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77 Cards in this Set

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What is the point of the comparison Emerson makes between the kernel of corn and human effect
You must work hard to grow corn just as you must work hard to achieve your potential
According to Emerson how do you achieve a hard worked goal
Emerson states that the most sacred part of a person is
the integrity of their individual mind
what does Emerson call "the hobglobin of little minds
According to Emerson, what makes someone a fully realized person
following their own conscience
Emerson says was are "asha,ed of that divine idea which each of us represents" Which of the following items best describes what he means by "that divine idea'?
Each person's unique character, as conceived by God
The tone of Emerson's essay is best described as
which of the following statements best states one of Emerson's philosophies
be true to yourself
figures of speech are
not intended to be taken literally
Emerson uses the following metaphor"... no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till." Which of the following best describes what that "plot of ground" represents?
The circumstances an individual is born into
"Trust thyself: EVery heart vibrates to that iron sting."
Trust yourself, and you will be strong
"Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again..."
say what's on your mind in the strongest way you can
synonym of conviction
antonym for imparted
synonym for manifest
antonym for transcendent
synonym for integrity
In the woods, Emerson finds
love and the joy of youth
Emerson describes himself as a "transparent eyeball" because he
feels complete communion with nature
according to Emerson, nature wears the colors of
man's spirit
Which of the following statement best describes Emerson's attitude toward society
the values nature highly and has some contempt for society
Emerson's purpose in this essay is to
describe a profound way of seeing nature
imagery can be described as
word pictures
Which of the following quotations from the selection does not contain an example of imagery
"The stars awaken a certain reverence, because though always present, they are always inaccessible..."
Emerson says, "For, nature is not always tricked in holiday attire, but the same scence which yesterday breathed perfume and glittered as for the frolic of the nymphs, is overspread with melancholy today." To what senses does this imagery appeal
sight and smell
Which item contains the best paraphrase of the following statement
adults can see nature, but they don't truly appreciate it the way children do
Consolidate: concentrate:: Unify:
Cheerful : Lively :: Elated :
praising : Exhorting :: Commending :
interrupts : constant :: discontinues :
manifest : Covert :: Apparent :
How long did Thoreau live in the woods at Walden Pond
about two years
In the section called "Economy" which of the following activities best illustrates Thoreau's doctrine of simplicity
building his own house
in the section called "Where I lived, and What I lived for,"" Thoreau says he wants to live at Walden because he
wants to live life more fully
In the section called "Where I lived, and what I lived for,: Thoreau gives his opinion of progress when he
believes that progress is superficial and imaginary
in the section called "Where I lived for," what is Thoreau's attitude toward individuality and conformity
people must follow their inner voice in order not to be tyrannized by conformity
In the section called solitude,: Thoreau
explains that he does not feel lonely
In the section called "The Bean Field,: Thoreau shows his feelings about working in the fields. He
enjoys the work and comes to love his beans
In the section called "Brute Neighbors," What do the ants symbolize
human warfare
In the section called "conclusion," Thoreau says that he is leaving Walden because he
wishes to move on the other experiences
with which of the following statements would Thoreau most likely agree
most people forfeit their lives by doing what society tells them to do
When Thoreau uses the metaphor, "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life," he means that he
wants to get the most from life that he possibly can
which of the following statements is a metaphor
"time is but the stream I go a-fishing in"
Which statement is the best paraphrase of the following metaphor:"We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us'?
people are controlled by what they create rather than controlling their creations
Which of the following generalizations best summarizes Thoreau's opinions about life
a simple life is a happy life
The hunt was so well constructed that is was what to rain and stayed dry even in fierce rainstorms
As much as possible , Thoreau disdains the what, or worldly, aspects of civilization and concentrates on simplicity
Thoreau took only what he needed with him to the woods, leaving what, needless items behind
unecessary objects would just be a(n) what, a burden to him
Thoreau's point about living simply is especially what today, when we question how to conduct a meaningful life
What view of governement does Thoreau express i nthe opening paragraph
Government should govern as little as possible
What is Thoreau's opinion of the Mexican war that was being fought when he wrote this essay
a few people caused the war by using the government as their tool
in the second paragraph, to what does Thoreau compare the government
a wooden gun
In Thoreau's view, the practial reason the majority rules in democracy is that the
majority has more physical power on its side
what does Thoreau ask for instead of no government
a better government at once
Thoreau thinks that if people want a better government, they should
speak out about the kind of government they want
Thoreau's main hope for the decomocracy of his time was that it would
be one step along the route to a more perfect state
Thoreau suggests that slavery could be abolished in America by
one man refusing to support slavery and going to jail for it
After Thoreau is jailed, he
loses all respect for the government and pities it
Thoreau's primary purpose in this essay is to persuade people to
follow their individual conscience
What is a paradox
A statement that apprears self-contradictory but reveals a truth
Which of the following statements describes a paradoxical situation in the selection
"I felt as if I alone of all my townsmen had paid my tax
What does Thoreau mean by the following paradox: "That government is best which governs not at all"?
Effective governments allow people to rule themselves
Thoreau uses paradoxes because he believes that
truth can be revealed by examining contradictions
convenience; means to an end
misdirected; corrupted
generations to come
inborn; built-in
According to Gandhi, what are the two ways of countering injustice
violence and nonviolence
What does Gandhi mean "to do it..."?
You cannot have a government
Gandhi's government exists only
through the approve
According to King, an unjust law is a law that
does not agree with moral law
King develops his arguments primarily through
comparison and contrast
What paradox does King use to conclude his essay
Respectfully breaking an unjust law expresses the highest regard for law
On hearing King's argument, Gandhi most likely would
agree because King advocates the right of people to resist
Gandhi's arguments differ from King's arguments n that Gandhi
does not give examples of unjust laws; King does