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100 Cards in this Set

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Which area within the discipline of anthropology is most similar to sociology?

Cultural Anthropology

Which of the following lists the individuals known as the "founding fathers of the sociological discipline?

Durkheim, Marx, and Weber

Two words that might describe the difference between conflict theory and functionalism are

Competition vs consensus

A sociologist finds a strong relationship between education and income. If he only assumes that the amount of education people receive directly causes them to earn a certain income, and not that a family's income can determine educational attainment, he is forgetting to consider:

reverse causality

As defined by C. Write Mills, which of the following "enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society?"

Sociological Imagination

A potential shortcoming of survey research is that surveys

rely on peoples honesty and willingness to cooperate

a variable that is though to be influenced by another variable is known as the

dependent variable

If sandra wants to generalize the findings of her study to another (possible larger) populations it is important that the pope in her study be

representative of the group(s) she wants to generalize to

according to comte, positivism arose out of the need to make ______ sense of the social order in a time of declining religious authority


economists tend to see humans as______, but sociologists would tend to include ______.

rational actors; emotional motivations

A correlation is a..

simultaneous change in two variables

if kate begins her research with a theory, then forms hypotheses and makes some observations, what method is she using?


Because they are an accessible population, sociologists sometimes use undergraduate students in their research. In relation to the concept of generalizability in science, this tendency could represent a potential defect in research because:

college undergraduates are not typical of the public at large

positivism is best defined as the

idea that we can scientifically and logically study social institutions and the individuals within them

sociology is the study of

group level dynamics and social structures

to truly understand why people act the way they do, we must understand the meanings they attach to their behaviors. Max Weber called this


which of the following factors is needed to establish causality

time order

what do symbolic interactionists study

shared meaning

when a researcher is successful at measuring what he or she intends to measure, this is called


research subjects have a right to know that stye are participating in a study and what the study consists of: this is known as

informed consent

According to ____, the language we speak directly influences and reflects the way we think about and see the world

the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

an example of material culture is


antonio gramsci coined the term hegemony to mean that a dominant group wins "consent" of the masses through moral and intellectual leadership" his thoughts are closely related to:

Karl Marx

If a person judges another group by his or her own standards, he or she is being


if you are a member of a subculture, like a goth subculture, you can be sure that the meaning of certain words and the behavior of the members

can be different within the group

most broadcasting companies are privately owned in the US and are supported financially by advertising. this means they are likely to reflect the biases of their owners and backers. knowing that the press is not free suggests that there is A

political economy of the media

part of what we learn in elementary school is to obey authority, follow the rules, and learn the importance of being on time. because these values are important to the functioning of the capitalist system, gramsci would call this


reflection theory is limited because it

fails to take into account why some cultural products have staying power and others fall by the wayside

the experience of internalizing a culture's norms, values and the like, is known as


when your friend returns from a study abroad, he reports back to you on the very different foods that people in his host country ate. he explains that to them its normal, that people in different cultures do things differently, and that he learned not to make value judgements. this is known as

cultural relativism

a drastic type of adult socialization that may occur when adults change environments is known as


according to dramaturgical theory, the primary goal of every social interaction is to

make a good impression

according to george herbert mead's stages of development, children learn to recognize an other through


according to impression management, the backstage arena would include

where we are our private selves and where the real story takes place

cooley's theory of socialization states that the self develops from our interactions with others and their reactions to us. this theory is known as

looking glass self theory

everything in our constructed environment, including technology, buildings, furniture, clothing and books is part of our

material culture

harold garfinkel developed an approach to studying human interaction that focused on how people produce (and maintain) a mutually shared social order. this method was called


in terms of how we feel about ourselves, which of the following statements would charles horton cooley argue is not true?

we are affected more by how people react to our behavior that by how we interpret their reactions

military boot camps and prisons are places that control all of the basics of peoples day to day lives and are known as

total institutions

using mead's concept of the generalized other, which of the following explanations would you used to explain why a man streaked (ran around nude) at harvards graduation ceremony

he has a keen awareness of the generalized other and simply enjoys soliciting people's reactions

a family consisting of a mother, father and their biological children is known as a ____ family.


According to the texts discussion, cohabitation

increases the rate of divorce because people who cohabitant are difficult to live with

aries wrote that children of preindustrial families were

thought of as small adults who didn't warrant any special treatment or nurturing

coles parents divorced when he as six, but now both of them are remarried. he has two stepsisters on his mothers side and a new stepbrother on his fathers side. these families are examples of which of the following types of family?

blended family

if jerome is opposed to the idea of having a relationship with someone who lives in his dorm, which he jokingly refers to as "dorm cest" he is practicing the rule known as


in families where both spoused work for wages, the second shift can best be described as

the domestic task that all disproportionately on women in addition to their paid work

in his book, the marriage go round, the state of marriage and the family in america today, sociologist andre cherlin proposes that americas love hate relationship with marriage stems from the

fact that americans are individualistic and evaluate their marriages in personal terms

john and monique are married. both of their parents live with them, as does johns sister and brother in law and some nieces and nephews. this is know as a ____ network.


recent trends in marriages between people from different races or ethnic groups indicate a

growing acceptance of exogamy

structural changes brought on by industrialization in the US meant that families changed from grapevine forms to..


according to talcott parsons, the nuclear family is the ideal arrangement in modern society because it fulfills the function of reproducing workers and the division of labor ensures a stable society, what did parsons call this

sex role theory

carol gilligan found that boys and girls played differently on the play groups. in comparison to boys, girls tended to

play more cooperative and people based games

faminist psychoanalyst nancy chodorow believes that if men share mothering with women, then

egalitarian relationships will be possible

if we apply our sociological imaginations to sex, gender and sexuality, we might argue that

although biological differences exist between men and women, what we make of those differences is socially constructed and has changed thorough time and place

inappropriate jokes on the job and sexual bartering are both examples of

sexual harrasment

Patricia Hill Collins claims that gender intersects with race, class, nationality, and religion. Which group has made the case that early liberal feminism was largely by, about, and for white middle-class women?

black feminists

when token men enter feminized jobs, they enjoy a quicker rise to leadership positions. this is referred to as the

glass escalator

which statement is not true about girls as compared to boys

infant females are at greater risk of death

which theoretical perspectives argues that gender is a product of social interactions and that by "doing gender" men and women create and contribute to the gendered patterns we see

symbolic interaction

which theoretical perspective assmed that every society had certain structures that existed to fulfill some set of necessary functions

structural functionalism

about 35% of muslims worldwide are born in


according to peggy mcintosh, which of the following statements about being white is most accurate

if you are white, you don't have to thing much about your racial identity

although race has no deterministic, biological basis, it still

has important social influence

during the 1950s, the US began to focus more on cultural theories of race and ethnicity, this rejecting


japanese internment camps resulted in

greater wealth for white americans

miscegenation refers to

interracial marriages

prejudice is to discrimination as thinking is to


social darwinism was the evolutionary notion of

survival of the fittest

the one drop rule asserts that just one drop of black blood makes

a person black

which term refers to the more overt form of resistance through a movement such as revolutuon or genocide or through nonviolent protests

collective resistance

according to hobbs, to achieve peace for ourselves and to avoid death, humans enter into a _____ and submit to an overarching sovereign authority charged wit ensuring peace for everyone

social contract

according to the state centered approach, a politition from west virginia who pushes a bill to improve health benefits for miners would do so to improve his or her own


domination by authority means that the ruled believe their ideas are_____ the ideas of the ruler

the same as

During a presidential election, we ultimately end up with two choices. If we were to be presented with more choices, we would not end up with the top choice of most voters. This is known as Kenneth Arrow's:

impossibility theorem

During the Cold War, the United States tended to use hard power with regard to international relations. Joseph Nye, former assistant secretary of defense, concludes that use of hard power in international politics today is:

no longer needed, especially because countries are economically dependent on eachother

in 1961, stanely milgram divised an experiment to measure

how far ordinary people would go in obeying an authority figure

In a legal-rational society, personality and tradition are less important than:

formal rules

Organizations ruled by traditional authority run into problems when a situation occurs:

for which the first leader did not se a precedent

Social rights to public assistance, such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), are contingent on proof of insufficient financial resources. This is referred to as:

rights to means-tested programs

The paradox of authority means that as soon as a state uses force to enforce its rules, legitimate authority is lost because:

people aren't listening

A prominent hypothesis about the effect of family size on children's educational outcomes is the ____________ model.

resource dilution

When classrooms are divided into ability levels, type of preparation, or according to future plans, it is called:


According to functionalist theories of education, which of the following would NOT be a function of the American education system?

indoctrination into anarchist ideology

Boys are more likely to engage in risky behaviors and experience problems at school; boys are also more likely to ____________ than girls.

take math and science AP classes and score higher

If affirmative action programs were eliminated, which group would most likely see an increase in chances of admission to elite colleges and universities?

asian students

Jackson's parents pay for him to take private violin lessons and send him to language lessons after school. In the summer, he attends science camp. His parents try to take him on one vacation to a foreign country every year. Jackson's parents hope that these activities will build his skills and better position him to get into a competitive university. Jackson's parents are investing in his:

human capital

One of the major reasons Native Americans were placed in boarding schools for 60 years was:

to socialize them to become civilized americans

One of the problems with credentialism is that more and more students (with their parents' help) are attempting to attend private schools or to be placed in the best tracks in their public school. This may be one of the reasons that:

parents are attempting to have their children accepted at the right day care, sometimes before they are born

Though she graduated from high school, Jenny does not possess the skills necessary to balance her checkbook or make change for a customer without the aid of a cash register. Jenny is:


What was the name of the landmark court ruling that mandated desegregation of American schools?

Brown v board of education

According to Marx, one of the ways a factory owner (the owner of the means of production) would control his or her workers (the propertyless) would be through religion. This was done by:

teaching the workers that they would reap their rewards in the afterlife

According to Max Weber, in order to understand what drives social action, we must try to understand what meanings social realities have for others. This is called:


Calvinists believed that their souls were selected for salvation before birth. This is known as:


Durkheim felt that one of the major functions of religion was that it perpetuates:


Ethicalism is the ____________; examples of it are ____________.

adherence to ethical principles in order to life a moral life; taoism and buddhism

in which two early social movements ere religious groups involved

abolition and temperance

Sacred things can include books, buildings, days, and places. From a sociological standpoint, the sacredness comes from:

the symbolic meaning created from the collective investment of community

The trend in industrial nations toward a separation between church and state, a belief in rationality and science, and the movement away from religiosity and spiritual belief is known as:


Which of the following is a paradox about religion discussed in your text?

Religions that are more demanding of their followers grow faster than less strict religions, but as a religion grows larger, it tends to become less strict

Which of the following reflects the growing trend of "buy and return" activity, or "religious shopping," in reference to faith?

a tendency among teens to participate in multiple congregations in order to explore the market