope for the entire people of God
The study of social development, practices, and beliefs of being human
What ritual involves the exchange of promise rings
Name for the world that isn't religious or sacred
Secular world
What do we call the to and fro / back and forth of love